This is a SwiftUI project.The main goal of the project is to create a simple Hero List application with MVVM deisgn pattern using an open source API [] to create a list of heroes with a seperate view with their images and some biography info and a navigation page for their powerstats
- DeepLinks on powerstats and biograpghy page
- SwiftUI framework
- MVVM Design Patern
- DI (Dependency Injection - Protocols) for Mocking Services (UnitTestable)
- Unit Tests (Logic + UI (snaphsot testing)
- SPM (3d party libraries with Swift Package Manager)
- VStack,HStack,ZStack interface (with ViewScroller)
- Grid View
- NavigationStack , NavigationLink
- Updated Navigation Stack with value driven navigation (iOS 16+)
- Get data from opensource API (Get Mapping)
- JSON Decoder
- Concurrency (async- await)
- Deep Links
- [@nikosgalinos]