This is a small project to practice creating visualizations using an Excel file uploaded to IBM Cognos
In the excel file CarSalesByModelEnd:
- Created a Bar chart to show the Quantity Sold by Dealer ID
- Created a line chart to show the Profit by Date and Model
- Created a column chart to show the Profit by Year and Dealer ID
- Created a line chart to show the Profit of Hudson Models by Dealer ID
In the pdf file Dashboard Submission:
Used IBM Cognos, uploaded the excel file as the dataset to wrok with
Created two user-friendly, interactive dashboards: Sales and Services
In the Sales tab:
- captured Profit
- captured Quantity Sold
- captured Quantity Sold by Model
- captured Average Quantity Sold
- captured Profit by Dealer ID
In the Service tab:
- captured the Number of Recalls Per Model of Car
- captured the Customer Sentiment by comparing positive, neutral, and negative reviews (as a tree map)
- captured the Quantity of Cars Sold Per Month compared to the Profit
- captured the Number of Recalls by Model and Affected System (as a heat map)
exported the dashboard as a PDF file (losts its interactive ability by exporting as a PDF)