Day 1: Python Basics - Part 1 ✅️
- Learn about data types: integers, floats, strings, and booleans.
- Understand variables and assignment.
- Work with basic arithmetic and operators.
- Use comparison and logical operators.
Day 2: Python Basics - Part 2 ✅️
- Explore lists, tuples, and sets.
- Learn about dictionaries and how to use them.
- Perform basic operations with these data structures.
Day 3: Python Basics - Part 3 ✅️
- Understand control flow: if, else, elif statements.
- Learn about loops: for and while loops.
- Explore break and continue statements.
- Introduction to functions and their definitions.
Day 4: Intermediate Python - Part 1 ✅️
- Learn about first-class functions and closures.
- Understand global and non-local variables.
- Explore the use of magic methods and tuple unpacking.
- Learn about static variables and methods.
Day 5: Intermediate Python - Part 2✅️
- Dive into lambda functions.
- Explore inheritance and polymorphism. ✔️
- Learn about error and exception handling. ✔️
- Introduction to Python’s garbage collection and debugging. ✔️
Day 6: Advanced Python - Part 1
- Learn about decorators and their uses.
- Understand memoization using decorators.
- Explore generators and yield statements.
Day 7: Advanced Python - Part 2
- Work with collections: OrderedDict, defaultdict, namedtuple.
- Explore coroutines and asynchronous programming.
Day 8: Statistics for Data Science
- Understand descriptive statistics: mean, median, mode.
- Learn about probability and distributions.
- Introduction to hypothesis testing.
Day 9: Mathematics for ML - Part 1 ✅️
- Learn linear algebra basics: vectors, matrices, and operations.
- Understand eigenvalues and eigenvectors.
Day 10: Mathematics for ML - Part 2 ✅️
- Explore calculus: derivatives and integrals.
- Understand the concept of gradient descent.
Day 11: Pandas - Part 1 ✅️
- Learn the basics of Pandas: Series and DataFrame.
- Understand data indexing and selection.
- Perform data manipulation and cleaning.
Day 12: Pandas - Part 2 ✅️
- Explore advanced data operations: merging, joining, and concatenation.
- Learn about groupby operations and pivot tables.
Day 13: Numpy Basics ✅️
- Understand Numpy arrays and their operations.
- Perform mathematical and statistical operations with Numpy.
Day 14: Data Preprocessing - Part 1 ✅️
- Learn about data cleaning and handling missing values.
- Perform feature scaling and normalization.
Day 15: Data Preprocessing - Part 2 ✅️
- Explore data transformation techniques.
- Learn about feature engineering and selection.
Day 16: Introduction to ML
- Understand the basics of machine learning.
- Learn about supervised and unsupervised learning.
Day 17: Linear Regression
- Learn about simple linear regression.
- Understand the mathematics behind linear regression.
- Implement linear regression in Python.
Day 18: Multiple Linear Regression
- Explore multiple linear regression.
- Implement multiple linear regression in Python.
Day 19: Polynomial Regression
- Understand polynomial regression.
- Implement polynomial regression in Python.
Day 20: Support Vector Regression
- Learn about support vector machines for regression.
- Implement support vector regression in Python.
Day 21: Decision Tree Regression
- Understand decision trees and how they work.
- Implement decision tree regression in Python.
Day 22: Random Forest Regression
- Learn about ensemble methods and random forests.
- Implement random forest regression in Python.
Day 23: Logistic Regression
- Understand logistic regression for classification.
- Implement logistic regression in Python.
Day 24: K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN)
- Learn about KNN algorithm.
- Implement KNN for classification and regression.
Day 25: Support Vector Machines (SVM)
- Understand SVM for classification.
- Implement SVM in Python.
Day 26: Naive Bayes
- Learn about Naive Bayes classifiers.
- Implement Naive Bayes in Python.
Day 27: K-Means Clustering
- Understand the k-means clustering algorithm.
- Implement k-means clustering in Python.
Day 28: Hierarchical Clustering
- Learn about hierarchical clustering methods.
- Implement hierarchical clustering in Python.
Day 29: Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
- Understand PCA for dimensionality reduction.
- Implement PCA in Python.
Day 30: Advanced Clustering Techniques
- Explore DBSCAN and other advanced clustering algorithms.
- Implement advanced clustering techniques in Python.
Day 31: Introduction to Neural Networks
- Understand the basics of neural networks.
- Learn about activation functions and layers.
Day 32: Deep Learning with TensorFlow - Part 1
- Introduction to TensorFlow.
- Build and train a basic neural network.
Day 33: Deep Learning with TensorFlow - Part 2
- Learn about convolutional neural networks (CNNs).
- Implement a CNN for image classification.
Day 34: Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN)
- Understand RNNs and their applications.
- Implement an RNN for sequence data.
Day 35: Long Short Term Memory Networks (LSTM)
- Learn about LSTM networks.
- Implement LSTM for time series prediction.
Day 36: Transfer Learning
- Understand transfer learning and its benefits.
- Implement transfer learning for image classification.
Day 37: Introduction to NLP
- Understand the basics of NLP.
- Learn about text preprocessing techniques.
Day 38: Sentiment Analysis
- Implement sentiment analysis using machine learning.
Day 39: Text Classification
- Learn about text classification techniques.
- Implement text classification using machine learning.
Day 40: Named Entity Recognition (NER)
- Understand NER and its applications.
- Implement NER using machine learning.
Day 41: Topic Modeling
- Learn about topic modeling techniques.
- Implement topic modeling using LDA.
Day 42: Advanced NLP with BERT
- Introduction to BERT and transformers.
- Implement text classification using BERT.
Day 43: Model Evaluation Techniques
- Learn about different model evaluation metrics.
- Understand confusion matrix, precision, recall, F1-score.
Day 44: Cross-Validation
- Understand the concept of cross-validation.
- Implement cross-validation techniques.
Day 45: Hyperparameter Tuning
- Learn about hyperparameter tuning methods.
- Implement grid search and random search for hyperparameter tuning.
Day 46: Model Selection
- Understand model selection criteria.
- Learn about bias-variance tradeoff.
Day 47: Introduction to Time Series Analysis
- Understand time series data and its components.
- Learn about stationary and non-stationary time series.
Day 48: Time Series Forecasting - Part 1
- Implement moving average and exponential smoothing.
Day 49: Time Series Forecasting - Part 2
- Learn about ARIMA models.
- Implement ARIMA for time series forecasting.
Day 50: Ensemble Methods
- Understand ensemble learning.
- Implement bagging and boosting algorithms.
Day 51: Gradient Boosting Machines (GBM)
- Learn about GBM and its variants.
- Implement GBM in Python.
Day 52: XGBoost
- Introduction to XGBoost.
- Implement XGBoost for regression and classification.
Day 53: LightGBM
- Learn about LightGBM.
- Implement LightGBM for regression and classification.
Day 54: Reinforcement Learning - Part 1
- Introduction to reinforcement learning.
- Understand the basics of Q-learning.
Day 55: Reinforcement Learning - Part 2
- Implement a simple reinforcement learning algorithm.
Day 56: Computer Vision with OpenCV
- Introduction to OpenCV.
- Implement basic image processing tasks.
Day 57: Advanced Computer Vision
- Learn about object detection and segmentation.
- Implement YOLO or SSD for object detection.
Day 58: Final Project - Part 1
- Start working on a comprehensive data science project.
- Perform data collection and preprocessing.
Day 59: Final Project - Part 2
- Build and evaluate machine learning models.
- Fine-tune and optimize your models.
Day 60: Final Project - Part 3
- Present your final project.
- Create a project report and share your findings.
- Regression
- Linear Regression ✅
- Polynomial Regression ✅
- Ridge/Lasso Regression ✅
- Classification
- Logistic Regression ✅
- Naive Bayes
- K-NN ✅
- SVM ✅
- Decision Trees ✅
- Clustering
- K-Means✅
- Mean Shift ✅
- DBSCAN (Density-Based Spatial Clustering Of Applications With Noise)
- Agglomerative
- Fuzzy C-Means
- Dimensionality Reduction
- t-SNE
- Association Rule Learning
- Apriori
- FP Growth
- Eclat
- Bagging
- Random Forest
- Boosting
- AdaBoost
- Gradient Boosting
- XGBoost
- LightGBM
- CatBoost
- Stacking
- Perceptrons
- Autoencoders
- Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs)
- Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs)
- seq2seq
- Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN)
- Deep Belief Networks (DBN)
- Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM)
- Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU)
- Q-Learning
- Deep Q-Networks (DQN)
- A3C
- Genetic Algorithm