This repository can be used as a guide to generate checksum for orderbookUpdate
events. It's important that the checksum is generated the same way so it can be used as a reliable data that can be compared with the checksum number received from orderbookUpdate
Assuming an orderbook arrives as per below sample:
{ marketId: 'BTC-AUD',
timestamp: '"2020-01-08T19:47:24.054Z',
snapshotId: 1578512844045000,
bids: [ ['99.81', '1.2', 1 ], ['95.8', '0', 0 ]],
asks: [ ['100', '3.2', 2 ] ],
messageType: 'orderbookUpdate'
Then following algorithm can be usd to generate a checksum:
- Algoritm to calculate:
- start with top 10 Bid orders (or less if there is less than 10)
- for every price and volume:
- remove "."
- remove leading zeros
- concatenate price + volume as a string
- add above for all orders in top 10 bids (based on highest bid to lowest bid price). if there are less than 10 orders then uer whatever is there.
- repeat above for top 10 Ask orders
- concatenate result of bids and asks
- calculate checksum for the string
- if your CRC32 library produces leading zero then remove it from the result before comparing
- checksum zero means there are no bids/asks in the orderbook (unlikely)