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NGINX Basics Workshop Banner

NGINX Basics Workshop

Welcome to the NGINX OSS and Plus Basics Workshop

This Workshop will introduce NGINX Webserver and Reverse Proxy with hands-on practice through self-paced lab exercises.

You will learn about NGINX Opensource Software (OSS) and NGINX Plus, the Commerical version of NGINX, with no prior experience required. The lab exercises provided will teach you by example how to install, configure, test, operate, troubleshoot, and fix NGINX; using common commands, tools, and applications. There are dozens of use cases for NGINX, this Basics Workshop will focus on the most common ones for new users and deployments. This Workshop content is designed to run in almost any environment that can host Docker and Linux containers, for broad appeal and consumption by users.

You will learn how to configure NGINX Webserver, deploy it with Docker, configure basic and some advanced NGINX features, loadtest it, and monitor it in realtime. You will deploy new apps and services, terminate SSL, route HTTP traffic, configure redirects, set up healthchecks, and load balance traffic to running servers. You will add some Security features, follow Best Practices, and become proficient with basic NGINX configurations. These Hands-On Lab Exercises are designed to be independent, with later labs adding additional services and features as you progress through them. Completing the labs in sequential order is highly recommended.

By the end of this Workshop, you will have a working, operational NGINX OSS or Plus Docker environment, routing traffic to and from backend web application servers, with the necessary skills to deploy and operate NGINX for your own Modern Applications. Thank You for taking the time to attend this NGINXpert Workshop!

NGINXpert Desk


  • Overview of NGINX History and Architecture
  • How to build and setup NGINX OSS and NGINX Plus on Docker
  • How to configure NGINX for basic web server functions
  • How to configure NGINX for Proxy functions
  • How to monitor, log, troubleshoot, and fix common issues
  • Provide examples of NGINX configurations best practices
  • Provide an overview of NGINX Plus
  • Introduction to third party integrations like Prometheus and Grafana
  • Introduction to more Advanced Topics


To successfully complete the Hands On exercises for this Workshop, there are both knowledge and technical requirements.

Knowledge Requirements

  • You should be familiar with the Linux command line, copying, editing, and saving files.
  • You should be familiar with TCP, HTTP, SSL, and basic networking concepts.
  • You should be familiar with basic Docker and container commands and concepts.
  • You should be familiar with Computer Desktop apps like Chrome, Visual Studio Code, Postman, Terminal.
  • Optional, you should be familiar with load balancing concepts and terminology.

Technical Requirements

The Hands On lab exercises are written for users with a host running multiple Docker containers. These containers are quite small, and should all run easily on most modern computer hardware. You will need to provide the following components, prior to starting the exercises:

  1. A Docker host, with Docker and Docker Compose installed and running.

  2. Admin access to your local computer to install and run various software packages. See the file withinlabs/lab0 folder for details on setting up your computer for this Workshop.

  3. Admin access to your local /etc/hosts file is also needed. The lab uses the FQDN hostnames:,,, For hostname resolution you will need to add these hostnames to your local DNS hosts file.

    For example, on Linux/macOS the host file is located at /etc/hosts:

     # NGINX OSS/Plus Basics lab hostnames (local docker hosts)

    Note on Docker DNS:

    DNS resolution between containers is provided by default using the bridged network by docker networking, and NGINX has been pre-configured to use the Docker internal DNS server ( to provide DNS resolution between the containers. Your Docker environment may be different.

  4. An NGINX Plus subscription or Trial license will be required to complete the NGINX PLUS lab exercises. You can request a free 30-day Trial from NGINX Plus Trial. An email with download links to the license files will normally arrive within a few hours of submitting a request.

How to use the Lab Guides

To ensure understanding of every step, every line which is to be entered by the user is preceded by $>. This is intentional so the user must type and enter each line, instead of bulk copy/paste. It is highly recommended that you type ALL the commands yourself, to facilitate better understanding and retention of this content. (Insert Mavin typing memory retention study results here).

The Workshop environment

  1. This Workshop is built to only require the user's computer, no servers or VMs are needed.

  2. The user's computer, which will host all the Docker containers, and provide a Desktop UI for using various apps, like Chrome, Visual Studio Code, Postman, Terminal.

  3. See file withinlabs/lab0 folder, for details on installing the required software for your platform. You will likely need full administrative privleges to properly install and configure the software.

  4. As you progress through the lab exercises, you will be adding more containers, and more features and options to NGINX. It is important that you complete the lab exercises in the order presented in this Workshop, so that you can see and learn how to configure NGINX properly, and complete all exercises successfully.

  5. The docker containers used are as follows:

    • NGINX Opensource ADC/load balancer, named nginx-oss
    • NGINX Plus ADC/load balancer, named nginx-plus
    • Web servers #1, 2, and 3; named web1, web2 and web3 respectively.
  6. Further details of the docker containers:

    • NGINX OSS (Latest) based on Alpine Linux.

    • NGINX Plus (Latest) based on Debian Linux.

    • NGINX Web# (Latest) is based on nginxinc/ingress-demo.

      (NGINX web servers that serve simple HTML pages containing the Hostname, IP address and port, request URI, local time, request id, and other metadata.)

  7. Lab Summary page can be read with a web browser starting at labs/

NOTE: All the container images are built on your computer, so they will be available after the Workshop, so you can use them for further learning, testing and as reference material. All the documentation and sample config files, including the Lab Guides, will also be available on NGINX's GitHub repo. As you make changes to your config files, you will need to make copies or back them up yourself.


This is the workshop Docker environment for the lab exercises:

                                             (nginx-cafe upstream: 
                                             web1:80, web2:80, web3:80)
                      |               |       +-----------------+
+-------------------->|               |       |                 |       |               +------>|      web1       |
HTTP/Port 80          |               |       |  (nginx-cafe)   |
                      |               |       |                 |
+-------------------->|               |       +-----------------+      |               |
HTTP-HTTPS redirect   |               |       +-----------------+
HTTP/Port 80          |  nginx-oss /  |       |                 |
                      |  nginx-plus   +------>|     web2        |                     
+-------------------->|     (ADC)     |       |  (nginx-cafe)   |      |               |       |                 |
HTTPS/Port 80         |               |       +-----------------+
                      |               |             
+-------------------->|               |       +-----------------+      |               |       |                 |
HTTP/Port 443         |               +------>|     web3        | 
                      |               |       |  (nginx-cafe)   |
+-------------------->|               |       |                 |      |               |       +-----------------+
HTTP/Port 80          |               |
                      |               |     
+-------------------->|               |        
NGINX Dashboard/      |               | 
API                   |               |
HTTP/Port 9000        |               | 
                      |               |  
                      |               |       

Build and run the Workshop environment

Please make sure all the Prerequisites have been met before running the steps below.

Build the Lab containers

As outlined above, you will have a one NGINX OSS or NGINX Plus ADC/load balancer (nginx-oss/nginx-plus) and three NGINX OSS webservers (web1, web2 and web3)

If using NGINX Plus ADC/load balancer then before you start the build, you need to copy your NGINX Plus repo key and certificate files (nginx-repo.key and nginx-repo.crt) into the proper directory, nginx-plus/etc/ssl/nginx/. Docker will use these files to download the appropriate NGINX Plus files, then build your stack:

# Enter working directory (Replace lab x with the lab that you plan to run) 
$> cd nginx-basics/labs/[lab x]

# *Next check only applicable for NGINX Plus related labs (lab 5 onwards)
# Make sure your Nginx Plus repo key and certificate exist here
$> ls nginx-plus/etc/ssl/nginx/nginx-*
nginx-repo.crt              nginx-repo.key

# Downloaded docker images and build
$> docker-compose pull
$> docker-compose build --no-cache

See other other useful docker and docker-compose commands

Start the Demo stack

Run docker-compose in the foreground so you can see real-time log output to the terminal:

$> docker-compose up

Or, if you made changes to any of the Docker containers or NGINX configurations, run:

# Recreate containers and start demo
$> docker-compose up --force-recreate

Confirm all the containers are running by executing below command.

$> docker ps

For NGINX Plus related labs(lab5 onwards), you can access the NGINX API on HTTP / Port 9000 (http://localhost:9000)

This completes the Introduction.



  • Chris Akker - Solutions Architect - Community and Alliances @ F5, Inc.
  • Shouvik Dutta - Solutions Architect - Community and Alliances @ F5, Inc.

Click the labs summary readme to get started (labs/


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