A new project about notifying users with keywords through email. A news search engineer which will provide the result of any mention of keywords within the title or comments. JWT authentication with passportjs was used for the login system. Afterward, I can use twilio sendgrid to send email out to users containing real time information about their keywords.
- MongoDB
- Express
- React
- Node
Go to "mention-front" folder from Frontend folder and run npm install
run npm start
to start frontend.
frontend url is http://localhost:3000
Go to the backend folder and run npm install
Next create a .env file and copy and paste the variable below.
is creating a mongodb database and storing the mongodb connection.
is creating an account with webhose API(https://webhose.io/) and storing the token.
is creating an account with Twilio sendgrid(https://www.twilio.com/sendgrid/email-api) and storing the token. Also register and email address with twilio.
run node server
to start backend.