Welcome to the AITheatre project README!
During this 5-month project, we worked with international clients. We even went to Oslo, Norway for 2 working days! This helped immensely with communicating to & with the clients what we and they envisioned for the product. Being on location enabled us to work with professional actors and technicians of the theatre.
The trailer of our product.
A demo from our trip to Oslo.
Motion capture demonstration
The ChatGPT Unreal Engine prototype
We crafted several technical prototypes, which allowed the client to determine what was feasible for their end-product, which is expected to premiere around January/February 2025.
Our idea was to create a active courtroom case, which would be shown as an interactive theatre play. The case focused on "the opinion of AI about humanity and whether or not they are allowed to survive". Our assignment was to base our concept on the play "R.U.R." by Karel Čapek.
For more information, please refer to the wiki.
Timeframe: September 2023 / January 2024 Team size: 6 Software: Unreal Engine Languages: C++, Unreal Engine Blueprints, Python Focus: Custom ChatGPT implementation Features: - Motion Capture (wearing the suit and helping to set it up) - OpenAI API usage (ChatGPT, DALL-E, Whisper) - MetaHumans - TCP server communication
I personally focused mostly on the ChatGPT Unreal Engine prototype. This taught me a lot about the Blueprint system, and how it's possible to extend on that with custom nodes written in C++.