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Nils Meijer edited this page Mar 21, 2024 · 5 revisions

Welcome to the TankSimulator wiki!

For this project, I was free to make whatever I wanted. For a long time, I had a Synty Studios asset pack gathering dust on my computer, so I decided I wanted to see what the possibilities with those assets were.

The original idea was to develop a simulator close to how tanks operate in real life. However, this eventually evolved into a less realistic tank “game”. Because of time constraints and difficulties in developing certain components of the project, I couldn’t fully complete the idea I had while brainstorming in the first few weeks. In hindsight, it would have been better to have brainstormed a slightly smaller, less ambitious project so that I would have more time to focus on research and properly test & implement the features. In the final product, the game starts in an interactive main menu, with an option to quit the game or to proceed to the next scene. In the next scene, the player can navigate around a desert-themed level and interact & fight with enemy AI tanks.

Timeframe: February 2023 / July 2023
Team size: 1
Software: Unity
Languages: C#
Focus:  System design
        - Editor tooling
        - AI behaviour tree
        - Camera controller
        - Component-based system design
        - New Unity Input System
        - Tank controller
             - Turret controller (rotation)
             - Shoot system
             - Damage registration system
             - Movement system

Below you can see the full progress I made over the course of 5 months.

Final product demo

30-05-2023 demo

20-04-2034 demo

31-03-2023 demo

16-03-2023 demo