This is a project from multiple csv all the way through to final findings.
Access to Baby names from the past 100+ years with any name that recieved >4 uses each year. Each download comes as a single year csv in a large folder with hundreds of csvs.
The first file is the which is where I took the multiple csv from the Social security administration and was able to put them into one file so that I could then load them into my SQL (Postgres) server and be able to do work on it.
*Some later py files were from taking data after the SQL step and creating animations in MatPlotLib. These were successful but not ultimately used in the Youtube video.
Once in Postgres I ran a number of different commands to try and find some interesting things, look for a story in the data and pull out any kind of details that might be of note.
I settled on the name Linda and the story around it.
Those were then exported into their own csvs and subsequently loaded into Tableua for visualizations.
Graphs were made in Tableau and put on a final graphic found at
Then I took the visualizations and explained the foundings at