Prerequisites Information: Project Technology: Node version: 14.17 -> Learn how to use multiple version right here:
Map API:
Database: Sqlite3 (development), Mysql (production)
Image Hosting Service: cloudinary
Css: Sass
Server: Express
Client: ReactJS
Meaning & Usage of files and folders:
*server/src: (Nghia/Nguyen)
+ config:
-> contains config infos of:
+ sequelize
+ models:
contains sequelize's models
+ migrations:
contains sequelize's migrations (Database version control)
+ seeders:
contains sample data for database
+ route:
-> contains the API url to different services of the backend (The step before 'Controller')
+ controller:
-> contains controller state processing code (The 'Controller' in MVC)
+ services:
-> contains business logic code (The 'Model' is MVC)
-> How the API flow gonna works:
1. React Client call to route
2. route call controller
3. controller calls 'model'(the data part) and 'service'(the logic part) -> get the result back
4. controller return the result back to the React Client
<insert a Sequence Diagram for clearer>
*client: (Lap/Nghia/Nguyen)
+ src:
+ api (Nghia/Nguyen)
+ components (Lap/Nghia/Nguyen)
+ style (Lap)
+ public: (Lap)
contains resources files (ex: images, sound files, ...)
There are 2 config files:
+ config.json
-> contains database connection infos:
"username": "root",
"password": "doanweb",
"database": "datphongkhachsan",
"port": "3307",
"host": "localhost",
"dialect": "mysql"
+ .env
-> contains
+ server listening port
+ use what database mode:
+ 'test'
+ 'development'
+ 'production'
-> The file connectDB.js will use both of the configs in these 2 files to setup the database for the project
-> Don't touch it for now :v
How authentication works:
1. Identity Provider (Authentication Server) generates a JWT
-> verify the credentials (username, password, ...) -> return JWT
-> Xac minh xong thong tin roi moi gui lai token
2. Resource Server: Verifies JWT
-> verify the JWT -> return resources
with sequential diagram
JWT payload can contains many user info that can be used for Authorization (such as role,...)
Access Token:
Refresh Token:
How authorization works:
with sequential diagram
Development Rules:
naming structure:
+ variable/method -> camelCase
vd: helloWorld, getCrud()
+ constant -> ALL_CAPS
Resource files (vd: images, sounds, ...) should be in 'public' folder