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LEAT EchoStar Terminal BSP

This document is applied to core version 12.7.3-0

This reposistory contains the Arduino Core for LEAT EchoStar Terminals.

EchoStar-Term-7 with IP65 transparent casing

📡 🛰️ 📡 🛰️

Supported boards:

  • EchoStar-term-7

    • Microcontroller: STM32U585CIT6
    • Radio: EchoStar EM2050
    • GNSS: Quectel LC29H
    • Sensors:
      • Accelerometers KX023-1025
      • Humidity, Pressure and Temperature Sensor BME280
      • Gas sensor BME680/688
    • External IO Headers for ADC, SPI, USART, I2C, etc.
  • EchoStar-term-6

    • Microcontroller: STM32WB5MMGH6TR
    • Radio: EchoStar EM2050
    • GNSS: Quectel LC76F
    • Sensors:
      • Accelerometers KX023-1025
      • Humidity, Pressure and Temperature Sensor BME280

How to install this Core?

  1. Download and install the Arduino IDE (at least version v1.8.13)
  2. Start the Arduino IDE
  3. This Core requires STM32duino/ArduinoCoreSTM32, please install it using this link : ArduinoCoreSTM32
  4. Go to Preferences
  5. Copy & Add the following JSON URL to your "Additional Board Manager URL"
  1. Open the Boards Manager from the Tools -> Board menu and install "LEAT EchoStar Terminals"
  2. Install STM32CubeProg
  3. In ArduinoIDE, Select your board from the Tools -> Board menu
  4. Config the appropriate settings in Tools menu (we use DFU to upload the code)
  5. Reset the Echostar terminal in boot mode (press the boot and reset buttons at the same time, and release the reset button first)
  6. Upload your source code.

Integrated example

Since version 2.8.0-dev1, there are integrated examples dedicated for LEAT EchoStar Terminals in FileExamplesBasic_Examples. The list of currently available examples:

There are also tracker application examples that collect GNSS location, sensor data and send to satellite(s) in certain periodic cycle. These examples can be found in FileExamplesExtended_Examples.

There are external libraries used in these example. They could be found & installed from this list:

Pre-define for Pin Name/Number & others

The variant in this core includes pre-define for MCU pins connected to on-boards peripherals / modules. Details are listed as follows:

No. Define Term 6 Term 7 Term 7.1 Description
1 LEAT_BOARD_VERSION 6 7 7001 Board version
2 CORE_VERSION_MAJOR 12 12 12 Core version (Major part)
3 CORE_VERSION_MINOR 7 7 7 Core version (Minor part)
4 CORE_VERSION_PATCH 2 2 2 Core version (Patch number)
5 CORE_VERSION_BUILD 0 0 0 Core version (Build number)
6 CORE_VERSION_STRING "12.7.3-0" "12.7.3-0" "12.7.3-0" Core version in string format
7 LED_BUILTIN PA13 PA15 PA15 Integrated LED pin
8 USER_BTN PC2 PA14 PA14 Integrated button pin
9 SENSORS_BATERY_ADC_PIN PA2 PB1 PB1 ADC pin that connected to resistor voltage divider
10 ECHOSTAR_PWR_ENABLE_PIN Not available PH1 PH1 EchoStar EM2050 LDO enable pin
11 ECHOSTAR_TXD_PIN PC0 PA10 PA10 EchoStar EM2050 Serial TxD pin (assigned to MCU RxD pin)
12 ECHOSTAR_RXD_PIN PC1 PA9 PA9 EchoStar EM2050 Serial RxD pin (assigned to MCU TxD pin)
13 ECHOSTAR_SWCTRL_PIN PB4 PB0 PA7 EchoStar EM2050 SWCTRL pin (MCU should read only)
14 ECHOSTAR_RTS_PIN PC12 PB15 PH3 EchoStar EM2050 RTS pin
15 ECHOSTAR_BOOT_PIN PC11 PA5 PA5 EchoStar EM2050 Bootloader enable pin
16 ECHOSTAR_nRST_PIN PC10 PA6 PA6 EchoStar EM2050 nRST pin
17 DPDT_PWR_ENABLE_PIN Not available PA7 Not available Sband RF Switch power supply pin
18 DPDT_CTRL_PIN PB8 PA4 PA4 Sband RF Switch control pin
19 GNSS_TXD_PIN PB7 PA1 PA1 GNSS Serial TxD pin (assigned to MCU RxD pin)
20 GNSS_RXD_PIN PA9 PA0 PA0 GNSS Serial RxD pin (assigned to MCU TxD pin)
21 GNSS_WAKEUP_PIN PB5 Not available Not available GNSS Wakeup pin
23 GNSS_1PPS_PIN PA0 Not available Not available GNSS 1PPS pin
25 SENSORS_PWR_ENABLE_PIN PA14 PA13 PA13 Sensors LDO enable pin
26 SENSORS_I2C_SDA_PIN PA10 PB7 PB7 I2C SDA pin for sensor communication
27 SENSORS_I2C_SCL_PIN PB6 PB8 PB8 I2C SCL pin for sensor communication
29 SENSORS_ACC_INT_2_PIN PB10 Not available Not available KX023 INT2 pin
30 SENSORS_ACC_TRIG_PIN PB12 Not available Not available KX023 TRIG pin
31 USB_SERIAL Serial Serial Serial Serial instance for USB communication
32 GNSS_SERIAL Serial1 Serial4 Serial4 Serial instance for the GNSS module
33 ECHOSTAR_SERIAL SerialLP1 Serial1 Serial1 Serial instance for the EM2050 module
34 HEADER_SERIAL Not available Serial2 Serial2 Serial instance for Header Pins
35 SENSORS_BME280_ADDRESS 0x76 0x76 0x76 I2C Address of BME280
36 SENSORS_BME680_ADDRESS Not available 0x77 0x77 I2C Address of BME680/688
37 SENSORS_KX023_ADDRESS 0x1F 0x1F 0x1F I2C Address of KX023
38 SENSORS_LIS3DHTR_ADDRESS 0x19 0x19 0x19 I2C Address of LIS3DHTR
39 SDCARD_SS_PIN Not available Not available PB0 SD Card CD/DAT3 Pin
40 SDCARD_MOSI_PIN Not available Not available PB15 SD Card MOSI (CMD) Pin
41 SDCARD_MISO_PIN Not available Not available PB14 SD Card MISO (DAT0) Pin
42 SDCARD_SCK_PIN Not available Not available PB13 SD Card SCK (CLK) Pin

I2C Addresses

No. Sensors Address
1 BME280 0x76
2 BME680 0x77
3 BME688 0x77
4 KX023 0x1F
5 LIS3DHTR 0x19


  • Verify the installation & functionalites on different environments
Windows Linux MacOS
ArduinoIDE 2 ✔️ ✔️
Arduino IDE Legacy 1.8.x ✔️ ✔️


Maintained by Prof. Fabien Ferrero & mtnguyen at Laboratoire d’Electronique, Antennes et Télécommunications (LEAT)

🇫🇷 🇻🇳


Arduino STM32 core support for LEAT EchoStar-Term boards



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