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faaiz-25 committed Nov 28, 2023
1 parent 2b70549 commit e3e24a0
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Showing 10 changed files with 8,146 additions and 724 deletions.
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257 changes: 10 additions & 247 deletions 02-geomapping-ICS_22_23.R
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Expand Up @@ -61,22 +61,7 @@ stp_spdf <- read_sf("./Inputs/shapefiles/22_23/ICB_APR_2023_EN_BSC.shp")
stp_spdf <- stp_spdf %>% st_transform(CRS("+init=epsg:4326")) # reproject to latlong system

stp_data = stp_spdf
# CCG shapefile #CCGs will not be submitting for 22/23

## Load CCG shapefile

#ccg_spdf <- read_sf("/Users/muhammad-faaiz.shanawas/Documents/GitHub/open-cyber/Inputs/shapefile/CCG_APR_2021_EN_BFC.shp")

#proj4string(ccg_spdf) <- CRS("+init=epsg:27700") # BNG projection system

#ccg_spdf@proj4string # check system

#ccg_spdf <- ccg_spdf %>% st_transform(CRS("+init=epsg:4326")) # reproject to latlong system

# Write to shapefile
#writeOGR(ccg_spdf, layer = 'myshp_simplified', 'C:/temp', driver="ESRI Shapefile")

# Load in Region data
Expand All @@ -91,17 +76,6 @@ region_spdf <- region_spdf %>% st_transform(CRS("+init=epsg:4326")) # reproject

region_full <- region_spdf

#region_s <- rgeos::gSimplify(region_full,tol=0.01, topologyPreserve=FALSE)

# Create a spatial polygon data frame (includes shp attributes)
#regions_spdf = SpatialPolygonsDataFrame(region_full, data.frame(region_full))

##Load correspondence from ODS to ONS codes

#lkp_ccg <- read.csv('./Inputs/Clinical_Commissioning_Groups_(April_2020)_Names_and_Codes_in_England.csv')

Expand All @@ -120,28 +94,24 @@ trust_spdf_points <- sp::SpatialPointsDataFrame(

#Further prep
# Join DSPT data and ONS code
lookupdata = read.csv('./data/aux/22_23/Sub_ICB_Locations_to_Integrated_Care_Boards_to_NHS_England_(Region)_(April_2023)_Lookup_in_England (1).csv')
lookup_icb = lookupdata[!duplicated(lookupdata$ICB23CD), ]
#data_merged = left_join(data, lookupdata %>% select(-c(ICB23CD, ICB23NM)), by = c("ICB23CDH" = "ICB23CDH"))
#data_merged = data_merged %>% select(-c(X))

#jon the shapefile data with dspt data for ICBs
icb_data = read.csv('./data/DSPT Snapshots/22_23/ICB_dspt_snapshot_16_11_23.csv')
stp_spdf = left_join(stp_spdf, icb_data %>% select(-c(X, ICB23NM, ICB23CDH, Organisation.Name, Integrated.Care.Board..where.available..from.ODS.)))
stp_spdf = left_join(stp_spdf, lookup_icb %>% select(-c(ICB23NM, ICB23CDH)), by = c('ICB23CD'))
stp_spdf$Short.Status = factor(stp_spdf$Status,dsptlevels)
# Make Status a categorical
#ccg_spdf@data$Short.Status = factor(ccg_spdf@data$Short.Status,dsptlevels)

# Choose a palette
#my_palette <- rev(colorspace::rainbow_hcl(5))
my_palette <- colorspace::divergingx_hcl(5)

catpal <- colorFactor(my_palette, dsptlevels,reverse=F,ordered=T)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -261,8 +231,8 @@ m03 <- m02_l %>%

#adding the zoom toggle for trust level (trust layer appears between 9 and 20)
#m03 <- m03 %>%
# groupOptions("Trusts", zoomLevels = 9:20)
m03 <- m03 %>%
groupOptions("Trusts", zoomLevels = 9:20)

#adding legend and layering CCG trusts and ICG boundary together
m03 <- m03 %>%
Expand All @@ -277,10 +247,9 @@ m03 <- m03 %>%

# save the widget in a html file if needed.
saveWidget(m04, "icb_composite_map_16_11_23.html")
saveWidget(m03, "icb_trusts_map_16_11_23.html")

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -311,7 +280,7 @@ trusts_data2 <- trusts_data2 %>% mutate(Status.Score=case_when(Status=="22/23 St
Status=="22/23 Standards Met"~1,
Status=="22/23 Approaching Standards"~-1,
Status=="22/23 Standards Not Met"~-3,
Status=="22/23 Not Published"~-3))
Status=="Not Published"~-3))
data_metric_Trusts <- trusts_data2 %>% group_by(ICB23CD) %>% summarise(Simple.n=n(), Simple.Score.Trust = mean(Status.Score, na.rm=TRUE))

Expand All @@ -320,7 +289,7 @@ stp_spdf <- stp_spdf %>% mutate(Status.Score=case_when(Status=="22/23 Standards
Status=="22/23 Standards Met"~1,
Status=="22/23 Approaching Standards"~-1,
Status=="22/23 Standards Not Met"~-3,
Status=="22/23 Not Published"~-3))
Status=="Not Published"~-3))

stp_spdf2 <- stp_spdf %>% left_join(data_metric_Trusts)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -390,214 +359,8 @@ m04 = leaflet() %>%


# Mapping the composite ICS for CCG(population weighted) and Trusts (Weighted for EPRR risk)

# #create new map labels to contain the dspt metric and stp region info
# mytext_new <- paste(
# "<b>STP code (ODS): </b>", stp_spdf$stp20cd,"<br/>",
# "<b>STP name (ODS): </b>", stp_spdf$stp20nm,"<br/>",
# "<b>Region: </b>", stp_spdf$NHSER20NM.y,"<br/>",
# "<b>ICS score (CCG+Trust simple), range [-3,3]: </b>",round(stp_spdf$metric_CCGp_Trusts_EPRR.x,2),"<br/>",
# sep="") %>%
# lapply(htmltools::HTML)
# m05 = leaflet() %>%
# addMapPane(name = "regionBorder", zIndex = 425) %>%
# addMapPane(name = "ICS polygons", zIndex = 400) %>%
# addMapPane(name = "ICS Labels", zIndex = 450) %>%
# addMapPane(name = "Minicharts", zIndex = 435) %>%
# addPolygons(
# data=region_spdf,
# group="Region boundary",
# fillOpacity=0,
# color='blue',
# weight=5,
# options = leafletOptions(pane = "regionBorder")
# ) %>%
# addTiles() %>%
# setView( lat=53, lng=-2 , zoom=6) %>%
# addPolygons(
# data=stp_spdf,
# group="ICS",
# fillOpacity=1,
# fillColor=~pal_metric(metric_CCGp_Trusts_EPRR),
# color="black",
# weight=1,
# options = leafletOptions(pane = "ICS polygons")) %>%
# addPolygons(
# data=stp_spdf,
# group="ICS",
# fillOpacity=0,
# fillColor=~pal_metric(metric_CCGp_Trusts_EPRR),
# color="black",
# weight= 0,
# options = leafletOptions(pane = "ICS Labels"),
# label = mytext_new ) %>%
# addLegend("bottomright",pal=pal_metric,values=-3:3,title="ICS score - CCG Population/Trust EPRR")
# m05

# Mapping the proportion of Trusts dspt scores using minicharts (piecharts) with the width of pie charts indicating patient population level
#the statuses will be seperated out into individual columns and the values will be summed grouped by
#the STP code so we get the proportion of trusts that met each status for each STP

#load in the data and filter for trusts changing the statuses to numerical values
data_trusts = data_joint %>% filter(Sector %in% c("Trust"))
#data_trusts <- data_trusts[c("ODS.Code", "ODS.Org.Name", "STP21CD", "Status")]

#change all the instances of each dspt score to 1 so this can be summed as a numerical tally to make the charts
data_trusts<- data_trusts %>% mutate(Standards_Met = case_when(Status == "21/22 Standards Met"~1,
TRUE ~ 0))
data_trusts<- data_trusts %>% mutate(Standards_Exceeded = case_when(Status == "21/22 Standards Exceeded"~1,
TRUE ~ 0))
data_trusts<- data_trusts %>% mutate(Standards_Not_Met = case_when(Status == "21/22 Standards Not Met"~1,
TRUE ~ 0))
data_trusts<- data_trusts %>% mutate(Approaching_Standards = case_when(Status == "21/22 Approaching Standards"~1,
TRUE ~ 0))
#select the relevant columns only
data_trusts = data_trusts[,c("STP21CD", "Standards_Met", "Standards_Exceeded", "Standards_Not_Met", "Approaching_Standards")]

#get the sum of each DSPT metric in separate columns grouped by each STP
#data_trusts_aggregate = data_trusts %>% group_by(STP21CD) %>% summarise_each(funs(sum))
data_trusts_aggregate = data_trusts %>% group_by(STP21CD) %>% summarise_at(vars(Standards_Met, Standards_Exceeded, Standards_Not_Met, Approaching_Standards), funs(sum))

#data_trusts_aggregate = data_trusts_aggregate %>% rename("STP21CD" = 1)

#wrangle teh GP population data to be used as the diameter for each of the mini piecharts
stp_filter_numpatients <- gppopdata %>% filter(SEX=="ALL",AGE=="ALL",ORG_TYPE=="ICB")

#stp_filter_numpatients <- stp_filter_numpatients %>% rename("STP21CD" = 5)
#stp_filter_numpatients <- stp_filter_numpatients[c("STP21CD", "NUMBER_OF_PATIENTS")]
#stp_filter_numpatients <- unique(stp_filter_numpatients)
#merge together the separated dspt data with the gp population data and stp spatial data frame for mapping
data_trust_spdf_pie = left_join(x = stp_spdf, y = data_trusts_aggregate, by = "STP21CD")
#data_trust_spdf_pie = merge(x = data_trust_spdf_pie, y = stp_filter_numpatients, by = "STP21CD")
data_trust_spdf_pie[41, 7] = 51.0
data_trust_spdf_pie[41, 6] = 0.0

#create the map with the ICS boundaries displayed in black

class(data_trust_spdf_pie) = 'data.frame'
m06 <- leaflet() %>%
addTiles %>%
group="ICS Tiles",
color='gray', #grey out the ICS tiles so there is less unnecessary detail
label=mytext_new) %>%
group="ICS boundary",
label=mytext_new) %>%
addMinicharts(lng = data_trust_spdf_pie$LONG,
lat = data_trust_spdf_pie$LAT,
type = "pie",
chartdata = data_trust_spdf_pie[, c("Standards_Exceeded", "Standards_Met", "Approaching_Standards", "Standards_Not_Met")],
colorPalette = c("#129F8C", '#9FD0BA', "#F5FFBF", "#FF4227"),
#width = 0.00001 * data_trust_spdf_pie$NUMBER_OF_PATIENTS ,
transitionTime = 0)

# Mapping the proportion of Trusts dspt scores using minicharts (piecharts) with patient population level color coded in ICS polygons

gppopdata_blue <- gppopdata %>% filter(SEX=="ALL",AGE=="ALL",ORG_TYPE=="ICB") %>% select(c("ONS_CODE","NUMBER_OF_PATIENTS"))
gppopdata_blue <- gppopdata_blue %>% rename("STP21CD" = 1)

stp_spdfdata <- stp_spdf

stp_spdfdata1 = merge(stp_spdfdata, gppopdata_blue, by = "STP21CD")

#stp_spdf$data <- stp_spdfdata1

num_patients_stp <- gppopdata_blue[c("NUMBER_OF_PATIENTS")]

minpatients <- min(num_patients_stp)

maxpatients <- max(num_patients_stp)

patients_stps <- stp_spdfdata$data.NUMBER_OF_PATIENTS
pal_metric2 <- colorNumeric(
palette = "Blues",
domain = range(minpatients:maxpatients))
m07 <- leaflet() %>%
addTiles %>%
group="ICS Tiles",
fillColor=~pal_metric2(stp_spdfdata1$NUMBER_OF_PATIENTS), #grey out the ICS tiles so there is less unnecessary detail
label=mytext_ics) %>%
group="ICS boundary",
label=mytext_ics) %>%
addMinicharts(lng = data_trust_spdf_pie$LONG,
lat = data_trust_spdf_pie$LAT,
type = "pie",
chartdata = data_trust_spdf_pie[, c("Standards_Exceeded", "Standards_Met", "Approaching_Standards", "Standards_Not_Met")],
colorPalette = c("#129F8C", '#9FD0BA', "#F5FFBF", "#FF4227"),
width = 25,
transitionTime = 0) %>%
addLegend("topright",pal=pal_metric2, minpatients:maxpatients, title="ICS Patient Population Level")


#load in the snapshot data to create summary tables and charts
#load in the snapshot data and filter for the 5 relevant CSUs
data_snapshot = read.csv('/Users/muhammad-faaiz.shanawas/Documents/GitHub/open-cyber/data/DSPT search results 09_09_2022 12_44_07.csv')
data_summary = data_snapshot %>% select('Organisation.Name', 'Status', 'Primary.Sector')
data_summary = data_summary %>% filter(Primary.Sector == "Commissioning Support Unit (CSU)")
data_csu = data_summary %>% filter(str_detect(Organisation.Name, 'CSU'))

#get the joint dataframe of CCGs and Trusts and merge with CSUs
data_joint$Primary.Sector = data_joint$Sector
data_joint$Organisation.Name = data_joint$ODS.Org.Name

data_s = rbind(select(data_joint, 'Organisation.Name', 'Status', 'Primary.Sector'), data_csu)

#data_s = data_summary %>% mutate(Short.Status = case_when(Status %in% c("20/21 Standards Met", "18/19 Standards Met", "19/20 Standards Met", "19/20 Approaching Standards", "19/20 Standards Exceeded", "20/21 Standards Exceeded", "20/21 Standards Not Met") ~ '21/22 Status Not Met',
# Status %in% c("22/23 Standards Met") ~ '21/22 Standards Met', TRUE ~ Status))

auxl <-data_s %>% group_by(Primary.Sector,Status) %>% summarise(n=n())
aux <- data_s %>% group_by(Primary.Sector,Status) %>% summarise(n=n()) %>% pivot_wider(names_from='Status',values_from='n')
aux <- select(aux, "21/22 Standards Exceeded", "21/22 Standards Met", "21/22 Approaching Standards", "21/22 Standards Not Met")
org_type <-aux$Primary.Sector

xform <- list(categoryorder = "array",
categoryarray = c("21/22 Standards Exceeded", "21/22 Standards Met", "21/22 Approaching Standards", "21/22 Standards Not Met"))

fig_x <- auxl %>% plot_ly(x=~Primary.Sector,y= ~n,color=~Status,type='bar')%>%
layout(xaxis = xform)

tbl_summary(select(data_s, 'Primary.Sector', 'Status'), by = (c('Status')))

ct_final = ctable(data_s$Primary.Sector, data_s$Status,
prop = "r", chisq = FALSE, headings = FALSE
ct_final %>% print(method="browser")
ct_final %>% print(file=paste0("/Users/muhammad-faaiz.shanawas/Documents/GitHub/open-cyber/cross_table_summary_21_22",Sys.Date(),".html"))
# save the widget in a html file if needed.
saveWidget(m04, "icb_composite_map_16_11_23.html")
Binary file modified data/.DS_Store
Binary file not shown.
Binary file modified data/DSPT Snapshots/.DS_Store
Binary file not shown.
Binary file modified data/aux/.DS_Store
Binary file not shown.

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