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NI RFmx WLAN Configuration Functions

Dane Stull edited this page Feb 23, 2022 · 3 revisions

Configuration Functions


int32 __stdcall RFmxWLAN_CfgSelectedPortsMultiple (niRFmxInstrHandle instrumentHandle, char selectorString[], char selectedPorts[]);


Configures the selected ports to each segment/chain based on the values you set in RFMXWLAN_ATTR_NUMBER_OF_FREQUENCY_SEGMENTS and RFMXWLAN_ATTR_NUMBER_OF_RECEIVE_CHAINS attributes.


Name Type Description
instrumentHandle niRFmxInstrHandle Specifies the instrument session. The RFmx driver obtains this parameter from the RFmxWLAN_Initialize function.
selectorString char[] Specifies a selector string comprising of the signal name. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used.
You can use the RFmxWLAN_BuildSignalString function to build the selector string.
selectedPorts char[] Specifies the list of MIMO ports to be configured. Use "port::/" as the format for the selected port.
For PXIe-5830/5831/5832 devices on a MIMO session, the selected port includes the instrument port in the format "port:://".
You can use the RFmxInstr_BuildPortString function to build the selected port.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status int32 Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an RFmx function to determine if an error has occurred.

To obtain a text description of the status code and additional information about the error condition, call the RFmxWLAN_GetError function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:
Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors


int32 __stdcall RFmxWLAN_CfgFrequency (niRFmxInstrHandle instrumentHandle, char selectorString[], float64 centerFrequency);


Configures the expected carrier frequency of the RF signal to acquire. The signal analyzer tunes to this frequency. On a MIMO session, use "segment<n>" as the selector string to configure this function.


Name Type Description
instrumentHandle niRFmxInstrHandle Specifies the instrument session. The RFmx driver obtains this parameter from the RFmxWLAN_Initialize function.
selectorString char[] Specifies a selector string comprising of the signal name and segment number. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used.
You can use the RFmxWLAN_BuildChainString function to build the selector string. If number of segments is greater than 1, you can use the RFmxWLAN_BuildSegmentString function to build the selector string.
centerFrequency float64 Specifies the center frequency. This value is expressed in Hz. The default of this attribute is hardware dependent.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status int32 Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an RFmx function to determine if an error has occurred.

To obtain a text description of the status code and additional information about the error condition, call the RFmxWLAN_GetError function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:
Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors


int32 __stdcall RFmxWLAN_CfgReferenceLevel (niRFmxInstrHandle instrumentHandle, char selectorString[], float64 referenceLevel);


Configures the reference level, which represents the maximum expected power of an RF input signal. On a MIMO session, use "port::/" as the selector string to configure reference level for each port.


Name Type Description
instrumentHandle niRFmxInstrHandle Specifies the instrument session. The RFmx driver obtains this parameter from the RFmxWLAN_Initialize function.
selectorString char[] Specifies a selector string comprising of the signal name and port string. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used.
You can use the RFmxWLAN_BuildSignalString function to build the selector string. On a MIMO session, you can use the RFmxInstr_BuildPortString function to build the selector string.
referenceLevel float64 Specifies the reference level which represents the maximum expected power of the RF input signal. This value is expressed in dBm for RF devices and Vpk-pk for baseband devices. The default value of this attribute is hardware dependent.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status int32 Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an RFmx function to determine if an error has occurred.

To obtain a text description of the status code and additional information about the error condition, call the RFmxWLAN_GetError function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:
Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors


int32 __stdcall RFmxWLAN_CfgExternalAttenuation (niRFmxInstrHandle instrumentHandle, char selectorString[], float64 externalAttenuation);


Specifies the attenuation of a switch (or cable) connected to the RF IN connector of the signal analyzer. On a MIMO session, use port::(deviceName)/(channelNumber) as a selector string to configure external attenuation for each port.


Name Type Description
instrumentHandle niRFmxInstrHandle Specifies the instrument session. The RFmx driver obtains this parameter from the RFmxWLAN_Initialize function.
selectorString char[] Specifies a selector string comprising of the signal name and port string. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used.
You can use the RFmxWLAN_BuildSignalString function to build the selector string. On a MIMO session, you can use the RFmxInstr_BuildPortString function to build the selector string.
externalAttenuation float64 Specifies the attenuation of a switch (or cable) connected to the RF IN connector of the signal analyzer. This value is expressed in dB. For more information about attenuation, refer to the Attenuation and Signal Levels topic for your device in the NI RF Vector Signal Analyzers Help.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status int32 Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an RFmx function to determine if an error has occurred.

To obtain a text description of the status code and additional information about the error condition, call the RFmxWLAN_GetError function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:
Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors


int32 __stdcall RFmxWLAN_AutoLevel (niRFmxInstrHandle instrumentHandle, char selectorString[], float64 measurementInterval);


Examines the input signal to calculate the peak power level and sets it as the value of the RFMXWLAN_ATTR_REFERENCE_LEVEL attribute. Use this function to help calculate an approximate setting for the reference level. The RFmxWLAN Auto Level function does the following: You can also specify the starting reference level using the RFMXWLAN_ATTR_AUTO_LEVEL_INITIAL_REFERENCE_LEVEL attribute. When using NI-PXie 5663, NI-PXie 5665, or NI-PXie 5668R devices, NI recommends that you set an appropriate value for mechanical attenuation before calling the RFmxWLAN Auto Level function. Setting an appropriate value for mechanical attenuation reduces the number of times the attenuator settings are changed by this function, thus reducing wear and tear, and maximizing the life time of the attenuator.

  1. Resets the mixer level, mixer level offset and IF output power offset.
  2. Sets the starting reference level to the maximum reference level supported by the device based on the current RF attenuation, mechanical attenuation and preamp enabled settings.
  3. Iterates to adjust the reference level based on the input signal peak power.
  4. Uses immediate triggering and restores the trigger settings back to user setting after completing execution.


Name Type Description
instrumentHandle niRFmxInstrHandle Specifies the instrument session. The RFmx driver obtains this parameter from the RFmxWLAN_Initialize function.
selectorString char[] Specifies a selector string comprising of the signal name. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used.
You can use the RFmxWLAN_BuildSignalString function to build the selector string.
measurementInterval float64 Specifies the acquisition length. Use this value to compute the number of samples to acquire from the signal analyzer. This value is expressed in seconds.
Auto Level function does not use any trigger for acquisition. It ignores the user-configured trigger attributes. NI recommends that you set a sufficiently high measurement interval to ensure that the acquired waveform is at least as long as one period of the signal.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status int32 Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an RFmx function to determine if an error has occurred.

To obtain a text description of the status code and additional information about the error condition, call the RFmxWLAN_GetError function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:
Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors


int32 __stdcall RFmxWLAN_AutoDetectSignal (niRFmxInstrHandle instrumentHandle, char selectorString[], float64 timeout);


Automatically detects the standard, channel bandwidth, and burst length of the input signal, and writes the RFMXWLAN_ATTR_AUTO_DETECT_SIGNAL_DETECTED_STANDARD, RFMXWLAN_ATTR_AUTO_DETECT_SIGNAL_DETECTED_CHANNEL_BANDWIDTH, and RFMXWLAN_ATTR_AUTO_DETECT_SIGNAL_DETECTED_BURST_LENGTH attributes. You must configure the RFMXWLAN_ATTR_REFERENCE_LEVEL attribute before calling this function. If the peak power level of the input is unknown, you can call the RFmxWLAN_AutoLevel function to configure the RFMXWLAN_ATTR_REFERENCE_LEVEL attribute after you set the RFMXWLAN_ATTR_STANDARD and RFMXWLAN_ATTR_CHANNEL_BANDWIDTH attributes to values corresponding to maximum expected channel bandwidth.


Name Type Description
instrumentHandle niRFmxInstrHandle Specifies the instrument session. The RFmx driver obtains this parameter from the RFmxWLAN_Initialize function.
selectorString char[] Specifies a selector string comprising of the signal name. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used.
You can use the RFmxWLAN_BuildSignalString function to build the selector string.
timeout float64 Specifies the timeout, in seconds, for fetching the specified measurement. Set this value to an appropriate time, longer than expected for fetching the measurement. A value of -1 specifies that the function waits until the measurement is complete.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status int32 Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an RFmx function to determine if an error has occurred.

To obtain a text description of the status code and additional information about the error condition, call the RFmxWLAN_GetError function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:
Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors

Trigger Configuration


int32 __stdcall RFmxWLAN_DisableTrigger (niRFmxInstrHandle instrumentHandle, char selectorString[]);


Configures the device to not wait for a trigger to mark a reference point within a record. This function defines the signal triggering as immediate.


Name Type Description
instrumentHandle niRFmxInstrHandle Specifies the instrument session. The RFmx driver obtains this parameter from the RFmxWLAN_Initialize function.
selectorString char[] Specifies a selector string comprising of the signal name. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used.
You can use the RFmxWLAN_BuildSignalString function to build the selector string.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status int32 Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an RFmx function to determine if an error has occurred.

To obtain a text description of the status code and additional information about the error condition, call the RFmxWLAN_GetError function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:
Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors


int32 __stdcall RFmxWLAN_CfgDigitalEdgeTrigger (niRFmxInstrHandle instrumentHandle, char selectorString[], char digitalEdgeSource[], int32 digitalEdge, float64 triggerDelay, int32 enableTrigger);


Configures the device to wait for a digital edge trigger and then marks a reference point within the record. On a MIMO session, this function configures the digital edge trigger on the master port. By default, the RFMXWLAN_ATTR_SELECTED_PORTS attribute is configured to "segment0/chain0" and is considered as the master port. Spectral measurements are sometimes implemented with multiple acquisitions and therefore will require that digital triggers are sent for each acquisition. Multiple factors, including the desired span versus the realtime bandwidth of the hardware, affect the number of acquisitions. RFmx recommends repeating the generation until the measurement is completed in order to ensure that all the acquisitions are triggered.


Name Type Description
instrumentHandle niRFmxInstrHandle Specifies the instrument session. The RFmx driver obtains this parameter from the RFmxWLAN_Initialize function.
selectorString char[] Specifies a selector string comprising of the signal name. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used.
You can use the RFmxWLAN_BuildSignalString function to build the selector string.
digitalEdgeSource char[] Specifies the source terminal for the digital edge trigger. This parameter is used only when you set the RFMXWLAN_ATTR_TRIGGER_TYPE attribute to RFMXWLAN_VAL_TRIGGER_TYPE_DIGITAL_EDGE. The default value of this attribute is hardware dependent.
To make a specific MIMO port as the trigger master, you must use the port specifier format "port::/".
RFMXWLAN_VAL_PFI0_STR (PFI0) The trigger is received on PFI 0.
RFMXWLAN_VAL_PFI1_STR (PFI1) The trigger is received on PFI 1.
RFMXWLAN_VAL_PXI_TRIG0_STR (PXI_Trig0) The trigger is received on PXI trigger line 0.
RFMXWLAN_VAL_PXI_TRIG1_STR (PXI_Trig1) The trigger is received on PXI trigger line 1.
RFMXWLAN_VAL_PXI_TRIG2_STR (PXI_Trig2) The trigger is received on PXI trigger line 2.
RFMXWLAN_VAL_PXI_TRIG3_STR (PXI_Trig3) The trigger is received on PXI trigger line 3.
RFMXWLAN_VAL_PXI_TRIG4_STR (PXI_Trig4) The trigger is received on PXI trigger line 4.
RFMXWLAN_VAL_PXI_TRIG5_STR (PXI_Trig5) The trigger is received on PXI trigger line 5.
RFMXWLAN_VAL_PXI_TRIG6_STR (PXI_Trig6) The trigger is received on PXI trigger line 6.
RFMXWLAN_VAL_PXI_TRIG7_STR (PXI_Trig7) The trigger is received on PXI trigger line 7.
RFMXWLAN_VAL_PXI_STAR_STR (PXI_STAR) The trigger is received on the PXI star trigger line.
RFMXWLAN_VAL_PXIE_DSTARB_STR (PXIe_DStarB) The trigger is received on the PXIe DStar B trigger line.
RFMXWLAN_VAL_TIMER_EVENT_STR (TimerEvent) The trigger is received from the timer event.
digitalEdge int32 Specifies the active edge for the trigger. This parameter is used only when you set the RFMXWLAN_ATTR_TRIGGER_TYPE attribute to RFMXWLAN_VAL_TRIGGER_TYPE_DIGITAL_EDGE.
RFMXWLAN_VAL_DIGITAL_EDGE_RISING_EDGE (0) The trigger asserts on the rising edge of the signal.
RFMXWLAN_VAL_DIGITAL_EDGE_FALLING_EDGE (1) The trigger asserts on the falling edge of the signal.
triggerDelay float64 Specifies the trigger delay time. This value is expressed in seconds.
enableTrigger int32 Specifies whether to enable the trigger.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status int32 Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an RFmx function to determine if an error has occurred.

To obtain a text description of the status code and additional information about the error condition, call the RFmxWLAN_GetError function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:
Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors


int32 __stdcall RFmxWLAN_CfgIQPowerEdgeTrigger (niRFmxInstrHandle instrumentHandle, char selectorString[], char IQPowerEdgeSource[], int32 IQPowerEdgeSlope, float64 IQPowerEdgeLevel, float64 triggerDelay, int32 triggerMinQuietTimeMode, float64 triggerMinQuietTimeDuration, int32 IQPowerEdgeLevelType, int32 enableTrigger);


Configures the device to wait for the complex power of the I/Q data to cross the specified threshold and then marks a reference point within the record. On a MIMO session, this function configures the IQ Power edge trigger on the master port. By default, the RFMXWLAN_ATTR_SELECTED_PORTS attribute is configured to "segment0/chain0" and is considered as the master port. To trigger on bursty signals, specify a minimum quiet time, which ensures that the trigger does not occur in the middle of the burst signal. The quiet time must be set to a value smaller than the time between bursts, but large enough to ignore power changes within a burst.


Name Type Description
instrumentHandle niRFmxInstrHandle Specifies the instrument session. The RFmx driver obtains this parameter from the RFmxWLAN_Initialize function.
selectorString char[] Specifies a selector string comprising of the signal name. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used.
You can use the RFmxWLAN_BuildSignalString function to build the selector string.
IQPowerEdgeSource char[] Specifies the channel from which the device monitors the trigger. This parameter is used only when you set the RFMXWLAN_ATTR_TRIGGER_TYPE attribute to RFMXWLAN_VAL_TRIGGER_TYPE_IQ_POWER_EDGE.
To make a specific MIMO port as the trigger master, use the port specifier format "port::/<source_terminal>".
IQPowerEdgeSlope int32 Specifies whether the device asserts the trigger when the signal power is rising or falling. The device asserts the trigger when the signal power exceeds the specified level with the slope you specify. This attribute is used only when you set the RFMXWLAN_ATTR_TRIGGER_TYPE attribute to RFMXWLAN_VAL_TRIGGER_TYPE_IQ_POWER_EDGE.
RFMXWLAN_VAL_IQ_POWER_EDGE_RISING_SLOPE (0) The trigger asserts when the signal power is rising.
RFMXWLAN_VAL_IQ_POWER_EDGE_FALLING_SLOPE (1) The trigger asserts when the signal power is falling.
IQPowerEdgeLevel float64 Specifies the power level at which the device triggers. This value is expressed in dB when you set the IQPowerEdgeLevelType parameter to RFMXWLAN_VAL_IQ_POWER_EDGE_TRIGGER_LEVEL_TYPE_RELATIVE and is expressed in dBm when you set the IQPowerEdgeLevelType parameter to RFMXWLAN_VAL_IQ_POWER_EDGE_TRIGGER_LEVEL_TYPE_ABSOLUTE.
The device asserts the trigger when the signal exceeds the level specified by the value of this attribute, taking into consideration the specified slope. This attribute is used only when you set the RFMXWLAN_ATTR_TRIGGER_TYPE attribute to RFMXWLAN_VAL_TRIGGER_TYPE_IQ_POWER_EDGE
triggerDelay float64 Specifies the trigger delay time. This value is expressed in seconds.
triggerMinQuietTimeMode int32 Specifies whether the measurement computes the minimum quiet time used for triggering.
triggerMinQuietTimeDuration float64 specifies the duration for which the signal must be quiet before the signal analyzer arms the I/Q Power Edge trigger. If you set the IQ Power Edge Slope parameter to Rising Slope, the signal is quiet when it is below the trigger level. If you set the IQ Power Edge Slope parameter to Falling Slope, the signal is quiet when it is above the trigger level. The default of this property is hardware dependent. This value is expressed in seconds.
IQPowerEdgeLevelType int32 Specifies the reference for the IQPowerEdgeLevel parameter. The IQPowerEdgeLevel parameter is used only when you set the RFMXWLAN_ATTR_TRIGGER_TYPE attribute to RFMXWLAN_VAL_TRIGGER_TYPE_IQ_POWER_EDGE.
RFMXWLAN_VAL_IQ_POWER_EDGE_TRIGGER_LEVEL_TYPE_RELATIVE (0) The IQ Power Edge Level attribute is relative to the value of the RFMXWLAN_ATTR_REFERENCE_LEVEL attribute.
RFMXWLAN_VAL_IQ_POWER_EDGE_TRIGGER_LEVEL_TYPE_ABSOLUTE (1) The IQ Power Edge Level attribute specifies the absolute power.
enableTrigger int32 Specifies whether to enable the trigger.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status int32 Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an RFmx function to determine if an error has occurred.

To obtain a text description of the status code and additional information about the error condition, call the RFmxWLAN_GetError function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:
Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors


int32 __stdcall RFmxWLAN_CfgSoftwareEdgeTrigger (niRFmxInstrHandle instrumentHandle, char selectorString[], float64 triggerDelay, int32 enableTrigger);


Configures the device to wait for a software trigger and then marks a reference point within the record.


Name Type Description
instrumentHandle niRFmxInstrHandle Specifies the instrument session. The RFmx driver obtains this parameter from the RFmxWLAN_Initialize function.
selectorString char[] Specifies a selector string comprising of the signal name. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used.
You can use the RFmxWLAN_BuildSignalString function to build the selector string.
triggerDelay float64 Specifies the trigger delay time. This value is expressed in seconds.
enableTrigger int32 Specifies whether to enable the trigger.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status int32 Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an RFmx function to determine if an error has occurred.

To obtain a text description of the status code and additional information about the error condition, call the RFmxWLAN_GetError function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:
Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors


int32 __stdcall RFmxWLAN_SendSoftwareEdgeTrigger (niRFmxInstrHandle instrumentHandle);


Sends a trigger to the device when you use the RFmxWLAN_CfgTrigger function to choose a software version of a trigger and the device is waiting for the trigger to be sent. You can also use this function to override a hardware trigger. This function returns an error in the following situations:

  • You configure an invalid trigger.
  • You have not previously called the RFmxWLAN_Initiate function.


Name Type Description
instrumentHandle niRFmxInstrHandle Specifies the instrument session. The RFmx driver obtains this parameter from the RFmxWLAN_Initialize function.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status int32 Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an RFmx function to determine if an error has occurred.

To obtain a text description of the status code and additional information about the error condition, call the RFmxWLAN_GetError function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:
Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors


int32 __stdcall RFmxWLAN_CfgStandard (niRFmxInstrHandle instrumentHandle, char selectorString[], int32 standard);


Configures the IEEE 802.11 standard for the signal under analysis.


Name Type Description
instrumentHandle niRFmxInstrHandle Specifies the instrument session. The RFmx driver obtains this parameter from the RFmxWLAN_Initialize function.
selectorString char[] Specifies a selector string comprising of the signal name. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used.
You can use the RFmxWLAN_BuildSignalString function to build the selector string.
standard int32 Specifies the signal under analysis as defined under IEEE Standard 802.11.
On a MIMO session, the supported standards are 802.11n, 802.11ac, 802.11ax, and 802.11be.
RFMXWLAN_VAL_STANDARD_802_11_AG (0) Corresponds to the OFDM based PPDU formats as defined in IEEE Standard 802.11a-1999 and IEEE Standard 802.11g-2003.
RFMXWLAN_VAL_STANDARD_802_11_B (1) Corresponds to the DSSS based PPDU formats as defined in IEEE Standard 802.11b-1999.
RFMXWLAN_VAL_STANDARD_802_11_J (2) Corresponds to the OFDM based PPDU formats as defined in IEEE Standard 802.11j-2004.
RFMXWLAN_VAL_STANDARD_802_11_P (3) Corresponds to the OFDM based PPDU formats as defined in IEEE Standard 802.11p-2010.
RFMXWLAN_VAL_STANDARD_802_11_N (4) Corresponds to the OFDM based PPDU formats as defined in IEEE Standard 802.11n-2009.
RFMXWLAN_VAL_STANDARD_802_11_AC (5) Corresponds to the OFDM based PPDU formats as defined in IEEE Standard 802.11ac-2013.
RFMXWLAN_VAL_STANDARD_802_11_AX (6) Corresponds to the OFDM based PPDU formats as defined in IEEE Standard P802.11ax/D8.0.
RFMXWLAN_VAL_STANDARD_802_11_BE (7) Corresponds to the OFDM based PPDU formats as defined in IEEE Standard P802.11be/D1.3.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status int32 Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an RFmx function to determine if an error has occurred.

To obtain a text description of the status code and additional information about the error condition, call the RFmxWLAN_GetError function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:
Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors


int32 __stdcall RFmxWLAN_CfgChannelBandwidth (niRFmxInstrHandle instrumentHandle, char selectorString[], float64 channelBandwidth);


Configures the channel bandwidth.


Name Type Description
instrumentHandle niRFmxInstrHandle Specifies the instrument session. The RFmx driver obtains this parameter from the RFmxWLAN_Initialize function.
selectorString char[] Specifies a selector string comprising of the signal name. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used.
You can use the RFmxWLAN_BuildSignalString function to build the selector string.
channelBandwidth float64 Specifies the channel spacing as defined in section 3.1 of IEEE Standard 802.11–2016 (pp. 130). This value is expressed in Hz.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status int32 Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an RFmx function to determine if an error has occurred.

To obtain a text description of the status code and additional information about the error condition, call the RFmxWLAN_GetError function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:
Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors

MIMO Configuration


int32 __stdcall RFmxWLAN_CfgFrequencyArray (niRFmxInstrHandle instrumentHandle, char selectorString[], float64 centerFrequency[], int32 numberOfElements);


Configures a list of expected carrier frequencies of the RF signal to acquire. The signal analyzers tune to these frequencies based on the value you configure for the RFMXWLAN_ATTR_NUMBER_OF_FREQUENCY_SEGMENTS attribute.


Name Type Description
instrumentHandle niRFmxInstrHandle Specifies the instrument session. The RFmx driver obtains this parameter from the RFmxWLAN_Initialize function.
selectorString char[] Specifies a selector string comprising of the signal name. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used.
You can use the RFmxWLAN_BuildSignalString function to build the selector string.
centerFrequency float64[] Specifies the list of center frequencies to be configured for the given number of frequency segments. This value is expressed in Hz.
numberOfElements int32 Specifies the number of elements in each array.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status int32 Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an RFmx function to determine if an error has occurred.

To obtain a text description of the status code and additional information about the error condition, call the RFmxWLAN_GetError function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:
Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors

DSSS ModAcc Configuration


int32 __stdcall RFmxWLAN_DSSSModAccCfgAveraging (niRFmxInstrHandle instrumentHandle, char selectorString[], int32 averagingEnabled, int32 averagingCount);


Configures averaging for the measurement.


Name Type Description
instrumentHandle niRFmxInstrHandle Specifies the instrument session. The RFmx driver obtains this parameter from the RFmxWLAN_Initialize function.
selectorString char[] Specifies a selector string comprising of the signal name. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used.
You can use the RFmxWLAN_BuildSignalString function to build the selector string.
averagingEnabled int32 Specifies whether to enable averaging for DSSSModAcc measurements.
RFMXWLAN_VAL_DSSSMODACC_AVERAGING_ENABLED_FALSE (0) The measurement is performed on a single acquisition.
RFMXWLAN_VAL_DSSSMODACC_AVERAGING_ENABLED_TRUE (1) The measurement uses the averagingCount parameter as the number of acquisitions over which the results are averaged.
averagingCount int32 Specifies the number of acquisitions used for averaging when you set the averagingEnabled parameter to RFMXWLAN_VAL_DSSSMODACC_AVERAGING_ENABLED_TRUE.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status int32 Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an RFmx function to determine if an error has occurred.

To obtain a text description of the status code and additional information about the error condition, call the RFmxWLAN_GetError function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:
Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors


int32 __stdcall RFmxWLAN_DSSSModAccCfgEVMUnit (niRFmxInstrHandle instrumentHandle, char selectorString[], int32 EVMUnit);


Configures EVM unit for the measurement.


Name Type Description
instrumentHandle niRFmxInstrHandle Specifies the instrument session. The RFmx driver obtains this parameter from the RFmxWLAN_Initialize function.
selectorString char[] Specifies a selector string comprising of the signal name. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used.
You can use the RFmxWLAN_BuildSignalString function to build the selector string.
EVMUnit int32 Specifies the unit for the EVM results.
RFMXWLAN_VAL_DSSSMODACC_EVM_UNIT_DB (1) EVM results are returned as a percentage.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status int32 Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an RFmx function to determine if an error has occurred.

To obtain a text description of the status code and additional information about the error condition, call the RFmxWLAN_GetError function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:
Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors


int32 __stdcall RFmxWLAN_DSSSModAccCfgAcquisitionLength (niRFmxInstrHandle instrumentHandle, char selectorString[], int32 acquisitionLengthMode, float64 acquisitionLength);


Configures the acquisitionLength parameter and the acquisitionLengthMode parameter of the acquired waveform for the measurement.


Name Type Description
instrumentHandle niRFmxInstrHandle Specifies the instrument session. The RFmx driver obtains this parameter from the RFmxWLAN_Initialize function.
selectorString char[] Specifies a selector string comprising of the signal name. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used.
You can use the RFmxWLAN_BuildSignalString function to build the selector string.
acquisitionLengthMode int32 Specifies whether the measurement automatically computes the acquisition length of the waveform based on DSSSModAcc attributes.
RFMXWLAN_VAL_DSSSMODACC_ACQUISITION_LENGTH_MODE_MANUAL (0) Uses the acquisition length specified by the acquisitionLength parameter.
acquisitionLength float64 Specifies the length of the waveform to be acquired for the DSSSModAcc measurement when you set the acquisitionLengthMode parameter to RFMXWLAN_VAL_DSSSMODACC_ACQUISITION_LENGTH_MODE_MANUAL. This value is expressed in seconds.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status int32 Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an RFmx function to determine if an error has occurred.

To obtain a text description of the status code and additional information about the error condition, call the RFmxWLAN_GetError function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:
Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors


int32 __stdcall RFmxWLAN_DSSSModAccCfgMeasurementLength (niRFmxInstrHandle instrumentHandle, char selectorString[], int32 measurementOffset, int32 maximumMeasurementLength);


Configures the measurement offset and the maximum measurement length for the DSSSModAcc measurement.


Name Type Description
instrumentHandle niRFmxInstrHandle Specifies the instrument session. The RFmx driver obtains this parameter from the RFmxWLAN_Initialize function.
selectorString char[] Specifies a selector string comprising of the signal name. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used.
You can use the RFmxWLAN_BuildSignalString function to build the selector string.
measurementOffset int32 Specifies the number of data chips to be ignored from the start of the data field for the EVM computation. This value is expressed in chips.
maximumMeasurementLength int32 Specifies the maximum number of data chips that the measurement uses to compute EVM. This value is expressed in chips.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status int32 Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an RFmx function to determine if an error has occurred.

To obtain a text description of the status code and additional information about the error condition, call the RFmxWLAN_GetError function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:
Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors


int32 __stdcall RFmxWLAN_DSSSModAccCfgPowerMeasurementEnabled (niRFmxInstrHandle instrumentHandle, char selectorString[], int32 powerMeasurementEnabled);


Configures whether power measurement is enabled for the DSSSModAcc measurement.


Name Type Description
instrumentHandle niRFmxInstrHandle Specifies the instrument session. The RFmx driver obtains this parameter from the RFmxWLAN_Initialize function.
selectorString char[] Specifies a selector string comprising of the signal name. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used.
You can use the RFmxWLAN_BuildSignalString function to build the selector string.
powerMeasurementEnabled int32 Specifies if power measurement is performed. This parameter computes power of various fields in the PPDU. Additionally, this measurement computes power over the custom gates that you can configure using the RFMXWLAN_ATTR_DSSSMODACC_POWER_NUMBER_OF_CUSTOM_GATES, the RFMXWLAN_ATTR_DSSSMODACC_POWER_CUSTOM_GATE_START_TIME and the RFMXWLAN_ATTR_DSSSMODACC_POWER_CUSTOM_GATE_STOP_TIME attributes.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status int32 Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an RFmx function to determine if an error has occurred.

To obtain a text description of the status code and additional information about the error condition, call the RFmxWLAN_GetError function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:
Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors


int32 __stdcall RFmxWLAN_DSSSModAccCfgPowerMeasurementNumberOfCustomGates (niRFmxInstrHandle instrumentHandle, char selectorString[], int32 numberOfCustomGates);


Configures the number of custom gates for power measurement.


Name Type Description
instrumentHandle niRFmxInstrHandle Specifies the instrument session. The RFmx driver obtains this parameter from the RFmxWLAN_Initialize function.
selectorString char[] Specifies a selector string comprising of the signal name. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used.
You can use the RFmxWLAN_BuildSignalString function to build the selector string.
numberOfCustomGates int32 Specifies the number of custom gates used for power measurement.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status int32 Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an RFmx function to determine if an error has occurred.

To obtain a text description of the status code and additional information about the error condition, call the RFmxWLAN_GetError function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:
Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors


int32 __stdcall RFmxWLAN_DSSSModAccCfgPowerMeasurementCustomGateArray (niRFmxInstrHandle instrumentHandle, char selectorString[], float64 startTime[], float64 stopTime[], int32 numberOfElements);


Configures the custom gate start and stop times for power measurement.


Name Type Description
instrumentHandle niRFmxInstrHandle Specifies the instrument session. The RFmx driver obtains this parameter from the RFmxWLAN_Initialize function.
selectorString char[] Specifies a selector string comprising of the signal name. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used.
You can use the RFmxWLAN_BuildSignalString function to build the selector string.
startTime float64[] Specifies the array of start time of the custom power gates. This value is expressed in seconds. A value of 0 indicates that the start time is the start of the PPDU.
stopTime float64[] Specifies the array of stop time of the custom power gates. This value is expressed in seconds.
numberOfElements int32 Specifies the number of elements in each array.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status int32 Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an RFmx function to determine if an error has occurred.

To obtain a text description of the status code and additional information about the error condition, call the RFmxWLAN_GetError function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:
Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors

OFDM ModAcc Configuration


int32 __stdcall RFmxWLAN_OFDMModAccCfgAveraging (niRFmxInstrHandle instrumentHandle, char selectorString[], int32 averagingEnabled, int32 averagingCount);


Configures averaging for the measurement.


Name Type Description
instrumentHandle niRFmxInstrHandle Specifies the instrument session. The RFmx driver obtains this parameter from the RFmxWLAN_Initialize function.
selectorString char[] Specifies a selector string comprising of the signal name. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used.
You can use the RFmxWLAN_BuildSignalString function to build the selector string.
averagingEnabled int32 Specifies whether to enable averaging for OFDMModAcc measurements.
RFMXWLAN_VAL_OFDMMODACC_AVERAGING_ENABLED_FALSE (0) The measurement is performed on a single acquisition.
RFMXWLAN_VAL_OFDMMODACC_AVERAGING_ENABLED_TRUE (1) The measurement uses the value of the averagingCount parameter as the number of acquisitions over which the results are averaged.
averagingCount int32 Specifies the number of acquisitions used for averaging when you set the averagingEnabled parameter to RFMXWLAN_VAL_OFDMMODACC_AVERAGING_ENABLED_TRUE.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status int32 Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an RFmx function to determine if an error has occurred.

To obtain a text description of the status code and additional information about the error condition, call the RFmxWLAN_GetError function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:
Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors


int32 __stdcall RFmxWLAN_OFDMModAccCfgMeasurementMode (niRFmxInstrHandle instrumentHandle, char selectorString[], int32 measurementMode);


Configures the measurement mode for the OFDMModAcc measurement.


Name Type Description
instrumentHandle niRFmxInstrHandle Specifies the instrument session. The RFmx driver obtains this parameter from the RFmxWLAN_Initialize function.
selectorString char[] Specifies a selector string comprising of the signal name. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used.
You can use the RFmxWLAN_BuildSignalString function to build the selector string.
measurementMode int32 Specifies whether the measurement should calibrate the noise floor of the analyzer or perform the OFDMModAcc measurement.
RFMXWLAN_VAL_OFDMMODACC_MEASUREMENT_MODE_MEASURE (0) The OFDMModAcc measurement is performed on the acquired signal.
RFMXWLAN_VAL_OFDMMODACC_MEASUREMENT_MODE_CALIBRATE_NOISE_FLOOR (1) The OFDMModAcc measurement measures the noise floor of the instrument across the frequency range of interest determined by the carrier frequency and channel bandwidth. In this mode, the measurement expects that the signal generator to be turned off and checks whether no signal power is detected at the RF In port of the analyzer beyond a certain threshold. All scalar results and traces are invalid in this mode. Even if the instrument noise floor is previously calibrated, the measurement performs all the required acquisitions and overwrites any pre-existing noise floor calibration data.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status int32 Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an RFmx function to determine if an error has occurred.

To obtain a text description of the status code and additional information about the error condition, call the RFmxWLAN_GetError function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:
Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors


int32 __stdcall RFmxWLAN_OFDMModAccCfgEVMUnit (niRFmxInstrHandle instrumentHandle, char selectorString[], int32 EVMUnit);


Configures EVM unit for the measurement.


Name Type Description
instrumentHandle niRFmxInstrHandle Specifies the instrument session. The RFmx driver obtains this parameter from the RFmxWLAN_Initialize function.
selectorString char[] Specifies a selector string comprising of the signal name. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used.
You can use the RFmxWLAN_BuildSignalString function to build the selector string.
EVMUnit int32 Specifies the unit for the EVM results.
RFMXWLAN_VAL_OFDMMODACC_EVM_UNIT_DB (1) EVM results are returned as a percentage.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status int32 Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an RFmx function to determine if an error has occurred.

To obtain a text description of the status code and additional information about the error condition, call the RFmxWLAN_GetError function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:
Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors


int32 __stdcall RFmxWLAN_OFDMModAccCfgAcquisitionLength (niRFmxInstrHandle instrumentHandle, char selectorString[], int32 acquisitionLengthMode, float64 acquisitionLength);


Configures the acquisitionLength parameter and the acquisitionLengthMode parameter of the acquired waveform for the measurement.


Name Type Description
instrumentHandle niRFmxInstrHandle Specifies the instrument session. The RFmx driver obtains this parameter from the RFmxWLAN_Initialize function.
selectorString char[] Specifies a selector string comprising of the signal name. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used.
You can use the RFmxWLAN_BuildSignalString function to build the selector string.
acquisitionLengthMode int32 Specifies whether the measurement automatically computes the acquisition length of the waveform based on other OFDMModAcc attributes.
acquisitionLength float64 Specifies the length of the waveform to be acquired for the OFDMModAcc measurement when you set the acquisitionLengthMode parameter to RFMXWLAN_VAL_OFDMMODACC_ACQUISITION_LENGTH_MODE_MANUAL. This value is expressed in seconds.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status int32 Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an RFmx function to determine if an error has occurred.

To obtain a text description of the status code and additional information about the error condition, call the RFmxWLAN_GetError function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:
Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors


int32 __stdcall RFmxWLAN_OFDMModAccCfgMeasurementLength (niRFmxInstrHandle instrumentHandle, char selectorString[], int32 measurementOffset, int32 maximumMeasurementLength);


Configures the measurement offset and maximum measurement length for the OFDMModAcc EVM measurements.


Name Type Description
instrumentHandle niRFmxInstrHandle Specifies the instrument session. The RFmx driver obtains this parameter from the RFmxWLAN_Initialize function.
selectorString char[] Specifies a selector string comprising of the signal name. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used.
You can use the RFmxWLAN_BuildSignalString function to build the selector string.
measurementOffset int32 Specifies the number of data OFDM symbols to be ignored from the start of the data field for EVM computation.
maximumMeasurementLength int32 Specifies the maximum number of data OFDM symbols that the measurement uses to compute EVM.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status int32 Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an RFmx function to determine if an error has occurred.

To obtain a text description of the status code and additional information about the error condition, call the RFmxWLAN_GetError function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:
Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors


int32 __stdcall RFmxWLAN_OFDMModAccCfgFrequencyErrorEstimationMethod (niRFmxInstrHandle instrumentHandle, char selectorString[], int32 frequencyErrorEstimationMethod);


Configures the frequency error estimation method for the OFDMModAcc measurement.


Name Type Description
instrumentHandle niRFmxInstrHandle Specifies the instrument session. The RFmx driver obtains this parameter from the RFmxWLAN_Initialize function.
selectorString char[] Specifies a selector string comprising of the signal name. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used.
You can use the RFmxWLAN_BuildSignalString function to build the selector string.
frequencyErrorEstimationMethod int32 Specifies the PPDU fields that the measurement uses to estimate the carrier frequency error in the acquired signal.
RFMXWLAN_VAL_OFDMMODACC_FREQUENCY_ERROR_ESTIMATION_METHOD_DISABLED (0) Carrier frequency error is not computed and the corresponding result is returned as NaN.
RFMXWLAN_VAL_OFDMMODACC_FREQUENCY_ERROR_ESTIMATION_METHOD_PREAMBLE (2) Initial short and long training fields along with the SIGnal fields are used.
RFMXWLAN_VAL_OFDMMODACC_FREQUENCY_ERROR_ESTIMATION_METHOD_PREAMBLE_AND_PILOTS (3) The initial short and long training fields, SIGnal fields, and the pilot subcarriers in the DATA field are used.
RFMXWLAN_VAL_OFDMMODACC_FREQUENCY_ERROR_ESTIMATION_METHOD_PREAMBLE_PILOTS_AND_DATA (4) The initial short and long training fields, SIGnal fields, and all the subcarriers in the DATA field are used.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status int32 Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an RFmx function to determine if an error has occurred.

To obtain a text description of the status code and additional information about the error condition, call the RFmxWLAN_GetError function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:
Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors


int32 __stdcall RFmxWLAN_OFDMModAccCfgCommonClockSourceEnabled (niRFmxInstrHandle instrumentHandle, char selectorString[], int32 commonClockSourceEnabled);


Configures whether the transmitter uses the same reference clock signal for generating the RF carrier and for the symbol clock.


Name Type Description
instrumentHandle niRFmxInstrHandle Specifies the instrument session. The RFmx driver obtains this parameter from the RFmxWLAN_Initialize function.
selectorString char[] Specifies a selector string comprising of the signal name. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used.
You can use the RFmxWLAN_BuildSignalString function to build the selector string.
commonClockSourceEnabled int32 Specifies if the transmitter uses the same reference clock signal for generating the RF carrier and the symbol clock.
RFMXWLAN_VAL_OFDMMODACC_COMMON_CLOCK_SOURCE_ENABLED_FALSE (0) Specifies that the transmitter does not use a common reference clock. The OFDMModAcc measurement computes the symbol clock error and carrier frequency error independently.
RFMXWLAN_VAL_OFDMMODACC_COMMON_CLOCK_SOURCE_ENABLED_TRUE (1) Specifies that the transmitter uses a common reference clock. The OFDMModAcc measurement derives the symbol clock error from the configured center frequency and carrier frequency error.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status int32 Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an RFmx function to determine if an error has occurred.

To obtain a text description of the status code and additional information about the error condition, call the RFmxWLAN_GetError function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:
Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors


int32 __stdcall RFmxWLAN_OFDMModAccCfgAmplitudeTrackingEnabled (niRFmxInstrHandle instrumentHandle, char selectorString[], int32 amplitudeTrackingEnabled);


Configures whether to enable pilot-based mean amplitude tracking per OFDM data symbol.


Name Type Description
instrumentHandle niRFmxInstrHandle Specifies the instrument session. The RFmx driver obtains this parameter from the RFmxWLAN_Initialize function.
selectorString char[] Specifies a selector string comprising of the signal name. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used.
You can use the RFmxWLAN_BuildSignalString function to build the selector string.
amplitudeTrackingEnabled int32 Specifies whether to enable pilot-based mean amplitude tracking per OFDM data symbol. Amplitude tracking is useful if the mean amplitude of the OFDM symbols in a PPDU varies over time. However, enabling tracking may degrade EVM because of attempts to track random amplitude distortions caused by additive noise and other distortions.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status int32 Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an RFmx function to determine if an error has occurred.

To obtain a text description of the status code and additional information about the error condition, call the RFmxWLAN_GetError function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:
Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors


int32 __stdcall RFmxWLAN_OFDMModAccCfgPhaseTrackingEnabled (niRFmxInstrHandle instrumentHandle, char selectorString[], int32 phaseTrackingEnabled);


Configures whether to enable pilot-based common phase error correction per OFDM data symbol.


Name Type Description
instrumentHandle niRFmxInstrHandle Specifies the instrument session. The RFmx driver obtains this parameter from the RFmxWLAN_Initialize function.
selectorString char[] Specifies a selector string comprising of the signal name. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used.
You can use the RFmxWLAN_BuildSignalString function to build the selector string.
phaseTrackingEnabled int32 Specifies whether to enable pilot-based common phase error correction per OFDM data symbol. Phase tracking is useful for tracking the phase variation over the modulation symbol caused by the residual frequency offset and phase noise.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status int32 Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an RFmx function to determine if an error has occurred.

To obtain a text description of the status code and additional information about the error condition, call the RFmxWLAN_GetError function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:
Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors


int32 __stdcall RFmxWLAN_OFDMModAccCfgSymbolClockErrorCorrectionEnabled (niRFmxInstrHandle instrumentHandle, char selectorString[], int32 symbolClockErrorCorrectionEnabled);


Configures whether to enable symbol clock error correction.


Name Type Description
instrumentHandle niRFmxInstrHandle Specifies the instrument session. The RFmx driver obtains this parameter from the RFmxWLAN_Initialize function.
selectorString char[] Specifies a selector string comprising of the signal name. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used.
You can use the RFmxWLAN_BuildSignalString function to build the selector string.
symbolClockErrorCorrectionEnabled int32 Specifies whether to enable symbol clock error correction.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status int32 Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an RFmx function to determine if an error has occurred.

To obtain a text description of the status code and additional information about the error condition, call the RFmxWLAN_GetError function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:
Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors


int32 __stdcall RFmxWLAN_OFDMModAccCfgChannelEstimationType (niRFmxInstrHandle instrumentHandle, char selectorString[], int32 channelEstimationType);


Configures the fields in the PPDU used to estimate the channel frequency response.


Name Type Description
instrumentHandle niRFmxInstrHandle Specifies the instrument session. The RFmx driver obtains this parameter from the RFmxWLAN_Initialize function.
selectorString char[] Specifies a selector string comprising of the signal name. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used.
You can use the RFmxWLAN_BuildSignalString function to build the selector string.
channelEstimationType int32 Specifies the fields in the PPDU used to estimate the channel frequency response.
RFMXWLAN_VAL_OFDMMODACC_CHANNEL_ESTIMATION_TYPE_REFERENCE (0) The channel is estimated using long training fields (LTFs) in the preamble and the most recently received midamble, if present.
RFMXWLAN_VAL_OFDMMODACC_CHANNEL_ESTIMATION_TYPE_REFERENCE_AND_DATA (1) The channel is estimated using long training fields (LTFs) in the preamble, the midamble (if present), and the data field.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status int32 Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an RFmx function to determine if an error has occurred.

To obtain a text description of the status code and additional information about the error condition, call the RFmxWLAN_GetError function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:
Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors


int32 __stdcall RFmxWLAN_OFDMModAccCfgNoiseCompensationEnabled (niRFmxInstrHandle instrumentHandle, char selectorString[], int32 noiseCompensationEnabled);


Configures whether to enable EVM noise compensation for the OFDMModAcc measurement. **supporteddevices:**PXIe-5830/5831/5832/5646/5840/5841.


Name Type Description
instrumentHandle niRFmxInstrHandle Specifies the instrument session. The RFmx driver obtains this parameter from the RFmxWLAN_Initialize function.
selectorString char[] Specifies a selector string comprising of the signal name. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used.
You can use the RFmxWLAN_BuildSignalString function to build the selector string.
noiseCompensationEnabled int32 Specifies whether the contribution of the instrument noise is compensated for EVM computation.
RFMXWLAN_VAL_OFDMMODACC_NOISE_COMPENSATION_ENABLED_FALSE (0) Disables instrument noise compensation for EVM results.
RFMXWLAN_VAL_OFDMMODACC_NOISE_COMPENSATION_ENABLED_TRUE (1) Enables instrument noise compensation for EVM results.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status int32 Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an RFmx function to determine if an error has occurred.

To obtain a text description of the status code and additional information about the error condition, call the RFmxWLAN_GetError function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:
Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors


int32 __stdcall RFmxWLAN_OFDMModAccCfgOptimizeDynamicRangeForEVM (niRFmxInstrHandle instrumentHandle, char selectorString[], int32 optimizeDynamicRangeForEVMEnabled, float64 optimizeDynamicRangeForEVMMargin);


Specifies whether to optimize analyzer’s dynamic range for the EVM measurement. **supporteddevices:**PXIe-5646/5840/5841.


Name Type Description
instrumentHandle niRFmxInstrHandle Specifies the instrument session. The RFmx driver obtains this parameter from the RFmxWLAN_Initialize function.
selectorString char[] Specifies a selector string comprising of the signal name. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used.
You can use the RFmxWLAN_BuildSignalString function to build the selector string.
optimizeDynamicRangeForEVMEnabled int32 Specifies whether to optimize the analyzer’s dynamic range for the EVM measurement. This parameter computes optimum attenuation settings for the analyzer based on the reference level you specify while still avoiding ADC or onboard signal processing (OSP) overflow. When you specify the reference level and you notice an overflow error, you can increase the reference level or specify a margin above the reference level by configuring the optimizeDynamicRangeForEVMMargin parameter.
RFMXWLAN_VAL_OFDMMODACC_OPTIMIZE_DYNAMIC_RANGE_FOR_EVM_ENABLED_FALSE (0) Specifies that the dynamic range is not optimized for EVM measurement.
RFMXWLAN_VAL_OFDMMODACC_OPTIMIZE_DYNAMIC_RANGE_FOR_EVM_ENABLED_TRUE (1) Specifies that the dynamic range is optimized for EVM measurement.
optimizeDynamicRangeForEVMMargin float64 Specifies the margin above the reference level you specify when you set the optimizeDynamicRangeForEVMEnabled parameter to RFMXWLAN_VAL_OFDMMODACC_OPTIMIZE_DYNAMIC_RANGE_FOR_EVM_ENABLED_TRUE. This value is expressed in dB. When the parameter's value is 0, the dynamic range is optimized. When you set a positive value to the parameter, the dynamic range reduces from the optimized dynamic range. You can use this parameter to avoid ADC and onboard signal processing (OSP) overflows.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status int32 Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an RFmx function to determine if an error has occurred.

To obtain a text description of the status code and additional information about the error condition, call the RFmxWLAN_GetError function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:
Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors


int32 __stdcall RFmxWLAN_OFDMModAccClearNoiseCalibrationDatabase (niRFmxInstrHandle instrumentHandle);


Clears the noise calibration database used for EVM noise compensation.


Name Type Description
instrumentHandle niRFmxInstrHandle Specifies the instrument session. The RFmx driver obtains this parameter from the RFmxWLAN_Initialize function.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status int32 Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an RFmx function to determine if an error has occurred.

To obtain a text description of the status code and additional information about the error condition, call the RFmxWLAN_GetError function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:
Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors


int32 __stdcall RFmxWLAN_OFDMModAccValidateCalibrationData (niRFmxInstrHandle instrumentHandle, char selectorString[], int32* calibrationDataValid);


Indicates whether calibration data is valid for the configuration specified by the signal name in the selectorString parameter.


Name Type Description
instrumentHandle niRFmxInstrHandle Specifies the instrument session. The RFmx driver obtains this parameter from the RFmxWLAN_Initialize function.
selectorString char[] Specifies a selector string comprising of the signal name. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used.
You can use the RFmxWLAN_BuildSignalString function to build the selector string.
Name Type Description
calibrationDataValid int32* Returns whether the calibration data is valid.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status int32 Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an RFmx function to determine if an error has occurred.

To obtain a text description of the status code and additional information about the error condition, call the RFmxWLAN_GetError function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:
Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors


int32 __stdcall RFmxWLAN_OFDMModAccCfg1ReferenceWaveform (niRFmxInstrHandle instrumentHandle, char selectorString[], float64 x0, float64 dx, NIComplexSingle referenceWaveform[], int32 arraySize);




Name Type Description
instrumentHandle niRFmxInstrHandle Specifies the instrument session. The RFmx driver obtains this parameter from the RFmxWLAN_Initialize function.
selectorString char[] Specifies a selector string comprising of the signal name. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used.
You can use the RFmxWLAN_BuildSignalString function to build the selector string.
x0 float64 Specifies the starting time of the reference waveform. This value is expressed in seconds.
dx float64 Specifies the sampling interval of the reference waveform. This value is expressed in seconds.
referenceWaveform NIComplexSingle[] Specifies an array of waveform samples of the reference waveform.
arraySize int32 Specifies the size of the array.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status int32 Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an RFmx function to determine if an error has occurred.

To obtain a text description of the status code and additional information about the error condition, call the RFmxWLAN_GetError function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:
Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors


int32 __stdcall RFmxWLAN_OFDMModAccCfgNReferenceWaveforms (niRFmxInstrHandle instrumentHandle, char selectorString[], float64 x0[], float64 dx[], NIComplexSingle referenceWaveform[], int32 referenceWaveformSize[], int32 arraySize);




Name Type Description
instrumentHandle niRFmxInstrHandle Specifies the instrument session. The RFmx driver obtains this parameter from the RFmxWLAN_Initialize function.
selectorString char[] Specifies a selector string comprising of the signal name. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used.
You can use the RFmxWLAN_BuildSignalString function to build the selector string.
x0 float64[] Specifies the starting time of the reference waveform. This value is expressed in seconds.
dx float64[] Specifies the sampling interval of the reference waveform. This value is expressed in seconds.
referenceWaveform NIComplexSingle[] Specifies an array of waveform samples of the reference waveform.
referenceWaveformSize int32[] Specifies the size of reference waveform.
arraySize int32 Specifies the size of the array.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status int32 Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an RFmx function to determine if an error has occurred.

To obtain a text description of the status code and additional information about the error condition, call the RFmxWLAN_GetError function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:
Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors


int32 __stdcall RFmxWLAN_OFDMModAccAutoLevel (niRFmxInstrHandle instrumentHandle, char selectorString[], float64 timeout);


Performs the user-configured ModAcc measurement at multiple reference levels relative to the user-configured Reference Level attribute and configures the reference level corresponding to the lowest OFDMModAcc Results Composite RMS EVM Mean result. This function only measures at the reference levels that do not result in an ADC or OSP overflow when you set the OFDMModAcc Auto Level Allow Overflow attribute to false. If you set the OFDMModAcc Auto Level Allow Overflow attribute to true, this function measures at a few reference levels beyond the overflow. This function expects: Auto level needs to be performed again if the input signal or RFmx configuration changes. For repeatable results, you must make sure that the OFDMModAcc measurement is repeatable. This function measures EVM at reference levels starting at an integer at least 1 dB above the value you configure for the Reference Level attribute, extending upto 12 dB lower when you set the OFDMModAcc Auto Level Allow Overflow attribute to false, and up to 17 dB lower when you set the OFDMModAcc Auto Level Allow Overflow attribute to true with a step size of 0.5 dB. When you use this function with the OFDMModAcc Noise Comp Enabled attribute set to true, you need to make sure that valid noise calibration data is available for the above measurements.

  • A valid OFDMModAcc measurement configuration
  • Reference Level attribute set to peak power of the signal
  • Repetitive signals at the analyzer's input along with trigger settings that measure the same portion of the waveform every time the measurement is performed
  • No other measurements are running in parallel


Name Type Description
instrumentHandle niRFmxInstrHandle Specifies the instrument session. The RFmx driver obtains this parameter from the RFmxWLAN_Initialize function.
selectorString char[] Specifies a selector string comprising of the signal name. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used.
You can use the RFmxWLAN_BuildSignalString function to build the selector string.
timeout float64 Specifies the timeout, in seconds, for fetching the specified measurement. Set this value to an appropriate time, longer than expected for fetching the measurement. A value of -1 specifies that the function waits until the measurement is complete.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status int32 Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an RFmx function to determine if an error has occurred.

To obtain a text description of the status code and additional information about the error condition, call the RFmxWLAN_GetError function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:
Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors

SEM Configuration


int32 __stdcall RFmxWLAN_SEMCfgAveraging (niRFmxInstrHandle instrumentHandle, char selectorString[], int32 averagingEnabled, int32 averagingCount, int32 averagingType);


Configures averaging for the measurement.


Name Type Description
instrumentHandle niRFmxInstrHandle Specifies the instrument session. The RFmx driver obtains this parameter from the RFmxWLAN_Initialize function.
selectorString char[] Specifies a selector string comprising of the signal name. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used.
You can use the RFmxWLAN_BuildSignalString function to build the selector string.
averagingEnabled int32 Specifies whether to enable averaging for the SEM.
RFMXWLAN_VAL_SEM_AVERAGING_ENABLED_FALSE (0) The measurement is performed on a single acquisition.
RFMXWLAN_VAL_SEM_AVERAGING_ENABLED_TRUE (1) The measurement uses the averagingCount parameter as the number of acquisitions over which the results are averaged.
averagingCount int32 Specifies the number of acquisitions used for averaging when you set the averagingEnabled parameter to RFMXWLAN_VAL_SEM_AVERAGING_ENABLED_TRUE.
averagingType int32 Specifies the averaging type for averaging multiple spectrum acquisitions. The averaged spectrum is used for SEM measurement.
RFMXWLAN_VAL_SEM_AVERAGING_TYPE_RMS (0) The power spectrum is linearly averaged. RMS averaging reduces signal fluctuations but not the noise floor.
RFMXWLAN_VAL_SEM_AVERAGING_TYPE_LOG (1) The power spectrum is averaged in a logarithmic scale.
RFMXWLAN_VAL_SEM_AVERAGING_TYPE_SCALAR (2) The square root of the power spectrum is averaged.
RFMXWLAN_VAL_SEM_AVERAGING_TYPE_MAXIMUM (3) The peak power in the spectrum at each frequency bin is retained from one record to the next.
RFMXWLAN_VAL_SEM_AVERAGING_TYPE_MINIMUM (4) The least power in the spectrum at each frequency bin is retained from one record to the next.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status int32 Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an RFmx function to determine if an error has occurred.

To obtain a text description of the status code and additional information about the error condition, call the RFmxWLAN_GetError function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:
Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors


int32 __stdcall RFmxWLAN_SEMCfgSweepTime (niRFmxInstrHandle instrumentHandle, char selectorString[], int32 sweepTimeAuto, float64 sweepTimeInterval);


Configures the sweep time.


Name Type Description
instrumentHandle niRFmxInstrHandle Specifies the instrument session. The RFmx driver obtains this parameter from the RFmxWLAN_Initialize function.
selectorString char[] Specifies a selector string comprising of the signal name. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used.
You can use the RFmxWLAN_BuildSignalString function to build the selector string.
sweepTimeAuto int32 Specifies whether the sweep time for the SEM measurement is computed automatically by the measurement or is configured by you.
RFMXWLAN_VAL_SEM_SWEEP_TIME_AUTO_FALSE (0) The sweep time you configure using the sweepTime parameter is used as the sweep time for the SEM measurement.
RFMXWLAN_VAL_SEM_SWEEP_TIME_AUTO_TRUE (1) The sweep time is computed automatically based on the configured standard.
sweepTimeInterval float64 Specifies the sweep time for the SEM measurement. This value is expressed in seconds. This parameter is ignored when you set the Sweep Time Auto parameter to RFMXWLAN_VAL_SEM_SWEEP_TIME_AUTO_FALSE. The default value is 1 ms

Return Value

Name Type Description
status int32 Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an RFmx function to determine if an error has occurred.

To obtain a text description of the status code and additional information about the error condition, call the RFmxWLAN_GetError function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:
Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors


int32 __stdcall RFmxWLAN_SEMCfgSpan (niRFmxInstrHandle instrumentHandle, char selectorString[], int32 spanAuto, float64 span);


Configures the frequency range around the center frequency to be acquired for the SEM measurement.


Name Type Description
instrumentHandle niRFmxInstrHandle Specifies the instrument session. The RFmx driver obtains this parameter from the RFmxWLAN_Initialize function.
selectorString char[] Specifies a selector string comprising of the signal name. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used.
You can use the RFmxWLAN_BuildSignalString function to build the selector string.
spanAuto int32 Specifies whether the frequency range of the spectrum used for the SEM measurement is computed automatically by the measurement or is configured by you. This parameter is applicable when you set the RFMXWLAN_ATTR_SEM_MASK_TYPE attribute to RFMXWLAN_VAL_SEM_MASK_TYPE_STANDARD.
RFMXWLAN_VAL_SEM_SPAN_AUTO_FALSE (0) The span you configure is used as the frequency range for the SEM measurement.
RFMXWLAN_VAL_SEM_SPAN_AUTO_TRUE (1) The span is automatically computed based on the configured standard and bandwidth.
span float64 Specifies the frequency range of the spectrum that is used for the SEM measurement. This value is expressed in Hz. This parameter is applicable only when you set the spanAuto parameter to RFMXWLAN_VAL_SEM_SPAN_AUTO_FALSE, and the RFMXWLAN_ATTR_SEM_MASK_TYPE attribute to RFMXWLAN_VAL_SEM_MASK_TYPE_STANDARD.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status int32 Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an RFmx function to determine if an error has occurred.

To obtain a text description of the status code and additional information about the error condition, call the RFmxWLAN_GetError function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:
Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors


int32 __stdcall RFmxWLAN_SEMCfgMaskType (niRFmxInstrHandle instrumentHandle, char selectorString[], int32 maskType);


Configures the mask type for the SEM measurement.


Name Type Description
instrumentHandle niRFmxInstrHandle Specifies the instrument session. The RFmx driver obtains this parameter from the RFmxWLAN_Initialize function.
selectorString char[] Specifies a selector string comprising of the signal name. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used.
You can use the RFmxWLAN_BuildSignalString function to build the selector string.
maskType int32 Specifies whether the mask used for the SEM measurement is as per the 3GPP standard or specified by you.
RFMXWLAN_VAL_SEM_MASK_TYPE_STANDARD (0) Mask limits are configured as per the standard.
RFMXWLAN_VAL_SEM_MASK_TYPE_CUSTOM (1) Mask limits are configured by you.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status int32 Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an RFmx function to determine if an error has occurred.

To obtain a text description of the status code and additional information about the error condition, call the RFmxWLAN_GetError function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:
Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors


int32 __stdcall RFmxWLAN_SEMCfgNumberOfOffsets (niRFmxInstrHandle instrumentHandle, char selectorString[], int32 numberOfOffsets);


Configures the number of offset segments for the SEM measurement when you set the RFMXWLAN_ATTR_SEM_MASK_TYPE attribute to RFMXWLAN_VAL_SEM_MASK_TYPE_CUSTOM.


Name Type Description
instrumentHandle niRFmxInstrHandle Specifies the instrument session. The RFmx driver obtains this parameter from the RFmxWLAN_Initialize function.
selectorString char[] Specifies a selector string comprising of the signal name. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used.
You can use the RFmxWLAN_BuildSignalString function to build the selector string.
numberOfOffsets int32 Specifies the number of SEM offset segments.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status int32 Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an RFmx function to determine if an error has occurred.

To obtain a text description of the status code and additional information about the error condition, call the RFmxWLAN_GetError function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:
Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors

Array Configuration


int32 __stdcall RFmxWLAN_SEMCfgOffsetFrequencyArray (niRFmxInstrHandle instrumentHandle, char selectorString[], float64 offsetStartFrequency[], float64 offsetStopFrequency[], int32 offsetSideband[], int32 numberOfElements);


Configures the array of offset start and stop frequencies and specifies whether the offsets are present on one side, or on both the sides of the carrier when you set the RFMXWLAN_ATTR_SEM_MASK_TYPE attribute to RFMXWLAN_VAL_SEM_MASK_TYPE_CUSTOM.


Name Type Description
instrumentHandle niRFmxInstrHandle Specifies the instrument session. The RFmx driver obtains this parameter from the RFmxWLAN_Initialize function.
selectorString char[] Specifies a selector string comprising of the signal name. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used.
You can use the RFmxWLAN_BuildSignalString function to build the selector string.
offsetStartFrequency float64[] Specifies the array of offset start frequencies, relative to the carrier frequency. This value is expressed in Hz.
offsetStopFrequency float64[] Specifies the array of offset stop frequencies, relative to the carrier frequency. This value is expressed in Hz.
offsetSideband int32[] Specifies whether the offset segments present on one or both sides of the carrier.
RFMXWLAN_VAL_SEM_OFFSET_SIDEBAND_NEGATIVE (0) Configures a lower offset segment to the left of the carrier.
RFMXWLAN_VAL_SEM_OFFSET_SIDEBAND_POSITIVE (1) Configures an upper offset segment to the right of the carrier.
RFMXWLAN_VAL_SEM_OFFSET_SIDEBAND_BOTH (2) Configures both negative and positive offset segments.
numberOfElements int32 Specifies the number of elements in each array.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status int32 Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an RFmx function to determine if an error has occurred.

To obtain a text description of the status code and additional information about the error condition, call the RFmxWLAN_GetError function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:
Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors


int32 __stdcall RFmxWLAN_SEMCfgOffsetRelativeLimitArray (niRFmxInstrHandle instrumentHandle, char selectorString[], float64 relativeLimitStart[], float64 relativeLimitStop[], int32 numberOfElements);


Configures an array of relative mask limits corresponding the start and stop frequencies of the offsets when you set the RFMXWLAN_ATTR_SEM_MASK_TYPE attribute to RFMXWLAN_VAL_SEM_MASK_TYPE_CUSTOM. The relative limits are relative to the peak power of the carrier.


Name Type Description
instrumentHandle niRFmxInstrHandle Specifies the instrument session. The RFmx driver obtains this parameter from the RFmxWLAN_Initialize function.
selectorString char[] Specifies a selector string comprising of the signal name. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used.
You can use the RFmxWLAN_BuildSignalString function to build the selector string.
relativeLimitStart float64[] Specifies the array of relative power limits corresponding to the start frequencies of the offsets. The relative limits are relative to the peak power of the carrier. This value is expressed in dB.
relativeLimitStop float64[] Specifies the array of relative power limits corresponding to the stop frequencies of the offsets. The relative limits are relative to the peak power of the carrier. This value is expressed in dB.
numberOfElements int32 Specifies the number of elements in each array.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status int32 Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an RFmx function to determine if an error has occurred.

To obtain a text description of the status code and additional information about the error condition, call the RFmxWLAN_GetError function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:
Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors

TXP Configuration


int32 __stdcall RFmxWLAN_TXPCfgAveraging (niRFmxInstrHandle instrumentHandle, char selectorString[], int32 averagingEnabled, int32 averagingCount);


Configures averaging for the measurement.


Name Type Description
instrumentHandle niRFmxInstrHandle Specifies the instrument session. The RFmx driver obtains this parameter from the RFmxWLAN_Initialize function.
selectorString char[] Specifies a selector string comprising of the signal name. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used.
You can use the RFmxWLAN_BuildSignalString function to build the selector string.
averagingEnabled int32 Specifies whether to enable averaging for the TXP measurement.
RFMXWLAN_VAL_TXP_AVERAGING_ENABLED_FALSE (0) The measurement is performed on a single acquisition.
RFMXWLAN_VAL_TXP_AVERAGING_ENABLED_TRUE (1) The measurement uses the averagingCount parameter as the number of acquisitions over which the results are averaged.
averagingCount int32 Specifies the number of acquisitions used for averaging when you set the averagingEnabled parameter to RFMXWLAN_VAL_TXP_AVERAGING_ENABLED_TRUE.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status int32 Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an RFmx function to determine if an error has occurred.

To obtain a text description of the status code and additional information about the error condition, call the RFmxWLAN_GetError function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:
Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors


int32 __stdcall RFmxWLAN_TXPCfgMaximumMeasurementInterval (niRFmxInstrHandle instrumentHandle, char selectorString[], float64 maximumMeasurementInterval);


Configures the maximum measurement interval for the TXP measurement.


Name Type Description
instrumentHandle niRFmxInstrHandle Specifies the instrument session. The RFmx driver obtains this parameter from the RFmxWLAN_Initialize function.
selectorString char[] Specifies a selector string comprising of the signal name. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used.
You can use the RFmxWLAN_BuildSignalString function to build the selector string.
maximumMeasurementInterval float64 Specifies the maximum measurement interval. This value is expressed in seconds. When you set the RFMXWLAN_ATTR_TXP_BURST_DETECTION_ENABLED attribute to RFMXWLAN_VAL_TXP_BURST_DETECTION_ENABLED_TRUE, the measurement interval used is equal to the smaller of the duration of the WLAN packet under analysis or the value you set for this parameter.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status int32 Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an RFmx function to determine if an error has occurred.

To obtain a text description of the status code and additional information about the error condition, call the RFmxWLAN_GetError function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:
Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors


int32 __stdcall RFmxWLAN_TXPCfgBurstDetectionEnabled (niRFmxInstrHandle instrumentHandle, char selectorString[], int32 burstDetectionEnabled);


Configures burst detection for the TXP measurement.


Name Type Description
instrumentHandle niRFmxInstrHandle Specifies the instrument session. The RFmx driver obtains this parameter from the RFmxWLAN_Initialize function.
selectorString char[] Specifies a selector string comprising of the signal name. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used.
You can use the RFmxWLAN_BuildSignalString function to build the selector string.
burstDetectionEnabled int32 Specifies whether the measurement detects the start and the end of a WLAN packet automatically.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status int32 Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an RFmx function to determine if an error has occurred.

To obtain a text description of the status code and additional information about the error condition, call the RFmxWLAN_GetError function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:
Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors

PowerRamp Configuration


int32 __stdcall RFmxWLAN_PowerRampCfgAveraging (niRFmxInstrHandle instrumentHandle, char selectorString[], int32 averagingEnabled, int32 averagingCount);


Configures averaging for the measurement.


Name Type Description
instrumentHandle niRFmxInstrHandle Specifies the instrument session. The RFmx driver obtains this parameter from the RFmxWLAN_Initialize function.
selectorString char[] Specifies a selector string comprising of the signal name. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used.
You can use the RFmxWLAN_BuildSignalString function to build the selector string.
averagingEnabled int32 Specifies whether to enable averaging for the PowerRamp measurement.
RFMXWLAN_VAL_POWERRAMP_AVERAGING_ENABLED_FALSE (0) The measurement is performed on a single acquisition.
RFMXWLAN_VAL_POWERRAMP_AVERAGING_ENABLED_TRUE (1) The measurement uses the averagingCount parameter as the number of acquisitions over which the results are averaged.
averagingCount int32 Specifies the number of acquisitions used for averaging when you set the averagingEnabled parameter to RFMXWLAN_VAL_POWERRAMP_AVERAGING_ENABLED_TRUE.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status int32 Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an RFmx function to determine if an error has occurred.

To obtain a text description of the status code and additional information about the error condition, call the RFmxWLAN_GetError function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:
Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors


int32 __stdcall RFmxWLAN_PowerRampCfgAcquisitionLength (niRFmxInstrHandle instrumentHandle, char selectorString[], float64 acquisitionLength);


Configures the waveform acquisition length for the measurement.


Name Type Description
instrumentHandle niRFmxInstrHandle Specifies the instrument session. The RFmx driver obtains this parameter from the RFmxWLAN_Initialize function.
selectorString char[] Specifies a selector string comprising of the signal name. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used.
You can use the RFmxWLAN_BuildSignalString function to build the selector string.
acquisitionLength float64 Specifies the duration of the signal to be acquired for the PowerRamp measurement. This value is expressed in seconds. You must set this parameter to a value that is greater than or equal to the duration of the PPDU under analysis, so that the acquired signal contains both rising and falling power ramp transitions.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status int32 Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an RFmx function to determine if an error has occurred.

To obtain a text description of the status code and additional information about the error condition, call the RFmxWLAN_GetError function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:
Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors

Table of Contents

Internal Development

Creating and Setting Up a gRPC Server

Server Security Support

Creating a gRPC Client

gRPC Client Examples

Session Utilities API Reference

Driver Documentation

gRPC API Differences From C API

Sharing Driver Sessions Between Clients

Getting started with moniker based streaming
C API Docs
NI-RFmx Bluetooth
NI-RFmx Instr
NI-RFmx SpecAn
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