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CSS and JavaScript for using the NICE Design System


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niceorg-client (NOC)

Implementation of the NICE Design System for

🚀 Jump to usage | ✏️ Jump to developing locally

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What is it?

This repository houses the client code (CSS and JS) shared between the front-end of Orchard and Guidance Web.

NOC augments the NICE Design System with components, including styling of old NICE.Bootstrap components. We support using NICE.Bootstrap components with their existing markup as re-writing all the markup for the whole of niceorg and guidance would be a massive job. So instead, we style them using the Design System, so at least we get consistent foundations like typography, spacing and colour.

This also has the benefit that comms and content teams can continue to use the existing markup they know to produce pages. But allows them to gradually start using the new Design System components.

NOC is a separate repository from the core niceorg codebase because:

  • it allows front-end developers to work on it in an IDE (or OS) of their choice, without Visual Studio
  • the CSS and JS is referenced by both niceorg and Guidance-Web so makes sense to live on its own
  • we deploy it to the CDN so doesn't live on a niceorg/Guidance-Web server.

Technical stack


We recommend using Visual Studio Code as the IDE for development. We have a set of recommended extensions you should install to make development easier. You should be prompted to install these when opening the folder in VS Code.


Add the following link and script tags into your page source to use NOC:

+	<link rel="preconnect" href="">
+	<link href=";600&family=Lora:ital,wght@0,600;1,600&display=swap" rel="stylesheet">
+	<link href="http://localhost:8087/niceorg/css/app.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
+	<script src="http://localhost:8087/niceorg/js/app.js" async></script>

This example is using http://localhost:8087/ for local development. See the environments listed below for the CDN URLs for use in production.

NOC is designed to be used within both niceorg (Orchard front-end) and Guidance-Web:


To use NOC within niceorg, set the StylesheetNICEDesignSystem AppSetting in Orchard.Web/Web.config (or the Octo variable) to point to one of the environments listed below.

TODO: Add niceorg JS url once NOC JS has been added

E.g. to point locally, for develoment:

<add key="StylesheetNICEDesignSystem" value="http://localhost:8087/niceorg/css/app.css" />

Or to point to the verison on the live CDN:

<add key="StylesheetNICEDesignSystem" value="//" />


To use NOC within Guidance-Web, set the NiceorgDesignSystemCSSURL and NiceorgDesignSystemJSURL AppSettings in Guidance.Web/appsettings.json to point to one of the environments listed below.

E.g. to point to the local dev server:

"NiceorgDesignSystemCSSURL": "http://localhost:8087/niceorg/css/app.css",
"NiceorgDesignSystemJSURL": "http://localhost:8087/niceorg/js/app.js"

or, to point to the live CDN:

"NiceorgDesignSystemCSSURL": "//",
"NiceorgDesignSystemJSURL": "//"

Developing locally

To develop locally, make sure you have Node 10.13.0+.

Run node -v in a terminal to log the currently Node version. If it's less than 10.13 then download and install the latest LTS (Long Term Support) version of Node or use nvm (Node Version Manager) to install it (nvm install 10.13.0 && nvm use 10.13.0 in a terminal).

Note: our supported version of Node is dictated by webpack's supported Node version.

Once Node is installed do the following to run NOC locally:

  1. Run npm ci in a terminal to install npm dependencies
  2. Run npm start to run the project

This runs a dev server and opens http://localhost:8087/niceorg/playground.html in a browser. This page is a dev playground for testing out components, see _server/playground.ejs for the source.

This dev server also proxies requests to niceorg:

Proxy to niceorg

Running the dev server via npm start sets up a proxy to live niceorg on This means, for example if you view http://localhost:8087/ it will make a request for the HTML response from behind the scenes, process the HTML to make links relative etc, and inject the NOC CSS and JS.

Run one of these commands to run against a different environment:

  • local (http://niceorg) npm run dev:local
  • dev npm run dev:dev
  • test npm run dev:test
  • alpha npm run dev:alpha


To test the local version of NOC against the NICE.Bootstrap guide, create a bookmarklet with the following link:

javascript:$('link[href*="NICE.bootstrap.css"]').replaceWith('<link href="http://localhost:8087/niceorg/css/app.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />')

And to test the local version of NOC against, use the following bookmarklet:

javascript:$('link[href*="NICE.bootstrap.updated.brand.css"]').remove(),$('link[href*="fontawesome.css"]').remove(),$('link[href*="NICE.glyphs.css"]').remove(),$('link[href*="NICE.base"]').remove(),$("head").append('<link href="http://localhost:8087/niceorg/css/app.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />')

Note: we can't actually create bookmarklets here because GitHub strips them from markdown.


The CSS is available at /niceorg/css/app.css and the JS at /niceorg/js/app.js on each of the following environments:

Environment CSS JavaScript
Local dev server http://localhost:8087/niceorg/css/app.css http://localhost:8087/niceorg/js/app.js
Alpha CDN
Live CDN

Note: we used to have separate minified CSS URLs (e.g. Those are now 'deprecated' because we have full sourcemaps. However, we still deploy a copy of the CSS there for backwards compatibility.