The Decision ontology
The Decision Ontology (DO) provides basic means for describing decision and decisionmaking. It is formalized in the Web Ontology Language (OWL) and can be accessed here. The current DO prototype is intended to be extended with additional features as the work on the decision format progresses.
This DO was published as an output of the W3C Decisions and Decision-Making Incubator Group in 2012 as the Sample Decision Ontology . Since then the DO has been re-published here in order to position it for continued development.
This version of the DO published by the Incubator group will be referred to as the Sample DO and this version, published here, referred to as the DO, v1.0.
The differences between the Sample DO and DO v1.0 ontologies themselves are minimal: only updates to a few OWL properties with broken syntax where made. Additional comments and change notes have also been added to the to DO v1.0 ontology document. DO v1.0 also includes all of the documentation from the Sample DO's original web pages and PDF documents given on a now-defunct CodeProject website and minor documentation updates have been included: formatting, grammar and spelling, no substantial updates.
DO v1.0 has also, for the first time, been rendered into HTML for browsing. See next section.
Turtle format: decision.ttl
RDF XML format: decision.owl
HTML (using a renderer): decision.html
- to see the HTML document source click here: HTML source.
Some of the questions that can be answered using DO:
- What problem/question initiated the decision-making process?
- What options are being considered?
- What criteria are being used for respective options?
- What requirements, recommendation or other possible norms are associated with proposed criteria?
- What is involved in choosing the respective options?
- What is the result of a decision-making process?
- What is affected by a given norm/requirement?
- What satisfies a criterion?
- What does not satisfy a criterion?
- What kind of exceptions are defined?
- What options should be/must not be considered?
- What are the recommended criteria?
- What are the required criteria?
In general, there are two main use scenarios for DO:
- archiving current or historical decision-making processes and their outputs (data-driven use)
- outlining decision-making scenarios (patterns, templates) in order to provide guidelines for the decision-makers (normative use)
Combining these two approaches would enable confronting the normative descriptions with actual decision-making data and thus giving sophisticated means for analyzing archived decisions which could be particularly useful for validation purposes.
Recording facts by using OWL individuals. DO provides a conceptual framework and semantic foundation for analyzing decision-making data. The OWL file can be filled with data that can be used in many ways.
Modeling decision-making patterns by defining OWL classes containing an outline of a generic decision. This could be useful for representing knowledge derived from some legal regulations, requirements, industry standards or obtained from domain experts. What can be achieved here is a description of the domain decisions enabling new ways of sharing, understanding, reusing this knowledge (for example by users of common standards, clients seeking information etc.).
A complex process that starts with a question and may result in indication of a an answer being solution to the initial problem. It is important to note that a decision-making is something substantially different than decision, which is an output of the process of deciding. Usually it can be represented by the following pattern:
- Decision-making starts with a question.
- The decider gathers and analyzes some information
- The decider evaluates possible options.
- One of the options may get recognized as the right/appropriate/best possible solution to the initial question/problem or the decider may choose to restrain from choice. What justifies this act could be an objective evaluation of clearly defined criteria but also an intuition, emotion or other subjective factor.
In most cases stages 2-3 consist of many (concurrent or sequential) actions, events, processes related to information gathering, processing, verifying etc. In some cases a decision-making can be viewed as a complex process involving many “sub-decisions” preceding the recognition of the initial problem solution. In our current work we have focused on the basic elements of the above pattern (the question, gathering information, considering options, choosing solution). It should be considered to what extent the DO should support the modeling of correlated issues such as: information verification and retrieval etc.
Sometimes it may be hard to tell when one decision-making ends and the other begins. Even in the mentioned example: is it a single decision-making process or two distinct ones connected with each other by the same issue they both concern? The case could become even more complicated when dealing with subdecisions and decision-processes with changing participants. It seems appropriate to leave that issue open enabling the core decision ontology to be extended with modules containing various solutions of that particular problem.
There is a fundamental ontological difference between the process of deciding and its outcome - a decision. Moreover, allowing more elastic boundaries of decision-making (see above) can result in single decision-making having more than one decision as its outcome.
In some cases it may be useful to record a decision-making stage even if it doesn’t have any decision as its outcome. For example a patient may be ordered some further tests which may last a couple of days in which some other crucial parameters of decision-making can change resulting in a new stage of the deciding process (the newly recognized facts may encourage to continue modelling with a new stage of decision-making).
This is a general methodological issue, that still implies many discussions. Some of these discussion involve well- known ontology experts unable to find a reasonable consensus. The main problem is: how to represent the mutable entities or the change of their properties in an ontology? What I did in my example is using OWL individuals to represent the same person in different stages of the decision-making process. What would be needed in a real-life application is to add some property which could allow the unambiguous reference to a person (for example insurance number). This is necessary because during decision-making one would often ascribe different or even contradict attributes at different stages of the process. Additional benefit: using different instances to provide “snapshot” view of reality allows developing fine-grained view of the reality - consider an example from my scenario: the throat infection diagnosed at t1 is represented by different OWL individual than the same kind of infection diagnosed at t2 (after the allergic reaction), which illustrates that the medical disorder has probably undergone some change and may require a different treatment. This approach is one of the possible choices and the users of DO will have to decide whether or not it satisfies their needs.
The decision ontology should provide a foundation for modelling decision-making on different granularity level. Ideally, the decision ontology would consist of basic decision ontology and a set of modular extensions enabling more detailed modelling for more advanced use scenarios. When possible the core classes should be general enough to enable using them in different ontological and methodological contexts (for example we should not make assumptions about the definition of a “process” because existing ontologies use different definitions of a process). So in order to enable scalability and wide adoption we should try to avoid or at least minimize making ontological assumptions about concepts originated from other domains. It seems that the successful adoption of decision ontology will probably significantly rely on the capability to be used as basis for community-based extensions.
- develop extensions of the core DO for modeling of:
a. information gathering, processing and verification
b. decision metrics
c. decision-making criteria - implementing a use case
- develop detailed documentation.
- Add a subclass of Decision_making class.
- Consider adding the question representing the problem initiating the given decision-making process. Use is_initiated_by property to indicate a subclass (or member) of the Question class.
- Add options by using is_consideration_of property to indicate a subclass (or member) of Option class. See below for a details on describing options and their associated criteria.
- Add additional questions that have to be answered during the decision-making process. Use initiates property to indicate a subclass (or member) of the Question class.
- Add the outcome of the given decision-making process (this step can be omitted when describing decision-making patterns on TBox level). Use has_result property to indicate decisions that may result from considered options of a given decision-making process or to indicate a member of a Decision class in the case of describing a concrete process.
- Describe what exactly does a given option represent. Use involves_choosing property to indicate appropriate class or individual.
- Add options criteria. Use has_criterion property to indicate appropriate requirement, recommendation or other subclass or member of Normative_value class.
- Describe what given criterion applies to. Use has_validity_for property to indicate appropriate class or individual.
- Describe how a criterion can be satisfied (or not satisfied). Use is_satisfied_by and/or is_violated_by to indicate appropriate class or individual.
- Indicate what kind of decision-making does a given norm apply to. Use has_validity_for to indicate appropriate subclass or member of Decision_making class.
- Describe how a given decision-making type should be conducted (create a decision-making pattern). Use is_satisfied_by and/or is_violated_by to indicate appropriate subclass or member of Decision_making class.
- Add option which represents the chosen solution. Use indicates property to specify a subclass or member of Option class
- Indicate decision making process which a given decision is result of. Use is_result_of property to indicate appropriate subclass or member of Decision_making class.
- Bacterial throat infection
- illustrates the normative usage scenario
YouTube video:
This ontology and all other content in this repository are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) (also LICENSE).
Piotr Nowara
Primary Author
Nicholas Car
Geoscience Australia