Minvio is a Lightweight Java framework for developing graphical applications.
Minvio handles creating the application window and timed draw loop, and exposes a host of drawing and input functionality.
Great for Programmatic Art, Experiments, POC's, Algorithm Development, Toys, Learning.
Find examples here: https://github.com/nickd3000/minvio-examples
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Minimal example
import com.physmo.minvio.MinvioApp;
import java.awt.Color;
class SimpleExample extends MinvioApp {
public static void main(String... args) {
MinvioApp app = new SimpleExample();
app.start(200, 200, "Simple Example", 60);
public void draw(double delta) {
cls(new Color(83, 83, 83));
setDrawColor(new Color(241, 225, 58));
drawFilledRect(50, 50, 40, 40);
drawFilledCircle(120, 70, 20);
drawCircle(120, 120, 20);
drawRect(50, 100, 40, 40);
drawText("X:" + getMouseX() + " Y:" + getMouseY(), 10, 190);
- Gui: Added Label, Slider and text button.
- Gui: Added more color components to GuiContext.
- Cleanup: Moved structure objects to types package.
- Simplified app startup
- Added pass-through methods in MinvioApp to drawing context
- Removed all example - They are now in a separate project - minvio-examples
- Matrix drawer changes
- Added QuickRandom
- Added Entity-Component system
- Added Entity-Component example
- Added Vec3 object
- Added bucket list utility and gravity particle example
- Added Ribbons to gallery
- Added getMousePointNormalised
- Added Perlin Noise utility and examples.
- Added colour gradient system and examples.
- Added Matrix and point list rendering helpers with examples.
- Added anchor system.
- Rearranged example file folders.
- Added lerp functions for several types.
- Added FindClosestPointInList helper function.
- Changes to image loading.
http://www.coolbubble.com/cc/ - coolcompare