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Releases: nickesc/projectStarfish

Starfish Release v1.0.0

27 Apr 01:47
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The full release of Starfish. Contains the full, final submission for the Gamedev.js Jam 2023 game jam.

There are three ways to play full the release of Starfish:


Starfish is playable online either on or on

Local HTML5

Download and decompress it. Use a Terminal to navigate to the unzipped directory, and use Python to run a localhost that will serve the game page with the file:

python --root .

some systems may need to use python3 --root . to specify Python 3 to run the file.

This build is also installable as a Progressive Web App.

MacOS App

To run as a native MacOS app, download and decompress it. Run Starfish.

you may need to allow the app to run in System Preferences > Security & Privacy > General if it will not open

Starfish beta-0.5.4

25 Apr 06:41
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Starfish beta-0.5.4 Pre-release

Nearly the finished game, all that is left is touch up. Added game audio, including music, UI effects, and game effects. Also finished the user interface with the story window and the source button. And finally added more obstacle variety, with planes and UFOs, and boosts, as well as fish and star decoration obstacles.

There are two ways to run the beta-0.5.4 build:


Download and decompress it. Use a Terminal to navigate to the unzipped directory, and use Python to run a localhost that will serve the game page with the file:

python --root .

some systems may need to use python3 --root . to specify Python 3 to run the file.

This build is also installable as a Progressive Web App.

MacOS App

To run as a native MacOS app, download and decompress it. Run Starfish_beta-0.5.4.

you may need to allow the app to run in System Preferences > Security & Privacy > General if it will not open

Starfish beta-0.4.0

23 Apr 03:55
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Starfish beta-0.4.0 Pre-release

The first beta build of Starfish; plays mostly how it will in the final version. Main additions are GUI, including a splash screen, and the implementation of upgrades through the upgrade section after throws. The game actually feels a little like a game now, not just a tech demo.

There are two ways to run the beta-0.4.0 build:


Download and decompress it. Use a Terminal to navigate to the unzipped directory, and use Python to run a localhost that will serve the game page with the file:

python --root .

some systems may need to use python3 --root . to specify Python 3 to run the file.

This build is also installable as a Progressive Web App.

MacOS App

To run as a native MacOS app, download and decompress it. Run Starfish_beta-0.4.0.

you may need to allow the app to run in System Preferences > Security & Privacy > General if it will not open

Starfish alpha-0.3.0

22 Apr 08:25
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Starfish alpha-0.3.0 Pre-release

Added boat obstacles, shell obstacles, and cloud obstacles, each with their own behavior but built on the Obstacle class. Game physics have also been completely redone to use a RigidBody2d instead of a KinematicBody2D. This was a big challenge, and some things I had wanted to include will be dropped because of the unplanned design change. But the game is much better for it.

A very simple start and retry UI are introduced, expanding on them will be the focus of the next build.

Various bugs have been fixed and improvements made.

There are two ways to run the alpha-0.3.0 build:


Download and decompress it. Use a Terminal to navigate to the unzipped directory, and use Python to run a localhost that will serve the game page with the file:

python --root .

some systems may need to use python3 --root . to specify Python 3 to run the file.

This build is also installable as a Progressive Web App.

MacOS App

To run as a native MacOS app, download and decompress it. Run Starfish_alpha-0.3.0.

you may need to allow the app to run in System Preferences > Security & Privacy > General if it will not open

Starfish alpha-0.2.0

19 Apr 05:18
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Starfish alpha-0.2.0 Pre-release

Obstacle spawning is finally handled, and obstacles will spawn procedurally endlessly. As of right now, it only spawns the bird, Walter, but more can be added with the ObstacleController and Obstacle classes.

Also adds more UI elements. There are onscreen buttons for in-air movement, and the remaining jumps and distance travelled are shown in the corner next to the time remaining. The throw line is also limited to the edges of the screen, which prevents using space off game to increase the power beyond what it should be.

There are two ways to run the alpha-0.2.0 build:


Download and decompress it. Use a Terminal to navigate to the unzipped directory, and use Python to run a localhost that will serve the game page with the file:

python --root .

some systems may need to use python3 --root . to specify Python 3 to run the file.

This build is also installable as a Progressive Web App.

MacOS App

To run as a native MacOS app, download and decompress it. Run Starfish_alpha-0.2.0.

you may need to allow the app to run in System Preferences > Security & Privacy > General if it will not open

Starfish alpha-0.1.0

19 Apr 04:48
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Starfish alpha-0.1.0 Pre-release

The first actually (semi) playable version of the game. Adds a time limit after the first throw instead of an airtime counter, and limits the player to three throws, with the goal of getting the starfish as far as possible before the timer runs out. When the timer hits 0 or you run out of throws, the starfish resets and goes back to the initial position on the beach, and the timer starts again.

To run the alpha-0.1.0 build, download and decompress it. Use a Terminal to navigate to the unzipped directory, and use Python to run a localhost that will serve the game page with the file:

python --root .

some systems may need to use python3 --root . to specify Python 3 to run the file.

Starfish Prototypes

14 Apr 22:40
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Starfish Prototypes Pre-release

A compilation-release of the Starfish prototypes:

Prototype 1:

The first playable prototype of Starfish. Very rough placeholder graphics are used, and the main concern was getting the physics at least a little right and a mechanic for the player to throw the starfish with a desired angle and power. To choose the angle and power, press spacebar as their respective counters tick up and down. In the air, you have very slight control over your movement using the left/a and right/d keys. There is no end-goal or end to the play, and a timer will tick up with the starfish's airtime. You can throw the starfish as many times as you want, but you will wind up in a gray void.

Prototype 2:

The second prototype was mainly an implementation of the click-and-drag to throw mechanic, as well as a rewrite of a lot of the physics. It also features a significant amount of new art. The power and angle counters are still visible and ticking, but the spacebar will not stop them.

Prototype 3:

The third prototype was an almost complete rewrite of the code. It implements the finite state machine pattern on the starfish node, splitting its behavior up into one of a few states. It also adds an endless background and water using a parallax background. More art is added and graphics are changed, including the airtime timer and the throw line.

Prototype 4:

The final prototype had mostly minor changes. New beach art is added and the parallax layers are adjusted to accommodate the starfish falling on the beach into the water, and to keep the throw line on top of everything.

To run any of the prototypes, download the respective .zip files and decompress them. Use a Terminal to navigate to the unzipped directory, and use Python to run a localhost that will serve the game page with the file:

python --root .

some systems may need to use python3 --root . to specify Python 3 to run the file.