Welcome to my E-Commerce Site! Using admin priveleges, I can add, edit, and delete products. These products can be bought by customers and downloaded with timeframe for each download. As an admin, I can view to customers and the purchases made to see which products are the most popular.
Admin Navigation
The Dashboard shows the Sales with the total orders and profit, Customers with their average value and total number of customers, and the number of active and inactive products.
The Products page shows a list of the current products with their active status, price, and number of orders place on that product. Each product can be editted or deleted and set to active/inactive.
The Customers page will list the customers on the website
The Sales page will list the sales of each product.
Customer Navigation
The Home page shows the most popular product and a list of all of the products. Each product displays it's name, price, and description with an option to purchase.
The Products page shows a list of all of the products.
The My Orders page gives customers an option to enter their email so that an email will be sent including all of the orders that customer has placed.
- Find and fix possible bugs
- Refactor code
- Add a user sign-in feature