BagleBone Black, the MPU6050’s onboard Digital Motion Processor (DMP) and USB TTL Serial are used in this project.
The USB TTL Serial cables are a range of USB to serial converter cables which provide connectivity between USB and serial UART interfaces. The DMP offloads processing that would normally have to take place on the microprocessor. It maintains an internal buffer that combines data from the gyro and accelerometer and computes orientation for you. The DMP also takes care of the applying the offsets, so you don’t have to keep track of these in your project code. UART is used for the serial transfer of data, one bit at a time, for graphing and comparing ROLL angle directly from accelerometer and via DMP data fusion microprocessor.
BBB UART Header Pins:
TXD |P9_24 | P9_21 | Not exposed | P9_13 | P8_37
RXD |P9_26 | P9_22 | Not exposed | P9_11 | P8_38
For the following example, the BBB’s UART4 is used and connected in the following way with the USB TTL Serial:
BBB_P9_13 UART4_TXD <----> connected <----> RXD_USB_TTL
BBB_P9_11 UART4_RXD <----> connected <----> TXD_USB_TTL
The UART4 overlay is loaded in order to enable the UART4, for this write the following commands:
export SLOTS=/sys/devices/bone_capemgr.9/slots
sudo su -c "echo BB-UART4 > $SLOTS"
CONNECTIONS BBB - MPU6050 (I2C2 /dev/i2c‐1)