Android CLI support
To make NSZ Android compatible all uses of shared memory and locks had to be replaced with Android compatible alternatives
How to install NSZ on Android
Install "Pydroid 3" and the "Pydroid repository plugin" from the Play Store
Open "Pydroid 3" and navigate to "Pip"
Enter "nsz" and unselect "use prebuild" then press install
Navigate to "Terminal" to use the "nsz" command
The first time it will tell you where to copy your prod.keys which you should do using the "cp" command
Use any command line arguments you want like "nsz -D file.nsz" to decompress your game
Fixed #134 (OverflowError: can't convert negative int to unsigned)
This was fixed inside #135 (Removal of stringTable padding)
NSP/NSZ files with a missing stringTable padding are now handled properly
This fixes some rare edge cases where bit-identical PFS0 recreation silently failed
Updated all libraries inside the portable Windows version
You can’t perform that action at this time.