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Extremal Random Forests – Numerical experiments

The goal of this repository is to reproduce the numerical experiments from [1].

If you use this software in your work, please cite it using the following metadata.

      title={Extremal Random Forests}, 
      author={Nicola Gnecco and Edossa Merga Terefe and Sebastian Engelke},

Table of Contents

Directory Structure

Below is a detailed description of the folder and file structure in the erf-numerical-results repository.

  • Data/: Contains the US Census datasets used in the experiments from [2].
  • R/: R functions and settings for running numerical experiments (e.g., data analysis, visualization, etc.)
  • configs/: JSON configuration files for setting up and running numerical experiments.
  • figures/: Generated figures and graphs from the numerical experiments.
  • main/: Main scripts for reproducing the numerical experiments from the paper.
  • output/: Intermediate results from the numerical experiments.


  • R: version (4.0.2)

Installing R Requirements

  1. Ensure R is installed: Make sure you have R installed on your system by running in the terminal:
R --version

If you don't have R installed please download R and install it.

  1. Install the requirements: Move to the main directory and launch the R script dependencies.R by running in the terminal:
cd R-code
Rscript --vanilla main/dependencies.R

Clone Repository

The repository works with git lfs []. After you install git lfs on your system, you can clone the GitHub directory by typing the following in your command line.

git lfs clone


All the code to reproduce results in the article is located in the main folder. Below we provide a detailed breakdown of each file.


As an example consider the third row of the table referring to sec_4_1-experiments.R. The file produces Figure 3 of the paper. Its configuration file exp_sec_4_1.json includes the parameter to run the simulation, including the number of parallel R instance (see n_workers). It produces intermediate results, which are saved in the output/ folder, and it produces figures, which are saved in the figures/ folder. For this file, you can plot the results without running the simulation by setting RUN_SIMULATION <- FALSE inside the file. Alternatively, you can run the simulation and plot the results by setting RUN_SIMULATION <- TRUE. The estimated runtime is approximately 15 mins.


The estimated runtime is based on the number of parallel R instances set in the corresponding config file (see the parameter n_workers there). Running several R instances in parallel (e.g., n_workers > 20) on a local computer might not be feasible.

Main Folder Breakdown

File Name Description Config Intermediate Results? Figures? Only Plot Results? Estimated Runtime
sec_3-generative_model.R Produce Figure 1 no yes no < 5 mins
sec_3-cv_lambda.R Produce Figure 2 exp_sec_3_lambda.json exp_sec_3_cv_lambda.json yes yes yes ~ 30 mins
sec_4_1-experiments.R Produce Figure 3 exp_sec_4_1.json yes yes yes ~ 15 mins
sec_4_1-boxplots.R Produce Figure 4 exp_sec_4_1_boxplots.json yes yes yes ~ 30 mins
sec_5-wage_analysis.R Run US Census analysis without plots yes no no ~ 15 mins
sec_5-wage_plots.R Plots results for US Census analysis, including Figures 5, 6, 7, and Figures 13, 14, 15, 16 (appendix) no yes yes < 5 mins
sec_5-wage.R Runs sec_5-wage_analysis.R and then sec_5-wage_plots.R yes yes yes ~ 15 mins
sec_app-similarity_weights.R Produce Figure 8 (appendix) no yes yes < 5 mins
sec_3-cv_kappa.R Produce Figure 9 (appendix) exp_sec_3_kappa.json exp_sec_3_cv_kappa.json yes yes yes ~ 30 mins
sec_4_2-boxplots.R Produce Figure 10 (appendix) exp_sec_4_2_boxplots.json yes yes yes ~ 90 mins
sec_4_2-hill.R Produce Figure 11 (appendix) exp_sec_4_2_hill_vs_erf.json yes yes yes ~ 15 mins
sec_4_1_bias_var-experiments.R Produce Figure 12 (appendix) exp_sec_4_1_bias_var.json yes yes yes ~ 15 mins



This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.


[1]: Nicola Gnecco, Edossa Merga Terefe, and Sebastian Engelke. 2022. "Extremal Random Forests." arXiv Preprint [].

[2]: Joshua D. Angrist, Victor Chernozhukov, and Iván Fernández-Val. 2009. "Replication data for: Quantile Regression under Misspecification, with an Application to the U.S. Wage Structure." Harvard Dataverse, V1. DOI: 10.7910/DVN/JNEOLQ.


Numerical results for ERF paper







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