"The goal of this competition is to predict e-commerce clicks, cart additions, and orders. You'll build a multi-objective recommender system based on previous events in a user session."
- Kaggle: OTTO – Multi-Objective Recommender System]: https://www.kaggle.com/competitions/otto-recommender-system
- Data documentation from provider: https://github.com/otto-de/recsys-dataset
- 12.9M real-world anonymized user sessions ()
- 220M events, consisting of clicks, carts and orders
- 1.8M unique articles in the catalogue
action type | mean | std | min | 25% | 50% | 95% | 98% | 99% | max |
clicks | 3.41 | 6.35 | 1 | 1 | 2 | 12 | 20 | 28 | 465 |
carts | 2.22 | 2.63 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 7 | 10 | 14 | 53 |
orders | 1.85 | 1.97 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 5 | 8 | 10 | 31 |
High level:
Corpus of 1.8M articles > Retrieve ~56 candidates > Rank > Submit top 20 items for clicks, carts and orders.
- Re-visit: Add all previous items from the session to the pool of candidates.
- Co-visit: Add items frequently visited together. Add 20 most frequent items per each previous item.
- click-to-click: clicked together (in the span of 12 hours)
- click-to-cart-or-buy: clicked one item and then added to cart or ordered the other (in the span of 24 hours)
- cart-to-cart: added to cart together (24h)
- cart-to-buy: added to cart one item and then ordered the other (24h)
- buy-to-buy: ordered together (24h)
- Similar items: Add similar items in terms of Word2Vec embeddings. Add at most 20 similar items per each previous item.
- based on Word2Vec embeddings from sequence of all items in the session
- based on Word2Vec embeddings from sequence of only cart & buy items in the session
- Popular items in the same cluster of sessions: Compute sessions embeddings based on Word2Vec embeddings of items in the session (a weighted average by type and time). Find clusters of sessions using KMeans (~50 clusters found). Add top 20 most popular items from the same cluster.
Number of candidates retrieved per session:
mean min 1% 5% 10% 25% 50% 75% 90% 95% 99% max
---------- ----- ---- ---- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
172.354 56 71 83 88 104 126 186 305 424 740 2322
In more details by source...
# source mean min 1% 5% 10% 25% 50% 75% 90% 95% 99% max
# ------------------------ ---------- ----- ---- ---- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
# src_any 172.354 56 71 83 88 104 126 186 305 424 740 2322
# src_self 3.06404 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 6 10 24 137
# src_click_to_click 20.474 0 0 2 9 10 10 21 41 63 133 553
# src_click_to_cart_or_buy 20.1775 0 0 0 3 10 10 20 42 66 139 569
# src_cart_to_cart 4.66161 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 29 80 657
# src_cart_to_buy 3.31507 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 22 63 517
# src_buy_to_buy 0.324088 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 266
# src_w2vec_all 42.7851 0 0 0 20 20 20 48 91 132 243 858
# src_w2vec_1_2 40.9391 0 0 0 0 20 20 41 92 133 242 861
# src_pop_cl50 56.9076 32 34 35 37 44 54 65 86 86 86 86
The maximum recal@20 possible for top K retrieved candidates if ranked ideally.
type recall@20-top20 recall@20-top100 recall@20-top200 recall@20-topall
------ ----------------- ------------------ ------------------ ------------------
clicks 0.196203 0.5307 0.560093 0.569288
carts 0.152458 0.424199 0.467714 0.50739
orders 0.16003 0.481797 0.584761 0.713684
total 0.161375 0.469408 0.54718 0.637356
In more details by source...
(src_any=all sources, src_...=other sources separately)
source type recall@20-top20 recall@20-top100 recall@20-top200 recall@20-topall
--------------------------------------- ------ ----------------- ------------------ ------------------ ------------------
src_any clicks 0.196203 0.5307 0.560093 0.569288
src_any carts 0.152458 0.424199 0.467714 0.50739
src_any orders 0.16003 0.481797 0.584761 0.713684
src_any total 0.161375 0.469408 0.54718 0.637356
src_self clicks 0.321673 0.322039 0.32204 0.32204
src_self carts 0.308162 0.311829 0.31184 0.31184
src_self orders 0.577951 0.598167 0.598196 0.598196
src_self total 0.471387 0.484653 0.484673 0.484673
src_click_to_click clicks 0.435624 0.453825 0.454231 0.454271
src_click_to_click carts 0.334155 0.376075 0.380299 0.380885
src_click_to_click orders 0.413123 0.563529 0.582445 0.584574
src_click_to_click total 0.391683 0.496322 0.50898 0.510437
src_click_to_cart_or_buy clicks 0.365465 0.38157 0.381994 0.382036
src_click_to_cart_or_buy carts 0.334858 0.377241 0.381934 0.382683
src_click_to_cart_or_buy orders 0.418102 0.570776 0.59156 0.594301
src_click_to_cart_or_buy total 0.387865 0.493795 0.507716 0.509589
src_cart_to_cart clicks 0.0435721 0.0502754 0.0504181 0.0504348
src_cart_to_cart carts 0.100796 0.128639 0.130476 0.130665
src_cart_to_cart orders 0.257793 0.399807 0.416169 0.41815
src_cart_to_cart total 0.189271 0.283503 0.293886 0.295133
src_cart_to_buy clicks 0.0389317 0.0429231 0.0430019 0.0430077
src_cart_to_buy carts 0.0869485 0.105198 0.106263 0.106337
src_cart_to_buy orders 0.279137 0.399022 0.410817 0.411714
src_cart_to_buy total 0.19746 0.275265 0.282669 0.28323
src_buy_to_buy clicks 0.00355818 0.00381883 0.00382113 0.00382113
src_buy_to_buy carts 0.00477473 0.0056456 0.00568269 0.00568269
src_buy_to_buy orders 0.0191055 0.0255255 0.0257281 0.0257281
src_buy_to_buy total 0.0132515 0.0173909 0.0175238 0.0175238
src_w2vec_all clicks 0.334309 0.411028 0.413489 0.41388
src_w2vec_all carts 0.271287 0.358414 0.370756 0.374832
src_w2vec_all orders 0.302218 0.521088 0.576578 0.597562
src_w2vec_all total 0.296148 0.46128 0.498523 0.512375
src_w2vec_1_2 clicks 0.26726 0.322112 0.323941 0.324257
src_w2vec_1_2 carts 0.251619 0.325367 0.336545 0.340315
src_w2vec_1_2 orders 0.29573 0.506434 0.561966 0.583413
src_w2vec_1_2 total 0.27965 0.433682 0.470537 0.484568
src_pop_cl50 clicks 0.0989431 0.109026 0.109026 0.109026
src_pop_cl50 carts 0.0775563 0.0842176 0.0842176 0.0842176
src_pop_cl50 orders 0.0794165 0.0839903 0.0839903 0.0839903
src_pop_cl50 total 0.0808111 0.086562 0.086562 0.086562
- Item within session: count by type, rank, relative position within session, time since last time clicked/carted/ordered
- Co-occurence counts by type, ranks by these counts (if more previous items paired with the same next item, aggregate, take last, take best)
- Word2Vec similarity in terms of euclidian distance and also the ranks
- Similarity between session embedding and item embedding: cosine, euclidian distance
- Popularity rank within the same session cluster
Overall, about 100 features were created. However, this proved to be insufficient to rank decently in the competition.
Feature importance from LightGBM model for orders...
feature importance
click_to_click_perc_pop 0.365
slf_n 0.154
src_self 0.127
click_to_click_count 0.046
slf_rank_by_n 0.040
click_to_click_count_rel 0.027
src_click_to_click 0.026
dist_w2vec_all 0.026
cos_sim_ses_aid 0.024
slf_rank_by_n_orders 0.019
since_ts_aid_clicks 0.015
click_to_click_rank 0.015
click_to_cart_or_buy_count_pop 0.014
click_to_click_count_pop 0.012
ts_order_aid 0.010
slf_rank_by_n_carts 0.007
slf_ts_order_clicks 0.007
cart_to_cart_count_rel 0.007
best_rank_w2vec_all 0.006
slf_since_ts 0.005
click_to_cart_or_buy_count 0.004
since_ts_aid 0.004
slf_since_ts_clicks 0.004
eucl_dist_ses_aid 0.003
rank_clicks_7d_cl50 0.003
Feature importance from LightGBM model for carts...
feature importance
34 click_to_cart_or_buy_count 0.288
0 slf_n 0.185
83 src_self 0.157
31 click_to_click_perc_pop 0.068
4 slf_rank_by_n 0.046
35 click_to_cart_or_buy_count_pop 0.029
55 dist_w2vec_all 0.024
73 slf_since_ts 0.017
101 cos_sim_ses_aid 0.016
6 slf_rank_by_n_orders 0.013
74 slf_since_ts_clicks 0.011
70 since_ts_aid_clicks 0.011
20 n_aid_carts 0.011
38 click_to_cart_or_buy_count_rel 0.010
22 ts_order_aid 0.010
48 cart_to_buy_count_rel 0.010
42 cart_to_cart_rank 0.010
1 slf_n_clicks 0.008
37 click_to_cart_or_buy_rank 0.008
33 click_to_click_count_rel 0.007
14 n_uniq_aid 0.007
10 slf_ts_order_clicks 0.006
43 cart_to_cart_count_rel 0.006
69 since_ts_aid 0.005
29 click_to_click_count 0.004
Feature importance (from LightGBM) for orders...
feature importance
34 click_to_cart_or_buy_count 0.281
0 slf_n 0.192
83 src_self 0.176
48 cart_to_buy_count_rel 0.060
4 slf_rank_by_n 0.049
2 slf_n_carts 0.043
58 n_w2vec_1_2 0.027
35 click_to_cart_or_buy_count_pop 0.022
74 slf_since_ts_clicks 0.017
6 slf_rank_by_n_orders 0.013
31 click_to_click_perc_pop 0.011
70 since_ts_aid_clicks 0.009
101 cos_sim_ses_aid 0.008
1 slf_n_clicks 0.007
38 click_to_cart_or_buy_count_rel 0.007
44 cart_to_buy_count 0.006
22 ts_order_aid 0.006
13 slf_left_in_cart 0.005
73 slf_since_ts 0.005
42 cart_to_cart_rank 0.005
5 slf_rank_by_n_carts 0.004
37 click_to_cart_or_buy_rank 0.004
54 n_w2vec_all 0.003
43 cart_to_cart_count_rel 0.003
59 dist_w2vec_1_2 0.003
- Target: a retrieved item is marked with 1 if item was clicked, carted, ordered; and 0 if not.
- Removed sessions without positive samples. This decreased the volume of rows to ~13% of the original dataset for clicks, ~3.5% for carts, and ~2.5% for orders.
- Negative downsampling was done to a ratio of 1:40 positive:negative samples, but maximum 100 negative samples per session. The datasets had the following:
Type | Avg positive / session | Avg negative / session | Total rows | Sessions |
Clicks | 1 | 41 | 40M | 1M |
Carts | 1.3 | 50 | 11M | 220K |
Orders | 1.7 | 57 | 7.5M | 130K |
Train 3 LightGBM(lambdarank) models for each type clicks/carts/orders.
No parameters tuning was done (lack of time). Used the same parameters for all models.
PARAMS_LGBM = { 'objective': 'lambdarank', 'boosting_type': 'gbdt', # 'gbdt', # 'dart', 'metric': 'ndcg', 'n_estimators': 150, 'learning_rate': 0.25, # use higher for orders ~0.50?, and lower for carts ~0.01? 'max_depth': 4, 'num_leaves': 15, 'colsample_bytree': 0.25, # aka feature_fraction 'subsample': 0.50, # aka bagging_fraction # 'bagging_freq': 1, 'min_child_samples': 20, # aka min_data_in_leaf ? read github link with test 'importance_type': 'gain', 'seed': 42, }
Create env from requirements.txt or conda.yml and activate it.
to project root. -
Download data from kaggle to
folder. Rename files totrain_sessions.jsonl
kaggle competitions download -c otto-recommender-system -p data
unzip data/otto-recommender-system.zip data/full
mv data/full/train.jsonl data/full/train_sessions.jsonl
mv data/full/test.jsonl data/full/test_sessions.jsonl
- Split
to train/test with etl/split_to_train_test.sh. Test to have 1 week. Splitted data located indata/train-test
- Optimize data format for better I/O. Convert jsonl to parquet using etl/jsonl_to_parquet.py
python -m etl/jsonl_to_parquet.py --data_split_alias full
python -m etl/jsonl_to_parquet.py --data_split_alias train-test
- Count co-occurrences for items with sessions with model/count_co_events.py
python -m model/count_co_events.py --data_split_alias full
python -m model/count_co_events.py --data_split_alias train-test
- Run Word2Vec models specified in
with model/w2vec_aids.py and find top similar candidates for all items in the index using faiss.
python -m model/w2vec_aids.py
- Find clusters for session with model/kmeans_sessions.py
python -m model/kmeans_sessions.py --data_split_alias train-test --model_name word2vec-train-test-types-all-size-100-mincount-5-window-10
python -m model/kmeans_sessions.py --data_split_alias full --model_name word2vec-full-types-all-size-100-mincount-5-window-10
- Count popularity ranks of aids within session clusters with model/count_popularity.py
python -m model/count_popularity.py --data_split_alias train-test
python -m model/count_popularity.py --data_split_alias full
- Retrieve candidates and generate features with model/retrieve.py
python -m model/retrieve.py --data_split_alias train-test --w2vec_model_all word2vec-train-test-types-all-size-100-mincount-5-window-10 --w2vec_model_1_2 word2vec-train-test-types-1-2-size-100-mincount-5-window-10
python -m model/retrieve.py --data_split_alias full --w2vec_model_all word2vec-full-types-all-size-100-mincount-5-window-10 --w2vec_model_1_2 word2vec-full-types-1-2-size-100-mincount-5-window-10
- Evaluate the retrieved candidates with model/eval_retrieved.py
python -m model/eval_retrieved.py
- Downsample retrieved data set with model/downsample_retrieved.py
python -m model/downsample_retrieved.py
- Train LightGBM models with model/train_lgbm_rankers.py
python -m model/train_lgbm_rankers.py
- Rank retrieved candidates with model/rank.py
python -m model/rank.py --data_split_alias train-test
python -m model/rank.py --data_split_alias full
- Make the submission file with model/submit.py
python -m model/submit.py --data_split_alias train-test
python -m model/submit.py --data_split_alias full
- Evaluate the submission with model/eval_submission.py
python -m model/eval_submission.py
- https://www.kaggle.com/code/cdeotte/candidate-rerank-model-lb-0-575
- https://www.kaggle.com/competitions/otto-recommender-system/discussion/368560
- Word2Vec How-to [training and submission]
- https://www.kaggle.com/code/vslaykovsky/co-visitation-matrix
- https://www.kaggle.com/code/cdeotte/test-data-leak-lb-boost
- https://engineering.fb.com/2017/03/29/data-infrastructure/faiss-a-library-for-efficient-similarity-search/
- https://radimrehurek.com/gensim/auto_examples/tutorials/run_word2vec.html
- https://radimrehurek.com/gensim/models/word2vec.html
- https://jalammar.github.io/illustrated-word2vec/
- https://www.kaggle.com/code/radek1/word2vec-how-to-training-and-submission
- https://www.kaggle.com/competitions/otto-recommender-system/discussion/368384
- https://www.pinecone.io/learn/faiss-tutorial/
- https://davidefiocco.github.io/nearest-neighbor-search-with-faiss/
- https://engineering.fb.com/2017/03/29/data-infrastructure/faiss-a-library-for-efficient-similarity-search/
- https://github.com/spotify/annoy
- https://radimrehurek.com/gensim/auto_examples/tutorials/run_annoy.html
- https://realpython.com/k-means-clustering-python/
- https://dask.pydata.org/en/latest/array-creation.html
- https://medium.datadriveninvestor.com/a-practical-guide-to-lambdamart-in-lightgbm-f16a57864f6
- https://github.com/jameslamb/lightgbm-dask-testing/blob/main/notebooks/demo.ipynb
- https://www.kaggle.com/code/radek1/polars-proof-of-concept-lgbm-ranker
- https://lightgbm.readthedocs.io/en/latest/Parameters.html
- https://lightgbm.readthedocs.io/en/latest/Parallel-Learning-Guide.html#how-distributed-lightgbm-works
- https://github.com/microsoft/LightGBM/blob/477cbf373ea2138a186568ac88ef221ac74c7c71/tests/python_package_test/test_dask.py#L480
- https://www.kaggle.com/competitions/otto-recommender-system/discussion/381469
- https://www.kaggle.com/code/greenwolf/lightgbm-fast-recall-20/
- https://www.kaggle.com/competitions/otto-recommender-system/discussion/380732