500px is great, but lacks an option to have pictures update automatically. This little script can be installed as a bookmarkelt and scoll through pictures automatically.
First, let me explicitly state that I don't know if this infringes 500px's terms of service, and it's your responsibility to check before using this one-line script.
- In your browser, right-click on the bookmark bar, select "Add a Page..."
- Call it e.g. "500px slideshow"
- Paste this code: javascript:(function(){var interval=window.prompt("What interval would you like (in seconds)? (refresh the page to stop the slideshow)","7"); setInterval(function(){jQuery(".photo-focus__nav--right").first().trigger("click");}, interval*1000);})()
- Navigate to the desired 500px collection, click on an image
- Click on the bookmarket
- Go full screen
- Enjoy.
Stop the slide show by closing your browser tab, or reloading the page.