A collection of Jupyter Notebooks showing visualized open data provided by the City of Kiel and the state of Schleswig-Holstein, Germany.
- https://www.kiel.de/de/kiel_zukunft/statistik_kieler_zahlen/open_data/index.php
- https://www.schleswig-holstein.de/DE/Schwerpunkte/openData/openData_node.html
- Jupyter Notebook
- Python 3.5 or above
You should also install the following modules:
- matplotlib
- numpy
- pandas
- requests
- kiel_familienstand: Family status of the citizens of Kiel
- kiel_straftaten: Criminal offenses
- kiel_unfaelle: Traffic accidents
- kiel_abfall: Garbage
- kiel_bevoelkerung: Population
- kiel_fahrerfluchten Hit-and-Run offenses
- kiel_arbeitslose_xlrd and kiel_arbeitslose_pandas Number of unemployed
- kiel_new_residents: New residents (1987-2016)
- kiel_number_of_cars: The number of cars in Kiel (1970-2018)
- kiel_cargo_handling: Handling of cargo in Kiel (Port of Kiel)
- kiel_ehescheidungen: Divorces in Kiel
- passagiere_schweden: Passengers to and from Sweden
- kiel_bankruptcies: Bankruptcies in Kiel (1987-2018)
- kiel_harbour_passengers: Passenger numbers in the port of Kiel
- kiel_grundsicherung: Public assistance expenditure (guaranteed minimum pension, 2010-2021)