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The IPC (inter-process communication) module for Arthur


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The IPC (inter-process communication) module for Arthur. Runs an IPC server using node-ipc to allow communication between the Arthur Bot and the Arthur Website.


Server events are events that the server receives and interprets; they are emitted by a client. The opposite is true: client events are events that a client receives and interprets, emitted by the server.

Server Events

Events that the server receives from clients. Each event has a JSON object as data, with keys defined below.


Allows server to cache socket and start any repetitive data polls (intervals) (e.g. sending cached stats to website)

  • id, string: The id of the client connecting, should be either website or bot.
  • intervals, array<string>: Types of data to be sent on an interval. Sends all data associated with type, regardless of ID, so.. be careful.


Sent with data to be cached, likely sent on an interval.

  • type, string: The type of the data. One of the data types defined in a section below.
  • data, object: The data to be cached.
  • time, number: The time, in seconds, for the data to be kept in the cache. A value less than 0 means that the data should not be cached, and no value or 0 means that the data should be cached forever.


An event that requests data from the cache or the requested resource.

  • from, string: Where to get the data from; bot or website.
  • type, string: The data type. Types defined below.
  • request, number: The request number, provided by the client so it can differentiate get requests.
  • id, string (optional): The ID for the type of data requested. May be necessary to get data (e.g. guild ID).
  • fresh, boolean (optional): Whether or not to get fresh data; that is, data that is not cached by the server.


An event that posts data to a client.

  • to, string: Where to post the data to; bot or website.
  • request, number: The request number.
  • type, string: The data type, must be one in the "actions" section below.
  • action, string: The action to be done on the data type; see "actions" below.
  • id, string: The ID of the data type to be updated.
  • params, object: Any extra required parameters, such as IDs or updated information.


A response (to a get event, client-side) from a client with data.

  • request, number: The request number that the server provided with the get request.
  • data, object: The data requested.
  • time, number: Same as in data; time for data to be cached, in seconds.
  • request, number: The request number that the server provided with the get request.
  • error, string|true: The error the client encountered while attempting to get the data.


A response to a post event, simply indicating whether or not the request succeeded.

  • request, number: The request number.
  • ?error, string|true: The error the server or client encountered while sending the post request. If this property is omitted, the request completed successfully.

Client Events

Bot only


Data request from the server (originating from another client).

  • type, string: The data type
  • request, number: The request number, as provided by the server, to differentiate requests.
  • id, string (optional): The ID of the data being requested (e.g. guild ID).


Data update event from the server, originating from another client.

  • request, number: The request number.
  • type, string: The data type, must be one in the "actions" section below.
  • action, string: The action to be done on the data type; see "actions" below.
  • id, string: The ID of the data type to be updated.
  • params, object: Any extra required parameters, such as IDs or updated information.

Bot responds with a postResponse event.

Website only


Data received from server on an interval (with intervals defined in the hello event).

  • type, string: The data type. Types defined below.
  • data, object: The data received.
  • time, number: The time for the data to be cached, in seconds


Data returned in response to a get event.

  • request, number: The request number that was provided to differentiate requests.
  • data, object: The response data.
  • request, number: The request number that was provided to differentiate requests.
  • error, string|true: The error the server or client encountered while attempting to get the data.


A response to a post event, simply indicating whether or not the request succeeded.

  • request, number: The request number.
  • ?error, string|true: The error the server or client encountered while sending the post request. If this property is omitted, the request completed successfully.

Bot only and website only client events are exclusive only because they are only useful in that context. However, every client event can be implemented in any client if needed.

Data Types


A modified discord.js Guild object, where id refers to the guild's snowflake ID, with the following properties:

  • channels: An array of the guild's channels, in the form of the channel data type
  • iconURL: The icon URL of the guild
  • name: The name of the guild
  • id: The guild ID
  • options: The guild's options from Arthur's database (including levels, prefix, npNotify, locale, levelMessage, humongoji, and possibly more).
  • userBlacklist: The guild's blacklisted user IDs from Arthur's database, in an array.


A guild's partial music object, where id refers to the guild ID.

  • playing: Whether or not music is playing (paused or not).
  • textChannel: The text channel the music is putting notifications in, in the channel data type.
  • queue: An array with the guild's queue, where each object contains:
    • type: The type of song requested; see the comments in the of Arthur:commands/music/play.js.
    • id: The ID of the song; may be a URL or an ID, depending on the song type.
    • meta: Metadata information for the song, in the following format:
      • title: Title of the song.
      • url: URL to the song.
    • person: A user object (without database properties) showing who played the song.
  • voteSkips: An array of user IDs of users who have voted to skip.


A stats object with statistics about Arthur, has no id.


A locale file in its entirety, where id refers to the locale code. For an example locale file structure, see Arthur's en-US locale


All of Arthur's commands and their configurations, has no id.

  • name: The command's name
  • enabled: Whether or not the command is enabled.
  • permLevel: Arthur's permission level for the command.
  • category: The category that the command is in, lowercased (use locale file to get capitalized version).
  • ?perms: Bot permissions required to run the command.
  • ?userPerms: User permissions required to run the command.
  • ?cooldown: The time, in ms, that a user must wait before reusing the command.
  • ?guildCooldown: The time, in ms, that any user in a given guild must wait before reusing the command.


A modified discord.js User object, where id refers to the user's snowflake ID, with the following properties:

  • displayAvatarURL: The avatar URL of the user.
  • id: The snowflake ID of the user.
  • username: The username of the user.
  • discriminator: The Discord discriminator of the user.
  • options: The Arthur options for the user. Currently just stores locale.
  • ?xp: All of the user's XP rows in Arthur's database.


All of a guild's XP rows, in an array, where id refers to the guild's snowflake ID.


A modified discord.js GuildChannel object, where id is the channel ID, with the following properties:

  • id: The snowflake ID of the channel.
  • name: The name of the channel.
  • type: The type of the channel (see GuildChannel#type)
  • ?parent: Another channel (of type category), representing the parent channel.

A * denotes that the datatype cannot be requested with a get event, but is rather part of other datatypes.
A ? denotes that the property may not be present.


Actions used in a post event. Sorted by data type; the headers (e.g. guild) are the type in the post event. The subheadings (e.g. updateOptions) are the action in the post event. Bulleted lists are the params to be sent.


id refers to the guild's snowflake ID.


Update a guild's options. All included params are updated.

  • Any of levels, prefix, npNotify, locale, levelMessage, humongoji: That field's updated value.


Add a blacklisted user.

  • userID, string: The user ID to be blacklisted.


Remove a blacklisted user.

  • userID, string: The user ID to remove from the blacklist.


id refers to the guild ID. ALL actions with music data type should have a userID in the params; this is the user who did the action.


Toggles playing status of the music.


Adds a song to the queue using the play command (modified for IPC)

  • song, string: The song to be added, interpreted by the parseMessage function of Arthur's struct/music.js.


Stop all music.


Skip the current song.


Toggle the user's liked status of the song.


Toggle whether or not music is looping.


Remove a song from the queue.

  • number, number: The number in the queue of the song to remove.


Shuffle the queue.


Move a song in queue.

  • number, number: The number of the song to move.
  • position, number: The position to move the song to.


id refers to the user ID.


Update the user's options. All included parameters are updated.

  • locale, string: The locale code to switch to.


The IPC (inter-process communication) module for Arthur








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