SRM Team Robocon
- https://nikhilkr.com
keyStream Public
emulate keyboard on client machine via browser on another machine
Python UpdatedOct 6, 2024 -
skid4wd_ws Public
Four Wheel Skid Drive Simulation in Gazebo
nodejs-REST_API Public
MOOC on REST API using Node.js, express and mogoDB
JavaScript UpdatedJan 6, 2023 -
django-statsd-prom-exporter Public
Forked from workindia/django-statsd-prom-exporterA collection of django middleware to track django + WSGI service metrics accurately
Python MIT License UpdatedSep 26, 2022 -
apm-agent-go Public
Forked from elastic/apm-agent-goOfficial Go agent for Elastic APM
Go Apache License 2.0 UpdatedSep 2, 2021 -
bfs_grid Public
Find the shortest path in a grid from source to destination using BFS on a web-interface
JavaScript UpdatedSep 11, 2020 -
ros_navigation_ws Public
Repository of my ROS navigation course.
ros_course_ws Public
Catkin Workspaces of ROS Beginners Certification Course
BNO080_SBC Public
Port of Sparkfun's BNO080 Arduino Library to make it work with any Single Board Computer over I2C
mongodb-quickstart-course Public
Forked from mikeckennedy/mongodb-quickstart-courseCourse demos and handout material for Talk Python's MongoDB Quickstart course
Python UpdatedFeb 23, 2020 -
pid_tuner-blynk Public
Blynk app based PID tuner using slider widgets
minimu9-ahrs Public
Forked from DavidEGrayson/minimu9-ahrsProgram for reading data from the Pololu MinIMU-9 over I²C. Works on the Raspberry Pi and other embedded ARM Linux boards.
C++ Other UpdatedJan 14, 2020 -
Repo for Online Course on Deep Learning by One Fourth Labs
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedFeb 28, 2019 -
Arduino-1 Public
Forked from arduino/Arduinoopen-source electronics prototyping platform
C Other UpdatedMar 16, 2018 -
omni-drive Public
Controlling Omnidirectional(Y) Drive over PS-2 Controller
i2cdevlib Public
Forked from jrowberg/i2cdevlibI2C device library collection for AVR/Arduino or other C++-based MCUs
C++ UpdatedAug 14, 2017