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Releases: nikhil-RGB/turing-machine-generator


06 Jul 21:03
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Additions from previous release:

  • Add an autorun feature which allows users to run the machine automatically with changeable time gaps in milliseconds(eg:800 ms).
  • Add a description feature to the table screen, allowing users to describe their machines' operations and purpose.
  • Read the file for more information.


26 Jun 08:11
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  • Add a new feature which allows users to export and import Turing Machines as encoded JSON strings.
  • Export feature can be accessed from the 'share' icon button on the top right corner of the 'Table Screen'.
  • Import feature available from the 'import/export' icon button on the top right corner of the 'Load Machine Screen'.
  • Check the 'How to Use' section of the README for more information.
  • APK and windows setup file available below, web deployment of the new version is also live, link can be accessed from the 'About' section of the repository.


17 May 14:51
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  • Saving feature implemented
  • Click on the save icon in the top right corner of the table screen and provide a name in the following prompt.
  • The name should be unique, if a name is repeated, it will simply replace the previous machine saved with that name.
  • The machine table and initial config is the only data that is saved, tape state, current m-config, etc are all reset to default when a saved
    machine is loaded.


28 Apr 18:38
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New additions

  • Added a new grammar-parsing feature to the turing-machine-generator.
    • An input field is now present in the TableScreen, filling a String here resets the Tape head-pointer to 0 and sets the tape to
      contain each character in the string, sequentially- each character occupies a single cell on the tape.
    • Note that this will not change the m-config the machine is in, since that information is not maintained
      by an object of the Tape class.
    • The machine will now try to parse this input when you run it on the TapeScreen. Erroneous/non-conforming inputs will cause
      the machine to halt.
  • I have made the auto-scroll to Head pointer in the Tape widget optional. There is now a CheckboxListTile which allows the user to
    disable this behaviour. This is, however, enabled by default.
  • TapeScreen now also has a table-view, making it easier to analyze the movements of the tape head-pointer.
  • Add launcher icon for all platforms, change application name for Android.


The web-deployment will always be updated even if the windows and android builds aren't updated. You can get the link from the "About"
section of this repo.

Associated PR(s):

This release was built immediately after closing PR #6


08 Apr 22:51
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  • Barebones version of the turing machine generator.
  • Extremely basic UI with two screens:
    • Table Screen: Presents the user with a Table for the machine which they can populate with Configurations, Scanned Symbols, Actions and
      New M-Configs. Each row is an entry.
    • Tape Screen: Presents the user with a tape on which symbols can be printed, allowing the user to view the state of the turing
      machine's computations.
    • ScrollBars will be available for navigating the tape and the Machine table. The scrollbar for the tape scrolls automatically, following the
      tape head/pointer.

Issue #2 's tasks were taken care of in this release.
Issue #4 's tasks have also been completed and the executable has been updated.

This is a windows application- if you you use linux, there is a web deployment you can check out.
Additionally, there is also an android app which you can download, included below.

Known bugs:

  • "ANY" symbol is not functional-->RESOLVED