This repository contains all the assignments I worked on as a part of the seminar for the course "Medical Visualization" from my Master's degree. All thanks to Prof. Dr. Sylvia Saalfeld and Lea Ehrhardt from Technische Universitat at Ilmenau.
The files in this repository were developed using Python in Google Collaboratory. Usage of many important imaging libraries were used. For example, you can find Open3D and Matplotlib for 3D aneurysm rendering.
Topics covered :
- DICOM dataset reading, Image display,
- Anisotropy problem, Image preprocessing, Smoothing techniques (Median Filter, Gaussian Filter), Artifacts and considerations,
- Image preprocessing, Smoothing (Gaussian filter), Thresholding, Binary image creation,
- Image segmentation, Thresholding, Connected component analysis, Region properties, Gray matter segmentation,
- Morphological operations, Structuring elements, Erosion, Dilation, Opening, Closing, Comparison of different structuring elements (rectangular, elliptical, cross-shaped),
- Downsampling MRI Slice, Calculate the normals, Plot quiver plot for gradients.