Quiz-App - Demo
Quiz-App is a quiz app using Hygraph headless CMS and GraphQL + TypeScript & React
- Sass for stylesheets
- Connected to the Hygraph GraphQL API
- Responsive design
- Cross-browser compatibility
- Developer friendly extendable code
- SEO optimized
- GNU GPL version 3.0 licensed
- …and much more
See a working example at nimaprmdi.github.io/Quiz-App/.
- Clone the project into wanted destination location using
git clone https://github.com/nimaprmdi/Quiz-App.git
- Run command
npm install
- Run command
npm build
- You Will find production build in build folder
/Quiz-App/ # → Root of your theme
│── .vscode/ # → VSCode settings.json file
│── public/ # → Theme public folder including structure files
│── src/ # → Theme internal source files
│ ├── assets/ # → Theme Assets files
│ ├── components/ # → The constructed TSX components required for the interface
│ ├── context/ # → The interfaces of the models and global laws
│ ├── model/ # → The navigation object which construct menu
│ ├── graphql/ # → API handling services
│ └── hooks/ # → The primary interface coponents
├── .gitignore/ # → Ignoring unwanted files
├── tailwind.config.js/ # → Tailwindcss config file
├── tsconfig.json/ # → Configuration for the TypeScript
├── package.json # → Node.js dependencies and scripts
├── node_modules/ # → Node.js packages
- Run
npm install
from the theme directory to install dependencies - Run
npm start
and have fun
Quiz-App is licensed under GNU GPL Version 3.
Icons by Iconify (React) License: MIT, https://raw.githubusercontent.com/phosphor-icons/phosphor-home/master/LICENSE Source: https://iconify.design/
classes and components by tailwindcss License: MIT, https://raw.githubusercontent.com/phosphor-icons/phosphor-home/master/LICENSE Source: https://github.com/tailwindlabs/tailwindcss
TypeScript by Microsoft License: GNU GPLv2, https://opensource.org/licenses/GPL-2.0 Source: https://www.typescriptlang.org/
Toast Notification by react-toastify License: MIT, https://raw.githubusercontent.com/phosphor-icons/phosphor-home/master/LICENSE Source: https://fkhadra.github.io/react-toastify/introduction/
Swiper.js React by nolimits4web License: GNU GPLv3, https://github.com/nolimits4web/swiper/blob/master/LICENSE Source: https://github.com/nolimits4web/swiper
- I would like to thank everybody in the open-source community
- If There was any issues Please submit pull requests