- The project is built using npm package manager
- Node js Version - 18 and above
- Clone the repo
- After cloning,
cd replicache-backend
and install node_modules by doingnpm i
- After that, add all the below keys in .env file
- GITHUB_API_GRAPHQL (https://api.github.com/graphql)
- Once env is setup, then run
prisma generate
to generate the ORM from prisma schema - For pushing the DB, run
prisma db push
- Express
- Prisma Client - For ORM
- Postgres DB - Using Vercel Postgres DB
- Replicache and Replicache Transaction
- Morgran - For logging in debug
- This backend is integrated via vercel postgres DB via Prisma client
- It can create space dynamically and user can select spaces which are created.
- When an user creates an TODO, an issue is created in the github in the App repo
- The user can:
- Create a Todo (Create a github issue)
- Update a Todo (Update title of a github issue)
- Delete a todo (Delete a github issue)
- Completed todo/github issues
- For now, the sync happens in this way: when an user creates an issue from the app, it reflects in the issues section of the repo in github issues but the user can't create new issue from github. That won't be visible on app. But if the issue is already created from the app and the user updates the issue from github then it'll get updated.
Prisma Schema
generator client {
provider = "prisma-client-js"
datasource db {
provider = "postgresql"
model Todo {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
title String
completed Boolean @default(false)
deleted Boolean @default(false)
githubIssueNumber Int?
githubNodeId String?
model ReplicacheClient {
id String @id
lastMutationID Int
lastPulled DateTime?
mutations ReplicacheClientMutation[]
version Int
lastModified DateTime
clientGroupID String
@@index([clientGroupID, version])
model ReplicacheClientMutation {
id Int
clientID String
version Int
mutation String
createdAt DateTime @default(now())
client ReplicacheClient @relation(fields: [clientID], references: [id])
@@id([clientID, id])
model ReplicacheSpace {
id String @id
version Int
lastModified DateTime
entries ReplicacheEntry[]
model ReplicacheEntry {
spaceID String
key String
value String
deleted Boolean
version Int
lastModified DateTime
space ReplicacheSpace @relation(fields: [spaceID], references: [id])
@@unique([spaceID, key])
model ReplicacheMeta {
key String @id
value Json