Soul Bound Token(SBT) based Professional Credentials Validated Resume
We make multiple claims in our resume about multiple aspects. How does one verify it? The verification process is long and arduous. And still there is scope for fraudulence and forgery.
Simple Experiment Done:- Spoke to many different people, each time telling different things about my profession, college education and companies I worked for. And guess what, they all believed it, because they had to, since the verification process is so long and tiresome.
Our solution leverages Soul-Bound-Tokens (SBTs) to provide applicants and hirers a digital resume that proves the authenticity of the organizations, details and the individual.
The organizations are onboarded to our platform and are given unique addresses from which they’d be able to issue SBTs. The applicants would have their account connected to one wallet, which would contain all the different SBTs.
When the applicant wishes to create a resume, he/she can choose which SBTs he/she wants to include in that particular resume. Now the selected experiences and respective SBTs are formatted to create the resume. The hirers can go through this provable professional resume.
When we bring trust in the system leveraging Blockchain, this whole process becomes efficient, transparent, trustless and quicker. Such a trustless system would lead to wider dispersion of opportunity ( in terms of region, nationality, organizations, colleges, age etc ) as the hirers are not limited by trust issues and verifiablity.
With further bulletproofing of this system, it could be used for issuance and verification of important government documents and Id proofs (Polygon ID would play a critical role in this application).
This system could be expanded to a global level, reducing “boundaries” for work opportunities.
The idea would be suitable to be implemented in the certification space, to increase verifiability and authenticity.