- Install the extension: you can follow https://superuser.com/questions/247651/how-does-one-install-an-extension-for-chrome-browser-from-the-local-file-system
- Go to extension options -> Specify Hub authentication token: https://www.jetbrains.com/help/hub/manage-authentication-tokens.html
- Open some issue and click on the extension icon. Enjoy
- Ctrl-1, Ctrl-2... - open N-depth graph
- LMB on issue node: select issue & open preview
- RMB: context menu
- Ctrl-R - toggle "Hide Resolved" mode
- Ctrl-L - toggle "Hide Labels" mode
start typing: search(work in progress)
- left, right arrows: switch via related issues of the selected node
- Space: focus the selected node
- scroll to zoom