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A Telegram Bot API NodeJS Library to ease the use of it

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A Telegram Bot API NodeJS Library to ease the use of it

Creating your bot

Creating your bot is simple. First thing you need to do is open Telegram and head to @BotFather. To start off, create the bot with it’s name.


When prompted for the name, enter the desired name of the bot. Then you must give it a username ending with bot. At last, save your bot token and make sure you don’t share it. Each bot is given a unique authentication token [when it is created][8]. The token looks something like 123456:ABC-DEF1234ghIkl-zyx57W2v1u123ew11, but we’ll use simply <token> in this document instead. You can learn about obtaining tokens and generating new ones in [this document][9].

Installing library

This is a pretty simple step.

Yet, we're gonna need form-data and request

npm install request -save
npm install form-data -save
npm install -save

Move telefam to node_modules
Every Method has a callback(error, response)

Initializing your bot

Start off by setting up an Express NodeJS web server if you haven’t. Then initialize the Bot as follows. Remember the bot token you saved previously ? Well, we’ll be using that.

var Telefam = require('telefam');
var Fam = new Telefam('<token>');

Now, similar to the [Telegram Bot API], all methods are available. Also, inline mode is too. Moreover, every method’s parameters are available for use in JSON form. However, some would be included in options. We’ll go over what is included as we discuss every method and the options for each.


Well, the manual is pretty much almost accurate with the Telegram Web API. However there are some small changes in the way of entering stuff in. One of which is the options JSON Object for specific elements for specific methods.
Those exceptions are stated below with examples.

Options parameters are optional parameters but should be included under options when passing JSON Object.


Use this method to receive incoming updates using long polling (wiki). An Array of Update objects is returned.

Parameters Required
offset Options Optional
limit OptionsOptional
timeout Options Optional
allowed_updates Options Optional

1. This method will not work if an outgoing webhook is set up.
2. In order to avoid getting duplicate updates, recalculate offset after each server response.

The parameters would look something like this.

	options: {
		offset: 1,
		limit: 10,
		timeout: 5000
}, function (error, res) {
	if (error) throw error;
if (!res.ok) return console.log(res);
// treat res here. 


For polling, the bot would get updates in this manner ( from getUpdates.js )

var lastUpdateId = 0;
setInterval(function () {
		options: {
			offset: lastUpdateId++
	}, function (error, response) {
		if (error) throw error;
	if (response.result.length > 0)
		lastUpdateId = response.result[response.result.length - 1].update_id;

	for (var i = 0; i < response.result.length; i++) {
		// do stuff with the new updates here

}, 1000);


This object represents the contents of a file to be uploaded. Must be posted using multipart/form-data in the usual way that files are uploaded via the browser.

You can only upload local files and not remote ones.
One file at a time, sadly.

This is how uploading an input file looks like.

* path for local files
* url for online files (HTTP)
file_type: {
	path: "the/path/to/file.extension"
	url: ""

If the file_type isn't an object but a String; consequently, it searches for the file_id that's supposed to be in the bot files and sends it, instead of uploading it.

For an example, check sendPhoto.js


Parameters Required
chat_id Yes
text Yes
parse_mode Options Optional
disable_web_page_preview Options Optional
disable_notification Options Optional
reply_to_message_id Options Optional
reply_markup InlineKeyboardMarkup or ReplyKeyboardMarkup or ReplyKeyboardHide or ForceReply Options Optional Additional interface options. A JSON-serialized object for an inline keyboard, custom reply keyboard, instructions to hide reply keyboard or to force a reply from the user.

Formatting options

The parameters would look something like this.

	chat_id: 3489324, /* chat message being sent to */
	text: "More _Random_ Stuff from",
	options: {
		parse_mode: "Markdown",
		disable_notification: false,
		disable_web_page_preview: false,
		reply_to_message_id: 32, /* message that's being replied to */,
		reply_markup: {
			force_reply: true
}, function (error, res) {
	if (error) throw error;
if (!res.ok) return console.log(res);
// treat res here. 



Parameters Required
chat_id Yes
from_chat_id Yes
disable_notification Options Optional
message_id Yes

The parameters would look something like this.

	chat_id: 2348972, /* chat_id message being forwarded to */
	from_chat_id: 3289718, /* chat_id message being forwarded from */
	message_id: 134, /* id of message being forwarded */
	options: {
		disable_notifcation: true
}, function (error, res) {
	if (error) throw error;
if (!res.ok) return console.log(res);
// treat res here. 



Parameters Required
chat_id Yes
photo Yes
caption Optional
disable_notification Options Optional
reply_to_message_id Options Optional
reply_markup Options Optional

The parameters would look something like this.

	chat_id: 32428324,
	photo: "something.png",
	caption: "Photo of Something",
	options: {
		disable_notification: true,
		reply_to_message_id: 34,
		reply_markup: {
			force_reply: true
}, function (error, res) {
	if (error) throw error;
if (!res.ok) return console.log(res);
// treat res here. 



For sending voice messages, use the sendVoice method instead.

Parameters Required
chat_id Yes
audio Yes
caption Optional
title Optional
performer Optional
duration Optional
disable_notification Options Optional
reply_to_message_id Options Optional
reply_markup Options Optional

The parameters would look something like this.

	chat_id: 32428324,
	audio: "audio.mp3",
	title: "My heavenly voice",
	performer: "Typical Me",
	duration: 35800,
	options: {
		disable_notification: false,
		reply_to_message_id: 16,
		reply_markup: {
			force_reply: true
}, function (error, res) {
	if (error) throw error;
if (!res.ok) return console.log(res);
// treat res here. 



For sending video note messages, use the sendVideoNote method.

Parameters Required
chat_id Yes
video_note Yes
duration Optional
length Optional
disable_notification Options Optional
reply_to_message_id Options Optional
reply_markup Options Optional


Parameters Required
chat_id Yes
document Yes
caption Optional
disable_notification Options Optional
reply_to_message_id Options Optional
reply_markup Options Optional

The parameters would look something like this.

	chat_id: 32428324,
	document: "resume.pdf",
	caption: "My Resume",
	options: {
		disable_notification: true,
		reply_to_message_id: 34,
		reply_markup: {
			force_reply: true
}, function (error, res) {
	if (error) throw error;
if (!res.ok) return console.log(res);
// treat res here. 



Use this method to send .webp stickers. On success, the sent Message is returned.

Parameters Required
chat_id Yes
sticker Yes
disable_notification Options Optional
reply_to_message_id Options Optional
reply_markup Options Optional

To get existing sticker file_ids, send them to the bot, and check the getUpdates; consequently, file_id.

The parameters would look something like this.

	chat_id: 32428324,
	sticker: "", /* at this time i was still collecting some sticker file_ids */
	options: {
		disable_notification: true,
		reply_to_message_id: 34,
		reply_markup: {
			force_reply: true
}, function (error, res) {
	if (error) throw error;
if (!res.ok) return console.log(res);
// treat res here. 



Parameters Required
chat_id Yes
video Yes
duration Optional
width Optional
height Optional
caption Optional
disable_notification Options Optional
reply_to_message_id Options Optional
reply_markup Options Optional

The parameters would look something like this.

	chat_id: 32428324,
	video: "mytwerk.mp4",
	caption: "My Twerk",
	width: 800,
	height: 600,
	duration: 50000,
	options: {
		disable_notification: true,
		reply_to_message_id: 34,
		reply_markup: {
			force_reply: true
}, function (error, res) {
	if (error) throw error;
if (!res.ok) return console.log(res);
// treat res here. 



Parameters Required
chat_id Yes
voice Yes
caption Optional
duration Optional
disable_notification Options Optional
reply_to_message_id Options Optional
reply_markup Options Optional

The parameters would look something like the one for sendAudio.


Parameters Required
chat_id Yes
latitude Yes
longitude Yes
live_period Options Optional
disable_notification Options Optional
reply_to_message_id Options Optional
reply_markup Options Optional

The parameters would look something like this.

	chat_id: 32428324,
	latitude: 32,
	longitude: 150,
	options: {
		disable_notification: true,
		reply_to_message_id: 34,
		reply_markup: {
			force_reply: true
}, function (error, res) {
	if (error) throw error;
if (!res.ok) return console.log(res);
// treat res here. 



Parameters Required
chat_id Yes
latitude Yes
longitude Yes
title Yes
address Yes
foursquare_id Optional
disable_notification Options Optional
reply_to_message_id Options Optional
reply_markup Options Optional

The parameters would look something like this.

	chat_id: 32428324,
	latitude: 32,
	longitude: 150,
	title: "Hell",
	address: "Devil's Street, 52nd Avenue"
	foursquare_id: 2342,
	options: {
		disable_notification: true,
		reply_to_message_id: 34,
		reply_markup: {
			force_reply: true
}, function (error, res) {
	if (error) throw error;
if (!res.ok) return console.log(res);
// treat res here. 



Parameters Required
chat_id Yes
phone_number Yes
first_name Yes
last_name Optional
disable_notification Options Optional
reply_to_message_id Options Optional
reply_markup Options Optional

The parameters would look something like this.

	chat_id: @devilschannel,
	phone_number: "+96111111111,
	first_name: "Lucifer",
	options: {
		disable_notification: true,
		reply_to_message_id: 34,
		reply_markup: {
			force_reply: true
}, function (error, res) {
	if (error) throw error;
if (!res.ok) return console.log(res);
// treat res here. 



Parameters Required
chat_id Yes
action Yes

The parameters would look something like this.

	chat_id: @devilssupergroup,
	action: "typing"
}, function (error, res) {
	if (error) throw error;
if (!res.ok) return console.log(res);
// treat res here. 



Parameters Required
user_id Yes
offset Options Optional
limit Options Optional

The parameters would look something like this.

	user_id: 32428324,
	options: {
		offset: 10,
		limit: 10
}, function (error, res) {
	if (error) throw error;
if (!res.ok) return console.log(res);
// treat res here. 



Parameters Required
callback_query_id Yes
text Optional
show_alert Optional

The parameters would look something like this.

	callback_query_id: 1348134234232,
	text: "Received Query Fam",
	show_alert: false /* test out the false and true, they are nice to check out */
}, function (error, res) {
	if (error) throw error;
if (!res.ok) return console.log(res);
// treat res here. 



Use this method to edit captions of messages sent by the bot or via the bot (for inline bots). On success, if edited message is sent by the bot, the edited Message is returned, otherwise True is returned.

Parameters Required
chat_id Optional
message_id Optional
inline_message_id Optional
caption Optional
reply_markup Options Optional


Parameters Required
chat_id Yes
title Yes
description Yes
payload Yes
provider_token Yes
start_parameter Yes
currency Yes
prices Yes
photo_url Optional
photo_size Optional
photo_width Optional
photo_height Optional
need_name Optional
need_phone_number Optional
need_email Optional
need_shipping_address Optional
is_flexible Optional
disable_notification Options Optional
reply_to_message_id Options Optional
reply_markup Options Optional


Parameters Required
shipping_query_id Yes
ok Yes
shipping_options Optional
error_message Optional


Parameters Required
pre_checkout_query_id Yes
ok Yes
error_message Optional


A Telegram Bot API NodeJS Library to ease the use of it







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