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Compilable Functions
njpipeorgan edited this page Apr 13, 2020
62 revisions
- Set
- Module
- If
- Do
- For
- While
- Break
- Pause
- Scan
- Sum
- Product
- AddTo
- SubtractFrom
- TimesBy
- DivideBy
- Increment
- Decrement
- PreIncrement
- PreDecrement
- AppendTo
- PrependTo
- Function
- Slot
- SlotSequence
- Apply
- Map
- MapThread
- Select
- Count
- Nest
- NestList
- NestWhile
- NestWhileList
- Fold
- FoldList
- FixedPoint
- FixedPointList
- Identity
- Composition
- RightComposition
- AllTrue
- AnyTrue
- NoneTrue
- List
- Dimensions
- Length
- ArrayDepth
- VectorQ
- MatrixQ
- Table
- ConstantArray
- Range
- Part
- Span
- Append
- Prepend
- Insert
- Delete
- ReplacePart
- Join
- Reverse (partial)
- Partition (partial)
- ArrayReshape
- First
- Last
- Most
- Rest
- Transpose
- ConjugateTranspose
- Flatten
- Order
- Ordering
- OrderedQ
- Sort
- Union
- Complement
- RotateLeft (partial)
- RotateRight (partial)
- Position
- Cases
- DeleteCases
- FreeQ
- MemberQ
- Normal
- Plus
- Subtract
- Times
- Divide
- Total
- Mean
- GeometricMean
- Dot
- Inner
- Outer
- Tr
- IdentityMatrix
- Inverse
- MatrixPower (integral exponent only)
- PseudoInverse
- LinearSolve
- LeastSquares
- LUDecomposition
- CholeskyDecomposition
- SchurDecomposition
- SingularValueDecomposition
- Accumulate
- Differences
- Ratios
- Norm
- Normalize
- Variance
- StandardDeviation
- Standardize
- Median
- MeanDeviation
- Covariance
- Correlation
- SpearmanRho
- RankedMin
- RankedMax
- Quantile
- TakeSmallest
- TakeLargest
- Complex
- Re
- Im
- Arg
- Conjugate
- ReIm
- AbsArg
- N
- Abs
- Ramp
- Round
- Ceiling
- Floor
- IntegerPart
- FractionalPart
- Mod
- Quotient
- Sign
- Clip
- Chop
- Threshold
- Unitize
- UnitStep
- Greater
- Less
- Min
- Max
- Positive
- Negative
- NonPositive
- NonNegative
- GreaterEqual
- LessEqual
- Equal
- Unequal
- SameQ
- UnsameQ
- EvenQ
- OddQ
- Divisible
- Fibonacci
- LucasL
- Factorial
- Factorial2
- IntegerDigits (partial)
- Exp
- Log
- Log10
- Log2
- Power
- Sqrt
- LogisticSigmoid
- Sin
- Sinc
- Cos
- Tan
- Cot
- Sec
- Csc
- ArcSin
- ArcCos
- ArcTan
- ArcCot
- ArcSec
- ArcCsc
- Sinh
- Cosh
- Tanh
- Coth
- Sech
- Csch
- ArcSinh
- ArcCosh
- ArcTanh
- ArcCoth
- ArcSech
- ArcCsch
- Haversine
- InverseHaversine
- Gudermannian
- InverseGudermannian
- Gamma (partial)
- LogGamma (partial)
- Erf
- Erfc
- Beta (partial, not supported with Apple Clang)
- Zeta (partial, not supported with Apple Clang)
- Not
- And
- Or
- Xor
- Nand
- Nor
- Xnor
- Implies
- Boole
- BitNot
- BitAnd
- BitOr
- BitXor
- BitLength
- BitShiftLeft
- BitShiftRight
- RandomInteger
- RandomReal
- RandomComplex
- RandomChoice
- RandomSample
- RandomVariate
- UniformDistribution
- ChiSquareDistribution
- NormalDistribution
- LogNormalDistribution
- CauchyDistribution
- StudentTDistribution
- FRatioDistribution
- ExponentialDistribution
- PoissonDistribution
- BernoulliDistribution
- GammaDistribution (partial)
- WeibullDistribution
- ExtremeValueDistribution
- GeometricDistribution
- BinomialDistribution
- NegativeBinomialDistribution
- StringLength
- StringJoin
- StringTake
- StringMatchQ
- StringContainsQ
- StringFreeQ
- StringStartsQ
- StringEndsQ
- StringCases
- StringReplace
- StringCount
- StringSplit
- StringPosition
- StringRiffle
- Characters
- CharacterRange
- FromCharacterCode
- ToCharacterCode
- RegularExpression
- StringExpression
- Pattern
- Blank
- BlankSequence
- BlankNullSequence
- Alternatives
- Repeated
- RepeatedNull
- Except
- Longest
- Shortest
- RuleDelayed
- Condition
- PatternTest
- LetterQ (partial)
- DigitQ
- UpperCaseQ (partial)
- LowerCaseQ (partial)
- PrintableASCIIQ
- StringPattern`PatternConvert
- Echo
- EchoFunction
- OpenRead
- OpenWrite
- OpenAppend
- Close
- StreamPosition
- SetStreamPosition
- Read
- ReadLine
- ReadString
- ReadList
- Write
- WriteLine
- WriteString
- BinaryRead
- BinaryReadList
- BinaryWrite
- Import (binary data & numerical tables)
- Export (binary data & numerical tables)
- CompileToCode
- CompileToBinary
- Extern
- Null
- I
- All
- True
- False
- String
- Pi
- E
- Degree
- GoldenRatio
- GoldenAngle
- EulerGamma
- Catalan
- Glaisher
- Khinchin
- Whitespace
- NumberString
- WordCharacter
- LetterCharacter
- DigitCharacter
- HexadecimalCharacter
- WhitespaceCharacter
- PunctuationCharacter
- WordBoundary
- StartOfLine
- EndOfLine
- StartOfString
- EndOfString