This is a OOSDK port of flat's ps4_remote_pkg_installer, all credit goes to them and their amazing work!
A visual studio project has been included for building on Windows. On Linux, a makefile has been included.
To build this project, the developer will need clang, which is provided in the toolchain. The OO_PS4_TOOLCHAIN
environment variable will also need to be set to the root directory of the SDK installation.
Windows Open the Visual Studio project and build, or run the batch file from command prompt or powershell with the following command:
.\build.bat .\x64\Debug "RPI" "%OO_PS4_TOOLCHAIN%\\RPI"
Linux Run the makefile.
MacOS Run the makefile.
brew install llvm
sudo OO_PS4_TOOLCHAIN=/opt/OpenOrbis-PS4-Toolchain make
- The default port is 12801
- Some freeBSD net functions where giving issue with printing debug info out, so i swapped these to the sceNet* versions as they seemed to work.