This repository contains the consumer and shipper code driving data to the CrowdStrike Spotlight Humio Package
This client is powered by CrowdStrike's FalconPy SDK. For more information visit:
For information about the Spotlight API visit:
log_level = INFO #set to debug for troubleshooting
log_file = LogFiles/CrowdStrikeSpotlight2Humio
client_version = 2.0 #do not alter
proxy_used = False #set to True for proxy usage
proxies = {} #configure with proper python proxy syntax
limit = 490
filter = updated_timestamp:> #at least 1 filter must be set, updated_timestamp is the best timestamp to use
time_filter = '2021-10-11T00:00:12Z' #timestamp to start from, must be enclosed in single quotes
#keep in mind the retention policy for Humio when setting this as older data will not be retained
updated_timestamp = '2022-06-16T21:33:56Z' #timestamp populated by client for follow on queries, no not populate/modify
sort = updated_timestamp|asc #sorting logic, recommended this not be modified
client_id = #CrowdStrike ClientID for API access
client_secret = #CrowdStrike Secret for API access
base_url = #Base URL for CrowdStrike Falcon Instance, adjust for proper cloud
facets = cve, remediation, host_info, evaluation_logic #additional data collection with optional facets
timeout_conn = 30 #connection timeout
timeout_read = 300 #read timeout
hecurl = #standard Humio Cloud HEC URL, adjust as needed
humiohectoken = #Humio HEC token
content-type = application/json #HEC post header setting, do not modify
accept = application/json #HEC post header setting, do not modify
humiohecverify = True #HEC SSL verify setting, modified only if needed