Implementation of Google reCAPTCHA verify for nodeJS, written in TypeScript. No dependencies. This lib targets reCAPTCHA v3.
You need to register your website for Google reCAPTCHA to obtain a pair of keys first.
Google will give you a SITE KEY
is used on your website to
request a token. To verify the token with this lib, you must use the SECRET KEY
Install the npm package:
$ npm i --save node-grecaptcha-verify
import {ReCAPTCHA} from "node-grecaptcha-verify";
const reCaptcha = new ReCAPTCHA(reCaptchaSecret, parseFloat(process.env.RECAPTCHA_MIN_SCORE));
const verificationResult = await reCaptcha.verify(token);
if (true === verificationResult.isHuman) {
// requested by a human
} else {
// requested by a bot
If you want to know what Google answered (e.g. to check for errors or get the score):
// get the score
const score = verificationResult.score;
// get errors
const errors = verificationResult.errors;
By default, a score
lower than 0.5
is considered a bot. You can set your own threshold by
setting it in the constructor. You can also control if the action
should be respected and checked.
// set the minimum score for humans to 0.7 (defaults to 0.5)
const reCaptcha = new ReCAPTCHA(<YOUR SITE KEY>, 0.7);
// tell the lib to check if the action matches (the action you sent to reCAPTCHA in the frontend to obtain the token)
const reCaptcha = new ReCAPTCHA(<YOUR SITE KEY>, 0.7);
const isHuman = await reCaptcha.verify(<TOKEN>, <ACTION>);
MIT License