Character picker for rofi, dmenu.
Script will push selected character into the clipboard and will type it in active window.
rofi, bash, xsel, xdotool
- Clone repo somewhere.
- Symlink script into your $PATH.
- Bind it to a key in your wm or compositor.
By default, script concatenates all *.menu.txt files in its run directory.
You can select which menu you want or add your own menus by default renaming the script or choosing appropriate link name.
Symlink desired menus to your ~/bin/ or ~/.local/bin/ direcrories, or any other directory from your $PATH:
cd ~/bin/
ln -s ~/path/to/repo/
ln -s ~/path/to/repo/
Symlink name will be used to figure out which menu you do want.
Then bind desired calls to keys in your wm, compositor or keyboard manager.
Emoji fonts, such as Noto Emoji, are highly recommended for proper menu rendering.