The NOAA Fisheries Integrated Toolbox GitHub Organization
In this organization you can find repositories associated with tools in the NOAA Fisheries Integrated Toolbox (FIT).
Software is a critical component of the work that NOAA Fisheries scientists do. Many scientists use and develop software for their own work tasks. However, most code is never seen except by the primary author or work group, even though the software could be applicable to other groups within NOAA Fisheries.
The NOAA Fisheries Integrated Toolbox (NOAA FIT) aims to promote sharing of software solutions within the agency to reduce duplication. The NOAA FIT is a curated, web-based portal of software tools used by NOAA Fisheries scientists. These tools support open science workflows for NOAA Fisheries research and operations. The NOAA FIT also includes resources to empower NOAA Fisheries scientists and developers to create reliable and sharable software.
The NOAA FIT is maintained by the National Stock Assessment Program in the NOAA Fisheries Office of Science and Technology. Contact the toolbox team for more information on tool development and usage.
Repositories for pages of the GitHub hosted FIT website can be found in the Fisheries Integrated Toolbox Organization.
If you have questions or comments please contact the FIT team.
The status of each repository in this organization can be found here.