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[ECCV 2024] Towards Reliable Evaluation and Fast Training of Robust Semantic Segmentation Models

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Towards Reliable Evaluation and Fast Training of Robust Semantic Segmentation Models

Francesco Croce*, Naman D Singh*, and Matthias Hein

ECCV 2024



Adversarial robustness has been studied extensively in image classification, especially for the Linf-threat model, but significantly less so for related tasks such as object detection and semantic segmentation, where attacks turn out to be a much harder optimization problem than for image classification. We propose several problem-specific novel attacks minimizing different metrics in accuracy and mIoU. The ensemble of our attacks, SEA, shows that existing attacks severely overestimate the robustness of semantic segmentation models. Surprisingly, existing attempts of adversarial training for semantic segmentation models turn out to be weak or even completely non-robust. We investigate why previous adaptations of adversarial training to semantic segmentation failed and show how recently proposed robust ImageNet backbones can be used to obtain adversarially robust semantic segmentation models with up to six times less training time for PASCAL-VOC and the more challenging ADE20K.

Robust Semantic Segmentation models

Models trained via the PIR-AT scheme. mIoU is reported for clean evaluation and with SEA evaluation (Adv.) at two perturbation strengths.

Model name Dataset Clean Adv.(4/255) Adv.(8/255) Checkpoint
UperNet-ConvNext-T_CVST PASCAL-VOC 75.2% 64.9% 34.6% Link
UperNet-ConvNext-S_CVST PASCAL-VOC 76.6% 66.0% 36.4% Link
UperNet-ConvNext-T_CVST ADE20K 31.7% 17.2% 4.90% Link
UperNet-ConvNext-S_CVST ADE20K 32.1% 17.9% 5.40% Link
Segmenter-ViT-S ADE20K 28.7% 14.9% 5.30% Link

Note: the models are trained including the background class for both VOC and ADE20K.

Robust pre-trained backbone models were taken from Revisiting-AT repository.

For UperNet we always use the ConvNext backbone with Convolution Stem (CvSt).

Segmentation Ensemble Attack (SEA)

SEA containes three complementary attacks

  • Mask-Cross-Entropy-Balanced (Mask-ce-bal)

  • Mask-Cross-Entropy (Mask-ce)

  • Jenson-Shannon Divergence (JS-Avg)

The attacks are run sequentially and then:

  1. For aACC, image-wise worst case over the attacks is taken.

  2. For mIoU, the worst case is computed by updating the running-mIoU image/attack-wise.

To run SEA evaluation

Run with the models config (.yaml) file from configs folder.

This computes the worst-case mIoU and aACC after SEA attack for the particular dataset and model passed as arguments within the .yaml file.

Note: All dataset locations, modelNames, pretrained-model checkpoint paths are set in respective config-file.

All required packages can be found in requirements.txt

PIR-AT Training

SLURM type setup in, run with location of config-file and num_of_gpu as arguments.

For non-SLURM multi-GPU setup run with location of config-file and num_of_gpu as arguments.

  • For UperNet with ConvNext backbone for ADE20K

    • Adversarial-training: config-file: ade20k_convnext.yaml set BACKBONE in MODEL to CONVNEXT-S_CVST and CONVNEXT-T_CVST for Small and Tiny models respectively.
  • For UperNet with ConvNext backbone for PASCALVOC

    • Adversarial-training: config-file: pascalvoc_convnext.yaml set BACKBONE in MODEL to CONVNEXT-S_CVST and CONVNEXT-T_CVST for Small and Tiny models respectively.
  • For SegMenter with Vit-S backbone for ADE20K dataset

For clean-training: set ADVERSARIAL to FALSE in respective config-file.


If you use our code/models consider citing us with the following BibTex entry:

 title={Towards Reliable Evaluation and Fast Training of Robust Semantic Segmentation Models}, 
 author={Francesco Croce and Naman D Singh and Matthias Hein},

The code in this repository is partially based on the following publically available codebases.



[ECCV 2024] Towards Reliable Evaluation and Fast Training of Robust Semantic Segmentation Models







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