I am Sam from Berlin, I code for a living and I live to code. I really enjoy low level languages like C and I mostly code in Rust. You can checkout my LinkedIn profile at my LinkedIn
- 🔭 I’m currently working on creating a compression algoritm known as Douglas-reumer-reucker algorithm for Bosch
- 🤔 I’m looking for help with finding an fulltime RUST role in tech that challenges me and makes me create an impact
- 💬 Ask me about how RUST works! It's a relatively new language but it has already gained the status of one of the most respected in the tech world
- 📫 How to reach me: my LinkedIn or samuelnocita@gmail.com
- ⚡ Fun fact: Computer languages are not the only languages I find fascinating, human languages were my first passion and I speak a few like Italian, Spanish, French and soon I hope to master German
Project | Circle | Description | Score | Language |
🤩WEBSERVER🤩 | -(4)- | C++ Programming | 100/100 | C++ |
🤖CPP_MODULES🤖 | -(4)- | C++ Programming | 100/100 | C++ |
🐚 MINISHELL🐚 | -(3)- | Creation of Bash shell functionalities | 100/100 | C |
🤔 PHILOSOPHERS🤔 | -(3)- | Multithreading program about resource management | 100/100 | C |
🎮 CUB3D🎮 | -(3)- | 3D game with raycasting | 100/100 | C |
🦄 PIPEX🦄 | -(2)- | UNIX redirections and pipes | 115/100 | C |
🧮 PUSHSWAP🧮 | -(2)- | Sorting algorythm | 100/100 | C |
🖼️ FRACTOL🖼️ | -(2)- | 2D creation of fractols, using minilibx | 101/100 | C |
🤓 BORN2BEROOT🤓 | -(1)- | Virtual machine | 110/100 | |
♻️ GETNEXTLINE♻️ | -(1)- | Reading from a file descriptor | 125/100 | C |
🖨️ FTPRINTF🖨️ | -(1)- | Recreation of printf function | 100/100 | C |
📖 LIBFT📖 | -(0)- | First Library | 100/100 | C |
🌕 Bash, Linux, Docker 🌔 C, C++, RUST 🌓 React 🌒 HTML, CSS, JavaScript 🌑 Procreate, Figma, Canva
BOSCH - Rust Software Engineer - Berlin, Germany KUKSA.val, Fleet Management, Douglas-Reumer-Pucker Algo...
42Wolfsburg - Minishell - Berlin, Germany Cooperated in team of developers with the goal of programming a shell program executing commands in C.
EFFERUS FORLAG - FULL STACK DEVELOPER - OSLO, NORWAY Led the development and overhauling of entire permaculture website with half a million visits per year leveraging HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Netlify, Git, etc. and database handling.
Hobby Jobby - Front End Design and Developer - EINDHOVEN, NETHERLANDS Designed and led the implementation of online marketplace of small jobs using HTML, CSS, JavaScript and WordPress alongside Hive extension.
Lab5 - Software Engineer Intern (Business Development focus) - VENICE, Italy Improved UX design of Customer Journey, tested quality of code and intense debug and reformatting of code base.