organic-stem-skeleton v3 based docker related utilities.
- image building
- compose management
- image publishing
cd cells/myCell
npm i angelscripts-stem-docker --save-dev
Build an image of the cell and tag it with ${}-${packagejson.version}
$ cd cells/myCell
$ edit ./Dockerfile
$ npx angel docker-build
command accepts Dockerfiles as templates and replaces everything within #deps>
& #<deps
markers with cell's package dependencies.
Here is example file:
# Dockerfile context is repo's root
# Dockerfile is a template
# usage
# $ cd cells/cell89 && npx angel docker build ./docker/Dockerfile
FROM node:16-alpine as base
RUN apk update && apk upgrade
RUN apk add --no-cache bash git openssh
ARG mode='production'
ARG cellName='cell89'
ARG cellRoot='cells/cell89'
# cell package dependencies will be inserted here as
# COPY ./packages/package/ /repo/packages/package/
# RUN cd /packages/package/ && npm install --$mode
COPY ./dna/ ./repo/dna/
COPY ./$cellRoot/ /repo/$cellRoot/
RUN cd /repo/$cellRoot/ && npm install --$mode
WORKDIR /repo/$cellRoot/
CMD node index.js
command uses docker-compose.yaml
from cell's DNA so that all DNA related features are supported and the file can be used as a template. The command prefills image, ports & volumes using cell's DNA as well as dependent packages.
$ cd cells/myCell
$ edit ./dna/docker-compose.yaml
$ npx angel docker-compose up
$ npx angel docker-compose down
# the compose file is applied with repo's root as context
# usage:
# $ cd cells/myCell && npx angel docker-compose
version: "3.4"
# if not set
# image:
# auto populated as node alpine
# ports:
# auto populated using cellDNA.port in _development mode if present
# volumes:
# auto populated with repo/dna, repo/cell, repo cell's packages
working_dir: "/repo/@{cells.myCell.cwd}"
NODE_ENV: development
CELL_MODE: _development
command: npm run dev
route: '/myCell'
command is a shorthand to build, tag and publish the Dockerfile. It uses cell's dna docker-registry
property in order to publish at remote container registry.
$ cd cells/myCell
$ npx angel docker-publish