This is a client for springcloud-config-server written by node.
npm install nodecloud-config-client --save
import Client, {CONFIG_REFRESH_EVENT, ERROR_EVENT} from 'nodecloud-config-client';
import path from 'path';
const client = new Client({
remote: {
url: 'http://localhost:8888/:service/:env',
service: 'service',
interval: 60000,
watch: false
local: {
path: path.resolve(__dirname),
service: 'service',
ext: 'yml'
client.on(CONFIG_REFRESH_EVENT, config => {
client.on("web.port", port => {
console.log('The port is ' + port);
client.on(ERROR_EVENT, err => {
@param options
@param options.remote.url (params: {service, env})
@param options.remote.client Custom http client. It's an object implement send method with promisify.
@param options.remote.service The name of the service.
@param options.remote.interval How long to refresh the configuration, default is one minute.(millisecond)
@param options.local.path The position of the local config file.
@param options.local.service The name of the service.
@param options.local.ext The file type of the configuration, supports js or yml.
- Your configuration path
import rp from 'request-promise';
const options = {
remote: {
client: {
send(request) {
//compile uri params.
request.url = uriParams(request.url, request.params);
//force setting the config.
request.simple = true;
request.json = true;
request.resolveWithFullResponse = false;
return rp(request);