NB! Mailcast is still a work in progress. It can be used for sending out newsletters but a lot of required functionality is still missing (ie. open/click tracking and archives).
Mailcast is a mailing list management software, batteries included. Install in on your server and start using it, that's it.
Mailcast is for simpler newsletters sent from your own infrastructure. If you want to send an occasional newsletter to your followers then Mailcast is for you. If you want to send out triggered campaigns or perform A/B testing or use an external delivery service like SES, then look somewhere else (Mailtrain might be a good fit).
Sending emails from your own servers might seem daunting at first, so Mailcast tries to make everything as easy to manage as possible. Mailcast is able to send through multiple local IP addresses, it can detect IP blacklisting and sign all messages with DKIM as it uses ZoneMTA as the underlying MTA component.
- List management
- Customizable subscription forms
- Multi tenant, let your family or friends manage their own lists
- Built-in MTA, no need to use a separate SMTP service
- One-click upgrade from web interface
- Nodejs v8+
- Redis
- MongoDB
- Unblocked port 25 (some hosting providers block or limit usage of port 25 to prevent spam)
Mailtrain can be configured to run on Ubuntu 16.04/18.04 using the included install script. Run it as root in an emtpy VPS (empty meaning that you do not have anything using SMTP or HTTP ports).
Installation sets up config folder to /etc/mailcast
and a systemd service called mailcast
$ wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nodemailer/mailcast/master/setup/install.sh
$ chmod +x install.sh
$ sudo ./install.sh
Make all config changes to config/development.toml (not checked in to git, local only) using the same syntax as in default.toml. You only need to provide the values that you want tot override:
proxy=1 # only sets www.proxy value and keeps everything else as defined in default.toml
$ npm install
$ npm start
If app was started, then head your browser to
Templates use pug/jade syntax and are located in /views. Template files must use *.pug extension.
CSS is bundled with Grunt from scss files, main file being index.scss. Load additional styles from that file. The output is compiled into /css/styles.css (public/css folder is not checked into git, if the folder does not exist then it is created by the grunt task on cimpile time)
Front end JavaScript is bundled with Webpack using Babel, main file being index.js. Load additional scripts from that file.
To build js/css bundle run the build script
npm run build
This bundles all referenced css/js files into a single bundle.js file
Document root for static files is in /public
EUPL-1.1+ (1.1, 1.2 or later)