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Restaurant Management App

A comprehensive Restaurant Management System built using Flutter and Firebase, designed to streamline the operations of a restaurant, including managing orders, reservations, inventory, and customer interactions.


  • Order Management: Create, update, and track orders efficiently.
  • Reservation System: Manage table reservations with ease.
  • Inventory Management: Keep track of stock levels and manage supplies.
  • Customer Management: Maintain customer profiles and interaction history.
  • Analytics Dashboard: Visualize key metrics and performance indicators.
  • Multi-Platform: Available on both Android and iOS platforms.

Technologies Used

  • Flutter: The UI toolkit for building natively compiled applications for mobile from a single codebase.
  • Firebase:
    • Cloud Firestore: Store and sync app data in real-time.
    • Firebase Storage: Store user-generated content such as images.
    • Firebase Analytics: Track user behavior and app usage.

Folder Structure

│   firebase_options.dart
│   main.dart
│       menu_item.dart
│       route.dart
│       firestore_services.dart
│       customer_model.dart
│       food_menu_model.dart
│       order_placement_model.dart
│       role_model.dart
│       table_model.dart
│       user_model.dart
│       footer_routes.dart
│       routes.dart
│       sidebar_routes.dart
│   │   Home.dart
│   │   LoadingPage.dart
│   │   Login.dart
│   │   Logout.dart
│   │   Register.dart
│   │
│   ├───Manager
│   │       emp_register.dart
│   │       emp_work.dart
│   │       food.dart
│   │       manager.dart
│   │       stats.dart
│   │
│   └───Waiter
│           bill.dart
│           order_manage.dart
│           table_manage.dart
│           waiter.dart
│       SharedPref_Helper.dart