This repository provides Polymer Web Components for running NoFlo flow-based programs on HTML pages.
To use the Polymer NoFlo components, you need to include Polymer and NoFlo on your page. The easiest way to do this is to utilize the combined build:
<script src="./browser/polymer-noflo.js"></script>
Once the script is loaded, you can enable Web Components with:
Now the NoFlo components (and other web components) can be used anywhere on the page!
The noflo-graph tag supports loading and launching NoFlo graphs loaded from external JSON definition files.
Make the component available on your pages with:
<link rel="import" href="noflo-graph.html">
Then you can use it as a HTML tag:
<noflo-graph src="touch-demo.json" root="/bergie-noflo"></noflo-graph>
- src provides the URL from where the graph JSON file will be loaded via AJAX
- root provides the root library from which NoFlo will start loading components
Additionally, inports of the graph will be available as attributes. For example, to send an IIP to the IN port of the ReadFile node, set the value as attribute readfile-in.
The noflo-fbp tag support running NoFlo graphs from inline FBP language syntax.
Make the component available on your pages with:
<link rel="import" href="noflo-fbp.html">
The you can use it as a HTML tag:
<noflo-fbp root="/bergie-noflo">
'Hello, world!' -> IN Display(Output)
- root provides the root library from which NoFlo will start loading components
You need a checkout of this repository, and the Grunt command-line runner. Grab it with:
$ npm install -g grunt-cli
You also need the NPM build dependencies of this library. Get them with:
$ npm install
Then you're ready build polymer-noflo with:
$ grunt build
The resulting JavaScript library will be placed in the browser directory under the repository.