Install virtual evnivorment and activate it.
python -m venv .venv
Next go to daily_planner folder and install django from requirements.txt.
cd daily_planner
pip install -r requirements.txt
Run server.
python migrate
python runserver
Go to fontend folder, install npm and start Daily Planner!
cd frontend
npm install
npm start
The goal of our project is to solve the following problem that we have a lot of tasks during the day, often new ones appear, which may lead to impaired performance of the current tasks or forgetting about them. Many tasks may move to the next day, change priorities or times task instances. Our application is designed to support this process, controlling tasks to be completed by introducing prioritization, easy postponement to the next day, and the ability to see the statistics.
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Daily planner online You can see our work without downloading and installing everything :)