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No labels!

There aren’t any labels for this repository quite yet.

🤖 Automatic
🤖 Automatic
Items marked with this label were generated automatically by our helper bots.
🐛 Bug
🐛 Bug
Items marked with this label indicate unintended program behaviour that needs a fix.
✨ Enhancement
✨ Enhancement
Items marked with this label indicate further enhancements on existing program features.
👀 Evaluation
👀 Evaluation
Items marked with this label are currently being evaluated if they're going to be considered or not.
🛠️ Need Work
🛠️ Need Work
Items marked with this label require further work before they can be considered or implemented.
🌟 New Feature
🌟 New Feature
Items marked with this label indicate the addition of new capabilities to the program.
⛔ On hold
⛔ On hold
Issues marked with this label are blocked from being worked on, very often due to third-parties.
👎 Won't do
👎 Won't do
Items marked with this label are not going to be implemented into the program.