The project will simulate a simple computer system consisting of a CPU and Memory. The CPU and Memory will be simulated by separate processes that communicate. Memory will contain one program that the CPU will execute and then the simulation will end.
Compile files: javac *.java
Run class files: java CPU "sample program" "timer interrupt value" example: java CPU sample1.txt 30
Instruction set
1 = Load value Load the value into the AC
2 = Load addr Load the value at the address into the AC
3 = LoadInd addr Load the value from the address found in the given address into the AC
(for example, if LoadInd 500, and 500 contains 100, then load from 100).
4 = LoadIdxX addr Load the value at (address+X) into the AC
(for example, if LoadIdxX 500, and X contains 10, then load from 510).
5 = LoadIdxY addr Load the value at (address+Y) into the AC
6 = LoadSpX Load from (Sp+X) into the AC (if SP is 990, and X is 1, load from 991).
7 = Store addr Store the value in the AC into the address
8 = Get Gets a random int from 1 to 100 into the AC
9 = Put port If port=1, writes AC as an int to the screen
If port=2, writes AC as a char to the screen
10 = AddX Add the value in X to the AC 11 = AddY Add the value in Y to the AC 12 = SubX Subtract the value in X from the AC 13 = SubY Subtract the value in Y from the AC 14 = CopyToX Copy the value in the AC to X 15 = CopyFromX Copy the value in X to the AC 16 = CopyToY Copy the value in the AC to Y 17 = CopyFromY Copy the value in Y to the AC 18 = CopyToSp Copy the value in AC to the SP 19 = CopyFromSp Copy the value in SP to the AC 20 = Jump addr Jump to the address 21 = JumpIfEqual addr Jump to the address only if the value in the AC is zero 22 = JumpIfNotEqual addr Jump to the address only if the value in the AC is not zero 23 = Call addr Push return address onto stack, jump to the address 24 = Ret Pop return address from the stack, jump to the address 25 = IncX Increment the value in X 26 = DecX Decrement the value in X 27 = Push Push AC onto stack 28 = Pop Pop from stack into AC 29 = Int Perform system call 30 = IRet Return from system call 50 = End End execution