Vision allows any user, whether it's your development team, to visually look at the server in production mode. Be aware of all errors, server response time, CPU and RAM load. Look at the Vision!
Vision Version | Release Date | Notes |
1.0.0 | 2025-02-16 | tag v1.0.0 |
Configuring GO for server monitoring
- Initial configuration
- Models
- Methods of obtaining monitoring
- Statistics
- Linking monitoring to an endpoint
Below are the basic functions to get the basic monitoring components for your server, select the necessary ones and use them
go get
package main
import ""
type Handler struct {
monitor *vision.Vision
// The NewHandler function is a constructor for creating
// a new instance of the Vision structure.
// It initializes the stats field with default values,
// including creating an empty LastErrors
// slice to store the latest errors.
func NewHandler(monitor *vision.Vision) *Handler {
return &Handler{
monitor: monitor,
- A model for monitoring the application:
type MonitoringStats struct {
RequestCount int64
ErrorCount int64
TotalLatency time.Duration
DBQueryCount int64
DBErrorCount int64
DBTotalLatency time.Duration
LastErrors []ErrorLog
- The Server error model
type ErrorLog struct {
Timestamp time.Time `json:"timestamp"`
Method string `json:"method"`
Path string `json:"path"`
Error string `json:"error"`
- A model for the vision monitoring response
type MonitoringResponse struct {
Requests struct {
Total int64 `json:"request_count"`
Errors int64 `json:"request_error_count"`
SuccessRate float64 `json:"request_success_count"`
AvgLatencyMs float64 `json:"request_avg_latency_ms"`
} `json:"requests"`
Database struct {
TotalQueries int64 `json:"database_queries"`
Errors int64 `json:"database_error"`
AvgLatencyMs float64 `json:"database_avg_latency_ms"`
} `json:"database"`
System struct {
CPUUsage float64 `json:"cpu_usage"`
MemoryUsage float64 `json:"memory_usage"`
NetworkRecv float64 `json:"network_recv"`
} `json:"system"`
LastErrors []ErrorLog `json:"last_errors,omitempty"`
The VisionRequest function takes the duration of the request and updates the statistics of requests to the server. It increases the counter of the total number of requests (RequestCount) and adds the transmitted duration to the total delay time of all requests (TotalLatency), ensuring that these values are securely updated using a mutex lock (Lock/Unlock) to avoid conflicts when accessing statistics from different execution threads.
func (v *Vision) VisionRequest(duration time.Duration) {
defer v.stats.Unlock()
v.stats.TotalLatency += duration
The VisionError function accepts an err error object and performs the following actions: locks the mutex for secure access to the fields of the stats structure, increments the error count counter, creates an error log containing the current time (Timestamp) and error message (Error), checks the length of the array of recent errors (LastErrors) and, if it contains more than 10 elements, it deletes the oldest element, and then adds a new error to the array.
func (v *Vision) VisionError(err error) {
defer v.stats.Unlock()
err_log := ErrorLog{
Timestamp: time.Now(),
Error: err.Error(),
// Limit the number of recent errors to 10
if len(v.stats.LastErrors) >= 10 {
v.stats.LastErrors = v.stats.LastErrors[1:]
v.stats.LastErrors = append(v.stats.LastErrors, err_log)
The VisionDBQuery function takes the duration of a database query and updates the corresponding statistics by incrementing the database query counter (DBQueryCount) and adding the transmitted duration to the total amount of database query delays (DBTotalLatency)
func (v *Vision) VisionDBQuery(duration time.Duration) {
defer v.stats.Unlock()
v.stats.DBTotalLatency += duration
The VisionDBError function increments the database error counter (DBErrorCount) when an error occurs.
func (v *Vision) VisionDBError() {
defer v.stats.Unlock()
The getCPUUsage function tries to get the percentage of CPU usage for the last second.
func getCPUUsage() (float64, error) {
cpuUsage, err := cpu.Percent(time.Second, false)
if err != nil {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("failed to get CPU usage: %w", err)
if len(cpuUsage) > 0 {
return cpuUsage[0], nil
return 0, fmt.Errorf("no CPU usage data available")
The getMemoryUsage function gets information about virtual memory usage.
func getMemoryUsage() (float64, error) {
memoryUsage, err := mem.VirtualMemory()
if err != nil {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("failed to get memory usage: %w", err)
return memoryUsage.UsedPercent, nil
The getNetworkStats function collects network interface statistics. If the network data cannot be retrieved, an error is returned. If the interface is found, the amount of data received in megabytes is calculated and the result is returned.
func getNetworkStats() (float64, error) {
netStats, err := net.IOCounters(false)
if err != nil {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("failed to get network stats: %w", err)
if len(netStats) > 0 {
bytesPerSec := float64(netStats[0].BytesRecv) / time.Since(netStats[0].TimeStamp).Seconds()
usagePercentage := bytesPerSec / float64(maxBandwidth) * 100
return usagePercentage, nil
return 0, fmt.Errorf("no network interface found")
The GetVisionStats function collects all the data into one structure and outputs it as a JSON structure.
func (v *Vision) GetVisionStats() MonitoringResponse {
defer v.stats.Unlock()
// Get system metrics
cpuUsage, err := getCPUUsage()
if err != nil {
log.Printf("Error getting CPU usage: %v", err)
cpuUsage = 0 // Set a default value or handle the error as needed
memoryUsage, err := getMemoryUsage()
if err != nil {
log.Printf("Error getting memory usage: %v", err)
memoryUsage = 0 // Set a default value or handle the error as needed
networkRecv, err := getNetworkStats()
if err != nil {
networkRecv = 0 // Set default
return MonitoringResponse{
Requests: struct {
Total int64 `json:"request_count"`
Errors int64 `json:"request_error_count"`
SuccessRate float64 `json:"request_success_count"`
AvgLatencyMs float64 `json:"request_avg_latency_ms"`
Total: v.stats.RequestCount,
Errors: v.stats.ErrorCount,
SuccessRate: func(stats *MonitoringStats) float64 {
if stats.RequestCount == 0 {
return 0
successCount := stats.RequestCount - stats.ErrorCount
successRate := float64(successCount) / float64(stats.RequestCount) * 100
return math.Round(successRate*100) / 100
AvgLatencyMs: func(stats *MonitoringStats) float64 {
if stats.RequestCount == 0 {
return 0
avgLatency := float64(stats.TotalLatency.Milliseconds()) / float64(stats.RequestCount)
return math.Round(avgLatency*100) / 100
Database: struct {
TotalQueries int64 `json:"database_queries"`
Errors int64 `json:"database_error"`
AvgLatencyMs float64 `json:"database_avg_latency_ms"`
TotalQueries: v.stats.DBQueryCount,
Errors: v.stats.DBErrorCount,
AvgLatencyMs: float64(v.stats.DBTotalLatency.Milliseconds()) / float64(v.stats.DBQueryCount),
System: struct {
CPUUsage float64 `json:"cpu_usage"`
MemoryUsage float64 `json:"memory_usage"`
NetworkRecv float64 `json:"network_recv"`
CPUUsage: cpuUsage,
MemoryUsage: memoryUsage,
NetworkRecv: networkRecv,
LastErrors: v.stats.LastErrors,
package api
import ""
func (s *APIServer) Run() error {
router := mux.NewRouter()
router.PathPrefix("/docs/").Handler(http.StripPrefix("/docs/", http.FileServer(http.Dir("./docs/"))))
// Vision monitoring
monitoring := vision.NewVision()
router.HandleFunc("/admin/vision", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
http.ServeFile(w, r, "./docs/vision/index.html")
This one index.html it may be an outdated version, see the current version index.html -> dev-helpers
<!-- HTML for dev server -->
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8" />
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
content="Keep up to date with what is happening on your server using - Vision"
<!-- Stylization and actions -->
<title>Look at the Vision!</title>
<!-- Defining a meta tag for the monitoring URL -->
<!-- Thanks to this meta tag, Vision will take server monitoring -->
This HTML file is a template.
Vision allows any user, whether it's your development team,
to visually look at the server in production mode.
Be aware of all errors, server response time, CPU and RAM load.
Look at the Vision!
<div id="vision"></div>
Additional documentation on using Vision UI -> Look at the Vision!